Hen and Chicks Plants are Dying?
I had the same thing that happened to my bottlebrush succulent (native to Africa), I dipped the pointed part of a bamboo skewer into 1/4 cup water with a drop of dish soap and carefully pick the cottony pest, it becomes stringy when you remove it and it seems...
What is This Plant?
It does look like your euphorbia plant, but at this point, my cutting has a smooth stem; the thorny stem may come later, I suppose, and the flowers too.
What is This Plant?
I dont think it is euphorbia as this cutting is now about 2.5 ft. tall and has no thorns on the stem. It did have a spike of maroon-colored buds. All its leaves falls out in winter but comes back in full glory from spring to summer and fall, but thanks anyway...
Garden: Shade Canopy With Plants
Hi kffrmw88, thanks for looking and your comment, it made my day. Roses above were picked from my front-yard last summer.
Solar Lights For Indoor Lighting
Thats really worth a try! We occasionally experience brown-outs here in San Diego so that is really a useful tip. Thanks! Renee
Teacup Planters
I agree with you, those teacups which are shoved to the back of the cabinets make such cute planters. I prefer though, to drill drainage holes in them as it is easier for the water to drain than pour from the cup. It just takes some patience and time especially...