Spaghetti Sauce Is Too Salty?
If you want to remove some of the salt from your spaghetti sauce, put it on the stove and reheat it while adding a whole potato to it. Let this cook for awhile (Id say at least 10-15 minutes). Remove and discard the potato. Your sauce should be free of much...
Recipe For Bread Pudding With Hard Sauce?
The best bread pudding I have ever tasted is in the Betty Crocker Cookbook. If you dont happen to have this book, you might find it in your local library. Enjoy!
Bring a Spool of Thread When Shopping
Ive also cut out a sample from the comics, since they are in a vast array of color. You can put all the samples in a little baggie and keep them stored in your purse for future use.
Princess Daisie (Tabby Cat)
I am in a nursing home where we have a resident cat named Bonnie. She is pure white and a real sweetheart. She loves to sleep on my bed for hours at a time. Bonnie loves to have her ears scratched and she enjoys being petted. She has brought many happy hours...
Fixing Flaws in Garments
One other one I might mention to you that if you are wearing white shoes and they become scuffed, get some White-out that is used for typing errors and put it on the scuff marks. Should cover them nicely.
Cheap Birthday Party Locations for Adults?
If the weather permits, have you ever thought of an outdoor park? There is usually running water nearby and the proverbial outhouses. Wont have much in the way of clean-up.
Getting Rid of Yellowjackets?
Boil a large pot of water and pour it down the hole where you have yellowjackets. That ought to do it.
My Perfume Bottle Stopped Spraying?
Try running some hot water over the nozzle of the spray area. Worked for me. Hope this helps.
Mosquitos and Flies in My Apartment?
If you have windows that are too small to find screens for, purchase some mesh screening to fit your windows and use tacks to attach to the framing. Allow enough surrounding material to fasten it to the framing.
Losing Weight With a Treadmill?
Take your measurements before you start exercising on the treadmill. That way you can see if you are starting to firm up.
Repairing Seat Cushions With Ripped In Them?
If you have ever darned socks with holes in them, fixing the tears in your couch cushions is done the same way. You will need a longer needle threaded with double thread to match your cushions. Start weaving the thread back and forth until the holes are covered...
Comodes With Artificial Flowers?
Wheres your sense of humor? I wouldnt have it in my yard, but I think its hilarious in someone elses.
Sleeveless Jerkin/Waistcoat Pattern?
If you have a pattern for a blouse you can make a jerkin from it. Leave the collar and the sleeves off and stitch the bottom straight across. The armhole area can be faced with bias tape. For the pockets, just cut squares of material, turn the edges in about...
Stretching Leather Clogs?
You might try saturating the inside of your shoes with alcohol and wearing them until they are dry. They should conform to your foot a lot better.
Do You Receive Home Newspaper Delivery?
Yes, I get a daily newspaper delivered. Its wonderul, especially when the snow starts piling up or its raining cats and dogs. Its always right in front of my door and I dont have to go and look for it sewingmama
Uses for Dry Cleaner Bags?
When we had a house, I used them as insulation in windows. Cut the bag as wide as your window and scrunch it together to fit in the space where the window closes. You should notice a difference in how much warmer your house will be.
Stouffers Scalloped Chicken Recipe?
Try the site. They have recipes for just about everything.
Cleaning Apartment Appliances?
If you pour ammonia in a bowl and put it in your oven overnight, it will make it much easier to remove all of the burnt on residue. In the morning all you have to do it wipe up the interior of your oven with a rag. Sewingmamma
Learning How To Use a Sewing Machine?
Here is a site that you might want to check out for all kinds of things you can do as far as sewing goes: I wish they had something like this when I started. It would have saved me many days of ripping seams! sewingmamma
Preventing Lumps in Brown Sugar?
I recently learned that when you buy a bag of brown sugar to put it in the freezer. This is ready for use in a few minutes and the remaining sugar will never harden. sewingmamma
Decorating Ideas for a Winter Wonderland Dance?
What do you think of the idea of using giant snowflakes for decorations? You could also get some small trees or branches and hang them on. Have fun!! sewingmamma
Puff Quilt Pattern?
I saw one made years ago by taking small squares of material and sewing two together on three sides. Then these squares are to be stuffed with polyester fibrefill and joined together, Hope this is what you had in mind. sewingmamma
Reupholster a Recliner?
Contact an upholstery company and possibly they might have the straps you are looking for. sewingmamma
Flower Embellishment for a Plain Dress?
I made a flower out of denim and when you wash it, the edges fray and it really adds a lot of interest to it. Just cut your petals different sizes and sew the whole thing together. If you cut different sized layers its easier to sew. Hope this works out for...
Damaged Pine Table
If the dent is not too large, you could try a fine sandpaper and refinish it whenever you are through sanding. If the table is badly damaged you could fill the hole with plastic wood, let dry thoroughly and then refinish. Hope this helps. sewingmamma
Growing Peppers from Seeds
You can save seeds from anything whether its from fruit, vegetables or flowers and grow your own. I think it gives you a lot of satisfaction knowing that you produced something from seed. The seeds can be saved in small jars after they are dried. sewingmamma
Growing Peppers from Seeds
You can save seeds from anything whether its from fruit, vegetables or flowers and grow your own. I think it gives you a lot of satisfaction knowing that you produced something from seed. sewingmamma
Christmas Craft Ideas?
If anyone in your group sews, they can make little sachets to be given as gifts. Just purchase a quantity of popouri and fill individual squares of material. Lace can be added to make them prettier, or leave them plain. sewingmamma
Cheddar Dill Bread
There is no amount of dill listed for the Cheddar Dill bread. How much do you add? sewingmamma
Turn Trash Into Fully Functional Furniture...
You did a wonderful job! And think of all the money you saved! Congratulations. sewingmamma
How do I remove dog hair from car upholstery?
Try using a sponge, either slightly damp or dry, to remove dog hair. sewingmamma
How Do You Sew a Quilt?
Once you have all of your squares sewn together, you can use an old blanket for the lining or purchase batting to make it warmer. This gets sandwiched in between the squares and the backing. To finish the edge of your quilt, you will need strips of matching...
Looking for Black Ellemeno Shoes?
You could go back to where you purchased your shoes and ask a clerk if he could give you their address or phone number. sewingmamma
More Tips to Avoid Identity Theft
I recently had new checks made and to avoid anyone stealing them only had them printed with my first two initials instead of my first name and middle initial. This way if they were stolen, they wouldnt know if the owner was a male or a female, and they wouldnt...
Make Your Couch Smell Better?
Make your own scented spray for your couch. Use equal parts of water and fabric softener and put in a spray-type bottle. Can be used every day. sewingmamma
Hand Sanitizer - For Home or Office?
Get a bottle of alcohol and use this as a sanitizer. Dont forget your telephone as a lot of germs can gather there. Unscrew the mouthpiece and wipe it out thoroughly. Prevents a lot of colds. sewingmamma
Baking Pan Conversion?
According to the directions on the back of Duncan Hines cake mix, 2-9inch pans require 30-33 min. 13-9, 35-38 min. and a bundt pan is 45-50 min.
Sofa Repair Information?
Go to your local library and get a book on upholstery. The instructions for replacing springs should be in there.
Marking The Right Side Of Fabric
I mark the back of the material with either chalk if its a dark fabric or if a light material you can always mark it with thread of a contrasting color. sewingmamma
Ideas For Painting A Nascar Themed Room?
Have you ever thought of using a patterned wallpaper on the bottom half of the walls in a Nascar theme? Or one wall could be painted with a blackboard type paint and your boys could draw to their hearts content. Sewingmamma
Cleaning Built Up Wax off a Table?
I save the little plastic tabs that come on the ends of bread. Use one of these to scrape off as much wax as you can. It wont scratch your table and then youll be able to polish it. Sewingmamma
Seam Repair On Loveseat Cushions?
Dave from Ill. If your seams keep ripping on your loveseat cushions, what you might do is go to a fabric store and purchase a spool of nylon thread. This should do the trick. Sewingmamma
Uses for Miscellaneous Fat Quarters (Gift Ideas)?
You could sew several pieces together to make a quilt for a child. Just finish it off with bias tape or strips of a contrasting material. Sewingmamma
Removing Ink From Stuffed Animals?
Dear June, Have you tried spraying with hair spray? This should loosen the ink and you can either wash as usual or use a sponge with cleaner on it. Sewingmamma
Make Your Own Handsoap
You can use a regular size bar of soap, or if you prefer, a bath size bar for making the handsoap, if you find it too watery. Sewingmamma