Keep Frozen Bread Tasting Fresh
I found that keeping my bread in the fridge prevents it from molding and lasts a long time without waste. I also was having problems with English muffins molding almost as soon as I got them. I finally discovered that the cardboard sleeve they were in was the...
Donating Fabric to Charity?
Check for a local chapter of Project Linus. They make quilts, blankets, and afghans for children in hospitals or in need of a blanket. They take donations of fabric or yarn.
Prevent Laptop from Overheating
I use cookie cooling racks also. Another thing to consider is to clean your equipment of dust by vacuuming the fans. My laptop kept overheating until someone said to get the dust out in the fans, lots of dust bunnies there that caused the problem.
Squirrel Scare Tool
Lol. I tap on my storm door with my cane and the squirrels just keep on eating my birdseed and dont even acknowledge me any more. I even tried giving them their favorite, sunflower seeds, in a container on the ground and that didnt help. So I gave up besides...
Cause of Strong Odor on Clothes?
Sounds like the washer is causing the odor, like wet towels that are forgotten to go in the dryer. I leave the lid up so the washer doesnt get that moldy smell, its so hard to get rid of.
Making A Snow Globe Ornament
I love creating with the clear plastic balls. My mom passed two years ago and I received her jewelry box. Last Christmas I made ornaments with pieces of her jewelry inside the clear plastic balls. I used some of her Christmas pins for most and filled in with...
Fried Spam
Our go to dinner when first married and my husband was in college was Spam, coated with mustard and dipped in corn flake crumbs and baked. We had many a meal with it and thought it was great.
Pop Your Plastic Lid
Great idea, since I was just diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in my hands and have great difficulty opening containers. This will help.
Making Gift Tags and Ornaments from Christmas Cards?
I have a set of the craft scissors with different edges like scalloped, zig zag, etc. and cut around the picture on the card or the verse inside to make tags. Sometimes I will add a Christmas sticker to go along with it.
Replacing Your Watch Battery
Be careful opening your watch. I worked for a jeweler and they use a special wrench to unscrew the back. To save a few dollars you dont want to ruin a good watch.
Crock Pot Corn on the Cob
I was just wondering if this would work myself and will give it a try with the sweet corn I just bought.
Use Bread Tags as Cord Labels
Love using the bread tags but I use them for my crochet projects. I have a tendency to switch crochet hooks when working on multiple projects. I started saving the bread tags and write on them the size of the hook (g, h, I, k, etc.) and attach to the afghan...
Donating Fabric?
Project Linus makes quilts and afghans for children in hospitals or disasters, etc, and accept donated fabric or yarn. Check online for the nearest chapter.
Cashing In Pocket Change
My husband use to put his loose change in containers when he got home from work. After he passed, I found the Amazon ecard was the best way to use the money. I paid for Christmas gifts with several turned in containers of coins.
Ask to Waive Late Charges
I had a bill that was sent in on time but because of weather related problems mail didnt go through normally. I called the company and they agreed to cancel the late fee because of my always paying on time but I was told I had to ask myself that they couldnt...
Christmas Memorial Ornament
My mom passed 2 years ago. I was given her jewelry box, lots of memories there and I wanted to share them with the rest of the family. I purchased the clear plastic balls, inserted a little batting for a base and put a favorite pin or brooch inside and finished...
Donating Scrap Fabric in California?
I make afghans, fleece blankets, etc, for Project Linus and they accept donated fabric and yarn. The quilts these ladies make for children are beautiful. You can check online for the closest chapter near you. The blankets go to children in hospitals, disasters...
Donating Fabric?
Check for a local Project Linus chapter in your area. They make afghans, quilts for children in need, whether in hospitals, disasters, homeless...they are always willing to accept donated fabric. The quilts these ladies make and donate with love are incredible...
Recycle Ink Cartridges
Check with your local schools. I worked for over 20 years as a school secretary and I found a program that paid for recycled cartridges. The money we received for them went back into buying more cartridges.
Multi Purpose Funnel
I made a funnel to fill a bottle with bird seed. So much easier to pour into the feeder. A really neat, useful idea.
Keeping Bats Out of My House?
My dad just had a colony settle in his attic and the only way to get rid of them is with a trapper. He came in and installed some kind of pipe so that they could fly out but not come back in. It took several weeks but they finally got them out of the house...
Donating Fabric, Sewing Supplies, and Yarn?
Check for a local chapter of Project Linus in your area. They make blankets/quilts/afghans for children in hospitals, disasters, children who have lost parents in the military, etc. They usually accept donations. I crochet afghans for our chapter and get most...
Hot Dog Rolls
We discovered these at our favorite carry-out shop. They were wonderful with the pizza dough.
When Frugal is Not!
Sales are not always beneficial. My mom had her eye on a set of lamps she dearly wanted and when they went on sale, they were higher than the week before when she looked at them. She complained to the manager of the store but never got them after she realized...
What Is This Houseplant? (Wandering Jew)
Its called a Wandering Jew Plant. I love it because its easy to take care of and makes a beautiful hanging basket. Tradescantia pallida is its species name.
Buying a Bagless Vacuum?
I have a Hoover bagless upright that I love. I have the usual canister style with the powerhead but have become disabled with arthritis. I found that this was easy to use, not heavy at all and has attachments for furniture. I was amazed how well it picks up...
Treating a Rope Burn?
I would start with Neosporin first and see if that will speed up the healing. Or if touching it, try using a spray like bactine where you dont have to touch it to apply it on the site. It relieves pain and gives you protection from infection also.
Fixing Scratches on Watch Face?
Best thing is to take it to a jeweler and let them buff out the scratch professionally.
Recipes for One Person Using Chicken Leg Quarters?
For something different, I brush the chicken with Italian salad dressing and bake. Gives it a different flavor and is so good for a change.
Homemade Pizza
My husbands homemade pizzas were a real treat. He loved making them, the crust was fantastic and would be nice and thick...then load it with our favorite toppings....couldnt be beat. It was a special New Years Eve event, making a pizza and playing board games...
Remedy for Pain from New Temporary Partial?
If something is rubbing, you need to see the dentist to have an adjustment done. I had to go several times until we got it right. No ones fault, just the way it fits when you install it. But dont wait or be in discomfort, you need to go soon so the adjustment...
Donating Fabric in New York City?
Look up the local chapter of Project Linus in your area via internet...they take donations of fabric and yarn to make blankets for kids in hospitals, kids of wounded warriors, in disaster areas, etc. A very worthy cause...
Identifying a Houseplant?
It is a Jade Plant...usually a very easy plant to keep going. I remember my grandmother always had them....nice memories..
Cat With Fleas Lethargic?
My cat didnt have fleas but she suddenly became very lethargic and stopped eating, etc. I took her to the vet and discovered she was diabetic. I would highly recommend a visit to the vet to rule this out. She is now on insulin and have to take her back every...
What Is This Houseplant? (Amaryllis)
It is an Amaryllis. They are usually sold about this time of the year (around Christmastime). They are beautiful when they blossom. I have stored mine in the basement after the bloom dies off and was pleasantly surprised the next year that it would blossom...
Herbs and Supplements to Heal a Wound?
There are times and circumstances that being frugal could be hazardous to your health. Leg ulcers are a result of poor circulation or diabetes. The risk of infection runs pretty high by using anything other than medications recommended by your doctor. Its not...
Curtain Color Advice?
It needs a pretty, bright print for the curtains to liven up the room a bit. Shades of orange or greens perhaps would make it more cozy. An area rug could help pick up the colors from the curtains.
What Breed Is My Dog?
Your cute new puppy looks like it has some dachshund in it with those little short legs and floppy ears. Such a cutie, whatever breed I am sure the puppy will give you lots of love for saving it.
Which Cat Litter Is Best?
I use to use clay but found it very dusty and with allergies decided to give clumping a try. At first I liked the clumping litter but then it seems something changed and it just soaks through and is one big flat mess. They also seemed to have changed the scent...
Using Dawn in the Dishwasher?
No, just use the Dawn to hand wash dishes, never put liquid soap in your dishwasher. It will make suds and overflow creating a bigger mess not to mention it could damage your dishwasher.
Falling Waters at Letchworth State Park (NY)
My husband was from the Elmira, Watkins Glen area of New York. We were coming home from a trip and I was the map reader...and somehow I made a mistake and we ended up at Letchworth...a good mistake to make since being around Watkins Glen and the park there...
Find Scissors When Sewing
I crochet afghans for charity and was getting frustrated looking for my scissors to snip yarn. I had a bunch of lanyards and it dawned on me to attach scissors to one to wear around my neck. Works perfectly, the lanyard is long enough I dont have to take off...
Finding a Quilt Maker?
Might check with fabric shops to see if they could suggest someone who loves to quilt. Try shops like JoAnns...or other local shops.
What Is This Houseplant?
Coleus, they make beautiful flower beds also. My mom use to plant them in the summer and they were just gorgeous. Just make sure to pinch off the flowers to keep them growing and spreading.
Donating Fabric?
You might want to check to see if there is a local Project Linus chapter in your area. They accept fabric, yarn, etc. to make blankets for children in disasters, sick in hospitals, or from military families that have lost parents. I know they would appreciate...
Frugal Parenting
Dont forget your most valuable resource, the local library. We couldnt afford to go to movies or buy videos but at the library we were able to check out videos. Take your child to the reading times for kids, check out those books. So much available there now...
How to Help Pets Cope with Loss
Sadly, I have to report that his beautiful Ginger is now very sick. She has diabetes and we believe from blood work that she possibly has cancer. I am trying to make her as comfortable as possible and have a great vet who is helping us through this devasting...
Carry Scissors with You
My pocketbook was more for the grandkids then for me when they were little lol. I had small scissors for cutting those straws, a pack of crayons to keep boredom down while waiting for meals to be served and occasionally a small toy to play with. They knew what...
Framing an Embroidered Dish Towel
What a nice idea! My husbands great aunt used to crochet and embroider dish towels, hankies, washcloths, towels. Now I know how to display her embroidery.
Keeping White Bread from Getting Moldy?
I use to hate bread kept in the fridge, but I was finding that leaving the bread out in the kitchen in the summer months, it got moldy, and in the winter when the heat was on, it also didnt last long. So I ended up putting it in the fridge and have had no problem...
Get Your Potassium From Potatoes
I have the opposite problem, too much potassium and sadly one of the things that had to go was potatoes. And I loveeee potatoes lol. But the only way you can have them is to wash the starch out of them by soaking in water. So I treat myself now and then.
Buying Glass Blocks for Crafting?
My daughter buys them at either AC Moore Crafts or Michaels. She has made some really cute items with them for baby showers.
Sewing Machine Needle Won't Move Using Pedal?
Make sure the wheel is reset if you had to wind a bobbin. I know on my machine you have to push it back in after winding the bobbin otherwise you will just spin and not go anywhere.
Donating Fabric to Charity?
Check online for a local Project Linus chapter. They make blankets, quilts, afghans, etc. for children in hospitals, disasters, camps for children of wounded warriors, etc. and would love donated fabric. The quilts these ladies make are amazing, so much love...
Use Creams Right After Showering
We love this cream! We jokingly call it axle grease...but dont find it greasy as much as very thick. Its great for all those dry spots.
Threading Sewing Machine Needles
I just discovered recently that if I put my finger behind the needle it helped to see the eye of the needle. Old eyes need any help they can get : )
Marking Adapter Cords
I now make a habit of marking the adapters as soon as I open the package so I remember what it goes to. I use a labeling machine and print out what the adapter goes to. As a word of caution, well two in fact, white out scrapes off of hard surfaces so its not...
Reusing Candle Wax
These are great. We found another use for the leftover wax, not as pretty a use but functional. We have one of the little crock pot type deals that you set the jars of wax in instead of lighting the candles. When the wax gets low, we use the melted wax and...
Heavenly Ham Dinner
I love ham dinners. My sister shared some leftover ham she had from Christmas and I put it in my crockpot with a bag of frozen green beans to simmer. I had such nice juices leftover that I decided to add some potatoes and carrots to the leftovers and got a...
Donating Sewing Material to Charity?
check online for a local chapter of Project Linus. They make blankets and afghans for children in hospitals, disasters, children who have lost parents in the war, etc. The ladies in our chapter make beautiful quilts and the group accepts donated fabric or yarn...
Shampooing Hair After Coloring?
The directions I follow with the hair color kit I use rinse the color out then use the conditioner provided. I never shampoo it before using the conditioner.
Legal Responsibility for Elderly Parent?
When my husband had what we thought were strokes and was sent to rehab after his second stroke, the doctor had his license revoked and filed the proper papers with the DMV. Later we learned the strokes were actually a glioblastoma brain tumor. But having the...
Scrape Crumbs off Tabletop
I found a neat magnet on a wand that I use to gather pins and those stray paper clips that have a habit of ending up on the floor by the desk. A great time saver and saves a lot of frustration trying to get them picked up.
Granny Square Afghans from Leftover Yarn
Thank you. The yarn was all donated to our chapter of Project Linus. I was fortunate to have enough of the colors to create the color scheme. Working on several now and love coming up with new color patterns. So worthy when you read the thank yous from the...
Donating Fabric?
Look for the local chapter of Project Linus. They make blankets, quilts, afghans for children in hospitals, disaster situations and for children who have lost parents in the wars. Check online, they love to receive donated fabric or yarn for these blankets...
Crochet Stained Glass Scrap Afghan
I love to crochet and make afghans for Project Linus who donates blankets, afghans and quilts to children in need of comfort. Our chapter gets donations of yarn and fabric and I love getting a variety of colors to come up with an afghan to make for them. No...
Donating Yarn to Charity?
If you dont hear from anyone, please go online and look for the local chapter of Project Linus. They make blankets for children in need (our chapter makes blankets for homeless children) children in disaster situations and hospitals. They are always willing...
Donating Fabric?
Check for the local Project Linus chapter in your area. They make quilts, blankets, afghans for children in hospitals, in disaster situations, etc. They are always willing to take donate fabric and yarn. I am in our local chapter here in Maryland and get so...
Mason Jar Match Dispenser
Great idea! I just came across a plastic bag of matches I have had for awhile but never liked the bag they were in. The jar works perfectly.
Donating Fabric?
Check online for the closest Project Linus chapter. They make blankets, quilts and afghans for children in hospitals, in disasters and for camps for children who have lost parents in the war. Our chapter also donates to homeless children in our school system...
Frugality, Foraging and Farming
A hint about dad has a farm (hes since retired since hes 91 now) that he leases to a farming group. They plant green beans for the local canning factory. When the beans are harvested people will come (most will ask permission to come on the farm...
Donating Apparel Fabric?
Check in your area for the local Project Linus group. They make blankets, quilts, etc. for children in hospitals, in disaster areas, for children of deceased soldiers, for homeless children. They are always accepting donated fabric or yarn for their projects...
Getting Rid of Mean Raccoons?
To say I dislike raccoons is putting it mildly. We had them chew 7 holes in our roof making it necessary to replace the roof, even the plywood part because it was soft enough for them to go through it. They got in the house and we ended up having to pay big...
Adjusting to a New Life
Thanks for the great suggestions. I hate wasting food so hopefully I can use them to keep celery a little longer. I do end up with extra meals and freeze them for later use. Cooking for one is not only difficult but lack of motivation to cook for myself is...
Salt to Curb Bitterness in Beverages
My husband always made coffee with a pinch of salt Miss those cups of coffee with him.
Donating Fabric?
Check around for the closest Project Linus group. They made blankets, quilts, etc. for children in hospitals, disasters, etc. They will take donate fabric and pass it on to members to make quilts. Check on the internet for their locate near you. I make blankets...
Tips for Making Fire Starters
We liked to burn candles in the jars but then they would get low and you couldnt light them any longer. So we used one of the cute candle burners that heats the candle but doesnt burn it to melt the wax then poured it into cardboard egg cartons. We would save...
Power of Attorney Rights?
We had an issue when my husband was dying of a brain tumor and my daughter threatened to get POA over both of us. I had the social worker at the hospital draw up a POA while he was there for my sake. But when I told them why I was doing it they told me as his...
Nursing Home Ladies Get Together Ideas?
I recently joined Project Linus where they provide blankets for children in hospitals, disasters, etc. I crochet but others knit. You could check for the nearest chapter to you and let the ladies knit blankets for this worthy cause. Makes they feel good to...
Swallow Pills with Food
My husband was just hospitalized this week and in order to get him to take pills without chocking they mixed them with applesauce or pudding and it worked perfectly.
Donating Fabrics to a Charity?
Check online for the nearest Project Linus Chapter. They would love to have fabric that they turn into beautiful blankets for children in hospitals, homeless shelters, children of wounded soldiers, etc. I am sure they would be happy to come pick up the fabric...
Chickens Save You Money
Having lived on a farm, and had to be the one to take care of chickens....I would rather buy eggs lol. Lots of work, expense is more than just chicken feed....have to have a coop, feeders, way to keep them warm in the winter, straw for bedding, feed, someone...
Labeling Charging Cords
I started doing this also. I had so many cords that I didnt know what went to what for charging. So now when I get a new cord the first thing I do is get the labeler out, and label the cords immediately. Otherwise they get in the mix and I still dont know which...
Donating Fabric?
Check in your area for the local Project Linus Chapter. We make blankets (fleece, quilts, crochet or knitted) for children in the hospitals or for disaster victims as well as children who have lost parents in the war. We use donated fabric and yarn to create...
Best Sites for Finding Old Movies?
I like to use Barnes and Nobel or and have successfully located some older movies on those sites.
Cure for Cellulitis?
I know of no cure for cellulitis. I have had several bouts with it and the last one put me in the hospital for 4 days this past January. It doesnt take much for bacteria to get into the tiniest scratch. The only thing they can do for you is give antibiotics...
Pet Food Storage
I just purchased a 25 pound size container on rollers for my cats food. I have to purchase prescription diet dry food for them and its cheaper to buy the large bag. But it was awkward to get into the the ziplock seal never wanted to seal properly. The container...
Donating Fabric to Charity?
Yes, please look up the local chapter of Project Linus in your area. Blanketeers are happy to use donated fabric, yarn, etc. to make blankets for children of disasters, illnesses, etc. Check out to find where you can drop off donations...
Buying Spool for Making Dolls?
Check out craft stores like AC Moore or Michaels. I got mine from there to make Christmas trees in small and medium spools.
Handheld Singer Sewing Machine Won't Turn On?
Not worth it, but make sure the batteries are put in correctly. I burned mine up by having the batteries in wrong. I wish they would devise a better way of marking the direction for battery placement. The symbols are so hard to see.
Fabric Dye Transferred in the Wash?
Shout makes a product I think is called Color Grab, try rewashing the items with a sheet of this and it is suppose to pull the color out of the stained clothing. It was recommended by our Chapter leader for Project Linus and swears by it to prevent colors from...
Buying Balloons in Bulk?
Try Oriental, they sell decorations such as balloons not sure what quantities they come in though.