Cleaner for Stainless Steel Sink?
Barkeepers Friend is cheap and works great. Also works great on stainless pots and pans and glass stove tops!
Keeping Bugs and Flies Away from a Picnic?
If possible, setup a fan on low. It will keep flies and mosquitoes away very well!
Cleaning Slippery Bathtub Mat?
If it is soap scum, then a vinegar solution and some scrubbing should do it. If it is the start of some mildew, then a 10% bleach solution (and some scrubbing) should do it.
Removing Food Grease on Automobile Carpet?
The grease probably went through the carpet and onto the floorboard. You will probably need a big bucket of hot, soapy water and a wet/dry vac. Take a cup and pour the hot soapy water on the area and suck it up. Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, and again until...
Outlet Not Working Breaker Not Tripped?
Could be a bad breaker, could be that your bedroom outlets are tied into a GFCI circuit. Check the bathroom GFCI outlets for a reset button, could even be on a different floor of your house. BTW, if that is on a GFCI outlet then I guess it is okay to run your...
Cleaning Lace Blinds?
I am pretty sure I saw the oxyclean guy dip them in a tub of oxclean solution. However, I would be careful leaving them in too long and making sure to rinse thoroughly as it can bleach out colors given a strong enough solution and enough time.
Rinse Hair Before Swimming
This is an urban legend. Chlorine does not turn hair green. Copper, however, does! Pools which have a high level of copper will turn blonde hair green. Copper is a common ingredient in many algecides, but can be avoided by maintaining the correct level of chlorine...
Swimming in a Pool Turned My Hair Green?
While I do not doubt many of the remedies, it is not chlorine that turns hair green, but copper in the water (from different algecides and other sources). The way to get it out is to apply a mild acid (such as lemon juice or tomato) and rinse, rinse, rinse...