Looking For No Sew Blanket Patterns?
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has posted to my request. to purpenut43, no they did not give me any instructions, could you tell me yours just in case I might need to do that. The lady that I am talking to about making these recently lost her little son to...
Looking For Black Roses?
Bella There is a seed magazine called Gurneys that has seeds, bulbs, and plants of all kinds, I think that I have seen black roses in there. You can probably find them online. Good Luck Shannon in NC
Is it a Rat or a Squirrel - What do I do?
Is it possible that you could have a wharf rat? I think you might need the exterminators to come in for this one. Locally we have terminix and they dont charge a whole lot to come out for a one time visit. And they will do a quick look for you and tell you...
Beef Jerky Recipes?
I found a Beef Jerky recipe on http://www.foodnetwork.com by Emerial that is very good.
Blueberry Yum Yum?
Thank you Lorraine that is exactly it and if you use sugar substitute and the berries in Light syrup a diebetic person can eat this wonderful treat. THANK YOU! Shan
Need Help with Gift Ideas?
Have you tried advertising that you would babysit in your local paper? Or asking your mom if you could take on a few extra chores for a few extra bucks? Or even if you have a Grandparent that lives close maybe you could clean and do things around there house...
Car Grease on Cashmere Scarf?
I recently started using these great products, they are wonderful at getting stains out. I know that it will bring car grease out because I work at a used car dealership and I am forever more getting nasty stains. This product is by Melaleuca and is called...
Unique Gift Ideas For Grandkids?
Open a savings account for them. You could give them a small box of candy or a small gift certificate to there favorite place but a savings account you can put money in for any occassion, then they can use it for school, there first car, maybe even there wedding...