Getting Rid of Fleas?
We have had an abundance of fleas too this year. Rid A Bug makes a flea spray you can use on furniture and on dogs, that works very well. Also, you can sprinkle either salt or borax on your carpets and leave overnight, then vaccuum next day, which will kill...
Head and Shoulders For Fleas
Bathing in Dawn Dishwashing Liquid also kills them. You must leave the dog lathered about 5 minutes in order to suffocate them. OR you can put Skin So Soft Bath Oil in the water or spray the dog before bathing. That will kill them and then you can just wash...
Remodeling Your Older Motorhome
Finally got around to making an After Shot! This is our new bedroom in Helen The Holladay Rambler!
Remodeling Your Older Motorhome
We used to own a sleep number bed, and it WAS exactly the same little air mattresses with a bunch of foam pieces that moved, shifted, wore out, and aggravated the daylights out of us. Never again. The Coleman Air Mattress worked like a charm, so far has not...
Remodeling Your Older Motorhome
We re-did a living area on the camper before this one, and made ourselves a kingsize bed where the sofa was, then added a tv so our whole family could lie there on pillows and watch tv. We also have used campus fridges to replace ones that died. This is actually...
Remodeling Your Older Motorhome
Turning a camper into a temporary home can be pretty easy as well. You can leave the camper at a lakeside, on a mountain lot, in a campground, or in your back yard. I had a friend who purchased a camper for her mom who refused to live with her. They parked...
Coping With the Loss of a Pet?
I can sympathise with you! We have had 2 pets to do this now. Animals, if they were in the wild, have to hide it when sick, or they become another animals meal! They have a way of making themselves look OK to us until the get to the point of no return. It is...
Getting Rid of Fleas?
You can use borax on anything, even grass outside. Wash dog bedding with it too. 20 Mule Team Borax works wonders in the yard. Dawn dish detergent will kill them on your dog - just bathe with a big lather you leave on a few minutes, rinse, and if it has dry...
New Baby Barred Rock Chicks
Just their names offers two names for your chicks - Barry and Rocky. I had chickens as a child too, and named them all. Rhoda the Red was my favorite, and Willie the White.
Homemade Bubbles?
I just found a recipe that makes bubbles that last the other day. Here it is: 6 Cups water, 1 cup corn syrup, 2 Cups regular strength Joy dish washing liquid. Mix together and blow!
Keeping Weevils Out of Dried Goods
I am going to try this one out. We get weavils from purchasing dog food and parrot food, and they tend to be irritating, if not aggravating. So I will look forward to doing this!
Cleaning Outside Windows Cheaply and Easily
Even cheaper, I make my own car windshield washer fluid for pennies a gallon. Use a 1 gallon milk jug or similar one. Pour in 1 bottle of alcohol, then refill alcohol bottle with distilled vinegar, add that plus 2T dawn dish washer liquid, then fill the gallon...
Making a Flower Pot Bird Bath
I have in the past used just the top part lying on the ground for water. This is the neatest idea I have seen in a while! Like it!
Avon's Original Bath Oil for Fleas
I have used SSS myself for my whole life, and used it on my pets too. It will not only stop a flea dead in its tracks, it will also soften and soothe dry itchy skin, plus SO much more! It takes gum out of hair, takes the glue off glass, where a price tag has...
Shiloh (Pomeranian)
Shiloh is so cute! At my vets office there is a really old little Pommie that lives there, and my heart always goes out to it in its old age.
What is This Plant? (Chinese Evergreen)
I have one exactly like it, and the blooms start out green and turn white. It is a peace lily. They are tropical - Hawaiian, I think. I have had mine many years and they root easily in dirt or in water, are easily cared for.
Ants in Hummingbird Feeder?
Simply put a gob of vaseline on the hangar, wire, or whatever you are hanging the feeder with. Cover it several inches, leaving no side undone. Ants will not cross through the vaseline. When it gets gunky, wipe it off and replace with new vaseline. Works like...
Max (Cocker Spaniel)
So far, so good. No more caught chipmunks or squirrels. Max is getting a second lesson in camping soon.
Dog Bit Neighbor's Child?
We have a dog that takes off and just keeps going if she gets out. We bought a kids gate to put at the door, so when it is opened, she cannot get out, until we remove the kids gate. It is a bit of a bother, but it works well, and we can speak to whomever is...
Getting Rid of Ticks in Yard?
Either put out Borax in your yard (Mule Team Borax, like clothes are washed with), or sevin dust. Both will help rid the yard of fleas and ticks.
What Breed is My Dog?
Your dogs face does look more like pit bull, but that coloring tells me he is part Weimaraner or blue pit bull. The lab could be in there somewhere but it is not showing in him right now. Please post a photo of him when he gets a little bigger. That will probably...
Saving Money on Medical Alert Jewelry
This is absolutely brillant! I have a diabetic hubby, who will get dogtags soon. Thanks for a great solution to an expensive problem.
Reviews of Eden Pure Space Heater?
We have 1 Eden Pure, and one Comfort Zone. The Comfort Zone actually has more features than the older Eden Pure does. Probably the same if we got a new one now. We like both heaters, and they do a great job of heating our HUGE room which used to be a double...
Keeping Flies Off Your Dog?
Stick with the Skin So Soft. I know it works. Dont recognise the other oil. Might draw more flies! haha
My Frugal Life: Carl the Cadillac
We purchase a sticker from the Hwy. Dept yearly, cost about $5. My golf cart is also insured, cost $65 annually. We are allowed to drive 5 miles (I think) from our home, or from our base, if camping. The sticker is required inside State Parks in SC. Hope that...
Choosing a High School Graduation Gift?
Thanks. I did cash. No time to hunt a card, and dont know if he will be working or in a dorm or what, so figure cash will work best. Not even sure what will be near to him in school.
Angel (Miniature Poodle)
We had a little Angel too! She was a white miniature poodle much like yours, who thought she was a little white rottweiller! haha She too came to us, given away at age 2. She hated our Zoysia grass, and always without fail would walk only on her front two feet...
Perennial Vegetable Garden?
We already have a blueberry bush, but some nice thornless blackberries really does sound great! I had not thought of that! Thanks!
Treating a Dog's Ear Infection Without Antibiotics?
I am not sure Vagisil will do anything for the infection but stop the itching. But Monastat will, if the dog has a fungal infection. You can get the drug store brand, and it will work just as well. It wont take very much of it, so 1 tube will do a while. Colloidal...
Treating a Dog's Ear Infection Without Antibiotics?
Use colloidal silver. Look it up at There are several posts on there I made myself.
Warm "Lovie" for an Elderly Pet
I just love this idea! I dont have one of the aminals right now, but this would be great for kids going to activities like football games, parades, etc. Just pop in one of those 6 hour hand/foot warmers, and they would be toasting for the whole event! I wish...
Tucker (Golden Doodle)
I never heard of a Golden Doodle Dog before. Please give me the lowdown on them. He is a gorgeous thing!
Cuddles (Basset Hound)
I am a Basset lover too, have had 4 of them and loved them dearly. And you are right -- stubborn doesnt begin to describe a Basset. We got ours flown in from a cousin in Texas who is on the board of AKC, and raises Bassets and shows them. She recently came...
Hair Conditioner for Shaving Your Legs
Great Idea! I have oily hair, and have tried all kinds of conditioners, that always make my hair greasy I can use them up!
Stopping Bleeding of a Dog's Nail?
Dip the bleeding toenail or whatever, into flour. It will stop almost immediately. Tried and true on both our dog and our parrot.
My Frugal Life: Great Impression
Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. I sure hope some of what I said will sink into some of our youth so they can have at least a glimpse of the wonder of growing up in a safe, simple, hard-working world!
Emmie (Toy Poodle)
Your Emmie could have been my Angel! They are all but identical, with similar stories! I rescued Angel from having had C Section delivery of 2 pups, and given away, stitches and all. She weighed in at 1 lb, should have been 4. She had every kind of worm known...
Getting Rid of Fleas Naturally?
Wash dogs in Dawn dishwash liquid. Follow up with Avon Skin So Soft Bath Oil rinse, or sprayed on. On carpets, bite the bullet and get Flea Spray. Raid works good. In the yard, buy 20 Mule Team Borax and sprinkle lavishly. Have to do it all at the same time...
Barli (Lab-St. Bernard)
Muttmom, feel free to name your little pom mix Barli! I like that idea a lot. And thank you both for the feedback. We do love and spoil rotten our big, sweet dog. He is so gentle, he actually licked a stray kitty this past week, and has been known to lick a...
Diabetic Uses for Aloe Vera?
First tip - plant your aloe in a large pot, and within a year or so you will have MANY aloe plants. They are SO useful for a diabetic! Any sore, scrape, ding, scratch, or burn you may have, you can heal with aloe vera. Break off a part of the stem and squeeze...
Skin Lightening Products?
One of the best skin lighteners around comes from Avon, called Banishing Cream, if you want to buy one. I get it for my mom all the time, and use it on my hands some too. But if you do not want to buy a product, just use a cotton ball or QTip and dab on fresh...
Camping Food Ideas?
I have several old favorites we have used while camping over the years, it is all according to what type camper and equipment you have. Ours is a motorhome, fully stocked. I love chicken leg quarters I get on sale and freeze. I pop however many we need into...
Cleaning Under Nails After Gardening
This method does work well, with an added nail scrubber and a bit of soap. BUT I can help you before you get your nails dirty! Before going out to the garden, just dig your nails into a bar of soap, and get some under each nail. This will prevent much dirt...
Cut the "Milk Ring" and Save Our Wildlife
Before recycling the milk jug rings, if you crochet, you can crochet around the rings, with a double or triple stitch, making a lovely ornament or photo frame. I make them red and green and white, glue a photo behind them, and give them as Christmas ornaments...
Recycling Poinsettias
I just read about someone making individual vases out of the flowers each week. We do the same thing at our church. They go to shut-ins and those in nursing homes. So do potted plants.
Frontline Flea Treatment No Longer Effective?
We switched to Frontline last year, and it worked well, but this year, it did not work, and we had to have our dogs dipped for fleas. Glad to know why now! Will go to Advantage next year. We go camping a lot, and will need that protection for fleas as well...
Build Your Own Emergency Medical Kit
Thanks for all the wonderful information. I will buy the wrap to use for bandages. I had often wondered where I could get that stuff! I also saved your websites and will visit them as well. I already had bought a vinyl, portable bag and made my own emergency...
Build Your Own Emergency Medical Kit
PS In my kit, I also have New Skin which comes in real handy for minor cuts and scrapes, and helping stop bleeding, although it burns like mad when applied.
Mesh Bags As Dish Scrubbers
They are also good when cut into squares and zigzag sewed together to make scrub pads. Work all kinds of ways, and dont harm Teflon pans either.
Making Foaming Soap at Home
We got a foaming soap dispenser last year, and refill it with about a tablespoon of dawn dish liquid and then a cup of water. Works just as good or better. Buy scented dawn if you want the whole bathroom to smell good when you wash up! You can also use Avons...
"Hot Spot" Collar For Dogs
Hot spots will continue to drive the poor pooch nuts even if he cant scratch them. My dog gets them too. I started using Skin So Soft Oil on his back/tail area, and discovered he stopped biting away. I think either a flea or mosquito bites him, and he just...
Ways To Save Money While RV-ing
You can tell you have camped a lot! Great list. My camper complies with your list. One thought on crockpot cooking - either do it inside the camper, or secure the lid well. One year we had an entire crockpot of chicken to disappear on us - racoons filched it...
Popcorn Tins for Waste Baskets
All ideas are great ones, which I already have in practice, mostly. I have them in 3 rooms as trash cans. I get the ones with snowy scenes or something that will work for all year round, and dont even have to paint or hide the pretty. These cans do work well...
Food for 2 Years for $5 a Week
I have a few tweaks to this plan. Rather than buying so much flour, get 1/2 cornmeal and 1/2 flour - makes same amount, but you get 2 different meals. Also, rather than buying all tuna, watch for sales and get canned beef stew. Store rice as well as flour in...
Large Parrot Tips
I have a few more tips to add, having had my parrot now for 29 years. 1. Never feed a parrot chocolate. It is really harmful. 2. Watch what household plants are nearby that the bird might chew on. Many are poisonous, including some trees, Poinsettias, and our...
Soap for Fleas
This is correct about plain soap getting rid of fleas. Dawn also works beautifully, but it dries out my dogs skin, so an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of Dawn washing for me. I can tell you what will kill a flea dead the minute it hits the flea! Buy...