Six Year Old Keeps Peeing on the Floor?
If its in his sleep he may be dreaming he is in the bathroom when he is in reality in the bathroom. If this is the case you should try cutting off liquids a few hours before bed so he doesnt have to go during the night. If this is not the case then its behavioral...
Outer Walls of Trailer Getting Wet?
I used to live in a trailer as well and we always had problems, especially with the windows. I live in Minnesota so it was always bad. The problem is definately moisture and lack of proper air circulation. The warm air hits the cold walls/windows/whatever and...
Washer Not Getting Dust Out of Clothes?
I upgraded to front loaders last year and it was the best! If you cant afford it you should try washing in smaller loads, use liquid instead of powder detergent and put white vinegar in your rinse to break down the soap scum. Top load washer use 40+ gallons...
Puppy Has Itchy Bug Bites?
It really sounds like fleas to me. I had cat get them once and they were really bad in my daughters room. She would wake up in the morning with bites up and down her legs. I had to wash everything in really hot water, flea bomb the whole house and then wipe...
Looking for Recipes to Help Gain Weight?
My dad had this 12 years ago and he lost over 100 pounds. I am assuming you do not have the stomach tube to feed with nutritional supplements. It took awhile and he still has a lot of trouble but he is now able to eat regular food and is actually overweight...