Preserving Family History
By all means take care of this project. We regret so much not getting our dads voice on tape before he died. And oh how I wish we had gotten a video tape. My children were in utero when he died, so they only know him through my stories about him and photographs...
Getting People to Show Up for a Party?
No ideas at --- just wanted to say I understand! Getting people in this area to rsvp is next to impossible. I dont think anyone has manners anymore. Im having a birthday party for my dd tomorrow. Invited 10 girls --- NOT ONE rsvp-ed with a telephone call.
Saving Money Going To The Movies?
We take our own snacks too -- paying $3 for a candybar is outrageous. But I always feel guilty about doing it. Why? I havent taken my own popcorn yet.
Uses for Potato Masher?
I use a potato masher to mash cooked pinto beans to make my own refried beans. Works great, and these refried beans are a whole lot cheaper!
Organizing Drawers?
An envelope taped to the inside of the drawer on the side will hold twist-ties and plastic tabs for bread bags. This would also be good for rubber bands or any other small things in the junk drawer.
Cassettes or VHS Tapes of Elderly Relatives
This is such a great thing to do. My aunt made several recordings of her 90+ yo aunt (my great aunt) asking her questions about her childhood, her memories of school, engagement and marriage, information about kin who had passed on already, etc. They are so...
Pileated Woodpecker and Bird Feeder Pole
You are SOOOOOOOOOO lucky to have a pileated woodpecker at your feeder! Ive only seen one a handful of times and it was in Central Missouri. What part of the country do you live in? Thanks for sharing this photo!
Removing Pee Smell From Fleece Fabric?
I suggest trying Borax added with your laundry detergent. Good luck! Oh, and is there anyway you dry the items outdoors?
Preparing Your Home for Disasters
This is a terrific, all-encompassing list! It never occurred to me to check for the loose stuff outdoors, but certainly it would become a flying projectile. And I am guilty of having a lot of it around my house. Living in tornado country, this will apply here...
Odors Coming From Downstairs Apartment?
There is a product that Ive purchased at WalMart that works pretty well. I dont have a bottle handy right now, but it seems to me it is called Odor Out. Its in a clear, pump bottle. Also, have you tried simmering a pot of water with apples and some spices? When...
Counter Top Paper Towel Holder Uses
I love the idea for using the extra holder for storing toilet paper. Another good use for an extra counter top paper towel holder: put it out in your bathroom with pretty paper towels when you have guests. I dont have any nice guest towels -- and frankly always...
Refreshing Gel Pens?
I know you can get a regular ball point pen to write again by holding the tip (ball) of the pen to a lit lighbulb for a few seconds. It might be worth a try with the gel pens.
Will My Cats Catch The Mice?
I do not recommend using poison. If your cat (or another animal) happens to eat one of poisoned mice, they will die also.
Smelly Cast Iron Pot?
Many people clean cast iron by plunging it into the coals of a fire and then leaving it for some time (1 hour?). Ive never had the problem you mention, but this might be worth a try. Hopefully someone here will be able to recommend the length of time for this...
Smelly Cast Iron Pot?
Wow, the link Barbie shows for the cast iron cookware is great. And Im glad I checked it out because they recommend to NOT put cast iron into a fire as I had suggested in my earlier post. This hint is something Ive heard from several people who swear by it...
Funny Kitten Feeding Habit?
Mine is doing this too -- just a couple of scratches around her dish after shes done eating. I thought maybe she was saving it? Id love to hear what a kitten expert will say.
Keeping Your Home Prepared
Southwestern Missouri-- we can get tornadoes during the spring/early summer and ice storms during the winter. Aside from the risk of being blown away in a tornado, the biggest thing we have to prepare for is loss of electricity. We keep a few gallons of water...
Our Dog Is Waking Up Early?
Older spayed female dogs can develop urinary problems. Our old Katie started puddling after years of being good. The vet gave her some medicine that cleared it right up.
Saving Juice from Canned or Frozen Fruit
You can also use this juice in place of all or part of the water when making jello gelatin.
Hiding Gifts From Children and Other Family Members?
Car trunk. The only problem is when it is time for Santa to leave these, it is usually very cold outside and you have to go out to get them! I also hide some in my closet which is pretty inaccessible. I think disguising them until wrapping time is a good idea...
January Birthday Party?
Check the remnant bins at a fabric store for Americana fabric -- even red and blue gingham. You can use the fabric in various ways -- tie some short torn strips onto twine or raffia for a garland; use as wrapping for gifts; make a pillow; etc. Other readers...
Turn a Sit and Spin Into a Large Lazy Susan
A great idea! I have an old one that looks too terrible to even be a hand-me-down. I will do this!
Keeping Clasps on Dog Chains From Freezing?
I have had the same problem. Our dog chain/cable reaches to the door of the house so when it is likely to freeze up overnight I let the chain/cable trail just inside the door. This is a big help and I also dont have to wander outside to find the chain in the...
Lois Ann's Christmas Memory
Lois Ann, my family and I moved to a town near Buffalo, NY just before Christmas in 1964. It had already snowed 100 inches up to that point! We had moved there from East Tennessee and the snow was a wonder for us and especially for me. We lived there only a...
Where's Erma Bombeck When We Need Her? Uses For Unmatched Socks.
An idea I read on this site, and am planning to try, is to take the longer socks and fill them with fiberfill or other stuffing and use for stopping air leaks at the bottoms of doors. I just havent gotten around to doing it yet!
Plastic Dish Pans for Laundry
This is a great idea. I have been using separate laundry baskets for my family of four, but they tend to never get emptied and then the baskets are always underfoot.
Cheap Gift Bags
We did this last year and they actually turned out very nice. We bought a package of white lunch sacks and used stamps and blue ink stamp pads. We used a single impression of larger stamps -- about 3 - 4 inches across -- but I can imagine a series of smaller...
Cutting Your Own Long Hair
When I was in high school (a hundred years ago!) I used a similar technique to cut my own long hair. I didnt trust anyone but myself with the scissors so finally devised the technique of parting off sections, trimming the ends, and moving on to an untrimmed...
These sound adorable. My kids and I usually make gingerbread men each holiday -- I may try these on them instead.
Uses for Old Bedding?
I just finished making a throw/quilt for my daughters newly redecorated room using bargain fabric ($1/yd) for the top, an old sheet in a coordinating color for the bottom and an old mattress pad for the filler. It has turned out very nice and I am pleased with...