Is Borax Safe to Use Around Children?
I think borax is toxic. My vets recommend a silcon based flea treatment for the home which is non toxic. It does work as I used it on a flea infestation a couple of years ago. In the UK its called Skoosh. Good Luck. Rachel
Natural Remedy For Head Lice
I prefer the Roman Way by covering the hair in cold, clean cooking oil. I put some old clothes on and put a towel around my shoulders. Then cover the hair in cooking oil and then meticulously comb the entire head with a Nitty Gritty nit comb. Cleaning the comb...
Potty Training a Four Year Old?
I have a six year old who has days where she will continually wet herself. The problem is if shes fully engrossed in something she doesnt pick up on the signal that she needs the loo, until its too late. So she will wet herself. However, at school she hardly...
Ideas for Getting Heavy Grocery Items into the House?
Have you tried home delivery? They usually charge a small fee for the service but I find they are very good at picking and packing the produce.
Using Olive Oil on Brittle Nails?
I would get it checked out by a doctor in case its caused by a deficiency or infection.
Patchwork Skirt
Do you have the pattern and would you be willing to share it with an absolute beginner? I would love to do this with my girls over the summer holiday.
Recycle Event Flowers
Cuttings can also be taken from flowers and plants. My mother-in-law grew a cutting from the foliage of my wedding bouquet and Ive seen a gardening expert take cuttings from carnations bought at the petrol station.