Do Any Plants Smell Like Cat Urine?
Caspia..used as a filler in arrangements..when I was doing floral work, we called it cat pee a..Pic and info here
Buying Old Wood Windows for Crafts?
I have gleened some from craigslist under free and also from freecycle :0)
Squirrels Eating from Bird Feeders?
Squirrels always outwit me, so, I have a feeding station for the little darlings, away from the bird feeders, for the most part they are content with that. They are basically lazy and if the dont have to work for food, all the better. I have several pot saucers...
Craft Ideas For Used T-shirts?
All the items youve made for gifts, could also be sold at craft shows or do a yard Boutique; like a rummage sale, but no rummage, just hand made gifts. I do them about once a month from May through Sept. Make some pocket change with your creativeness :0)
Marigolds to Repel Mosquitoes
I plant a lot of marigolds throughout my garden as leaf eating bug repellers. Not sure about biting insects. Citronella plants work for repelling biting bugs though, as does Avons skin so soft. It smells good and is good for the skin too. :0) Maggie O in Bloomington...
Craft Use for Grocery Bags?
This site shows how to make wreaths from them..this one is done in black trash bags, but any color would work of course :0) Maggei O in Bloomington, MN
Getting Rid Of Odors In Room?
Try scrubbing the floors with a strong bleach solution. It will kill bacteria and mold if present. Also put crumpled newspaper in hidden places and that will absorb odor. Change out every few days. Also placing small open bowls or containers with vinegar will...
Online Resources For Teaching Preschool?
Try these..mabe you have already checked them though..I use lots from them for my 4 yr old great grandaughter :0)
Looking For Homemade Clay Recipes?
Here are a few sites that might have what your looking for.. Hope you can find what...
Use Old Books to Make a Handbag
Just finished one...large book (physicians desk reference), lots of mixed media...This shot is opened...also, here is a site that sells them..
Plant That Looks Similar To Cabbage?
Ornimental Cabbage is what they are called..most nurserys carry them :0) Maggie O in Bloomington, MN
Rottweiler's Mysterious Death?
Also might have been Parvo if she wasnt vaccinated for it..we almost lost our Rotti to it several years ago...same symptoms...happens fast and only takes a few days to end in death... so sorry for your loss.. Maggie O in Bloomington, MN
Printable Games for 4 Year Olds?
I did a search for free preschool printable games and found these: These are but a few..try the search as I did :0) Hope these help.. Maggie...
Crochet Pattern for Plastic Purse?
Try this site..LOTs of plastic bag corcheted purses, bags, etc Maggie O in Bloomington, MN
Making Party Favors Using Candles?
If you can gleen some wall paper sample books, you could cut a piece to go around the middle..if the pattern isnt to dark, write on it, using the words light, fire, glow..if this is a Christian Womens retreat, why not use a passage of scripture with one or...
Pressure Cooker Vs. Crock Pot?
I have both and use both..The pressure cooker will have a roast done in about 45 min...but sometimes I use the crock pot and let it simmer all day while Im at work..The pressure cooker makes the cooking time wayyy less :0)
Planting Morning Glory in Pots
Ive planted mine in large institutional size cans that Ive painted. I got them from the local Sr Citizen center,,fruits, veggies, etc come in them. I also plant moon flowers, sweet peas, black eyed susan vine, scarlet bean runners and hyacinth vine in them...
Stopping A Rabbit From Chewing?
As Stated, the front teeth of a rabbit continue to grow.. Usually, the teeth have to be regularly trimmed by a veteranarian. Maggie O in Bloomington, MN
Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean Cotton Fabric?
Here is a site I found: Hancock Fabric carries the fleece fabric if that would work for you :0) Maggie O in Bloomington, MN
Making Glittered, Colored Poinsettias?
Michaels Craft store carries a spray paint for live flowers..I use it often (I am a floral designer by trade)..Ive also used: Take a spray bottle and put in a good squeeze of acrylic paint, fill with water and shake..spray onto flowers. As to the glitter aspect...
Website for Label Templates?
Do a search for free printables..Youll get dozens + sites to check out...:0) Maggie O in Bloomington, MN
Fabric That is Under $2.00 Per Yard?
I second the sheets! I buy them used also at thrift/rummage sales..I use mine for crocheting rugs and that takes about 25 to 30 actual yards to make :0) Also check Mill End Textiles in the cities..they have several stores in the area :0) Maggie O in Bloomington...
Removing Spray Paint From a 100% Cotton Shirt?
Uh-oh...I think its a done deal. What you might do at this point, is take the shirt and add more paint here and there to make it look like a design of some type. Ive used paper doilies and sprayed over them to get a neat design...hope someone else can offer...
Drum Smells of Cigarette Smoke?
Try wrapping in bunches of news paper...but perhaps if this is a native indian leather, it could be the smoke smell is not cigs, but part of the tanning process, putting into smoke of a open fire to help cure the leather, much like a ham or bacon :0) Just a...
Inexpensive Basement Finishing?
How about sheets or fabric for the walls? And painting the floor a solid color and doing some type of faux rugs with stencils or free hand painting? If you can get your hands on lots of ad type of CDs, put small hole in top and bottom of each and string them...
Free Wallpaper Sample Books?
I get mine from wallpaper stores, home dec stores, try anystore that sells wallpaper...some will charge a $1.00 or so each :0) Maggie O in Bloomington, MN
Uses for Faux Fur Coats?
These would make lovely stuffed animals..My friends Dad passed a few years ago, and she made stuffed bears from his old suits and gave one to each family member and close friends. If you dont sew yourself, perhaps you know someone who does..mabe have them make...
What is this plant? (Maranta leuconeura)
Hello! This is a type of Prayer Plant..I have several different ones..they like lots of light, but no direct sun. You can tell if they are getting enough light if the leaves lift up or close at night and lay flater or open during the day. Keep the soil moist...
Skunk Living in Backyard?
We had a skunk problem a few years back and called the sherrifs Dept, who in turn called animal control and they came out with a live trap and trapped several of them and took them outside the city limits and released them. Skunks are known for carrying rabbise...
Stocking Cap Ornament
Wow! I make these hats and glue them onto a ping pong ball. paint a face of eyes, carrot nose and pink cheeks with a smile and you have a little snowman head, wearing a hat :0)..Ive made these with my kids and then with the grands..put them on the tree, packages...
Monogram Ornaments
What a darling ornament! Wow! Could use this idea for all kinds of things! Great job! Maggie in Bloomington, MN
Finding Boxes for Packing Household Goods?
Office Max and stores that do copies will give you the empty copy paper boxes..these are great as they have lids and stack nicely :0) Maggie in Bloomington, MN
Patterns for Crocheted Turbans?
Try this... Maggie in Bloomington, MN
Attaching Grapes to Wine Bottle Lights?
Try this site to find what will work :0) Maggie in Bloomington, MN
Fish Bowl Snowman
He is waaay cute! Very creative indeed :0) One could add some white christmas lights inside for a nice glow :0) Maggie in Bloomington, MN
Wall Pocket Decorations
Yep, I use ModPodge...some of the tins I have used fabric, some, like the pears, I used wall paper boarder. After they have dried overnight, I spray them with clear spray paint from Wal Mart (about a $1 a can).These have lasted 4+ years :0) You can also spray...
Wall Pocket Decorations
Ive also made these with small cans and put a bead of hot glue along the seam in the bottom and hang them in the trees and bushes with bird seed in them :0)
Wall Pocket Decorations
WOW! I never thought of the popcorn tins! What a great use for something thats cute, but you can never think of what to do with them afterwards! They would be big, but hung in the right place, theyed be darling! Thanks! Maggie in Bloomington, MN
Wall Pocket Decorations
WalMart here in the states sells off brand spray paint in many colors, one of which is clear :0) Works the same as a varnish would, but here it is only $1 a can :0) Maggie in Bloomington, MN
"Outdoors Indoors" Kitchen Decor
I put a little dried moss into the pots and a little bird..they had holes in the bottom and I used a screw through the hole into the door. Canvas of any kind will place of the gesso I used white wall paint (outdoor paint has worked for me also). Another...
"Outdoors Indoors" Kitchen Decor
This is the dinning area of the inside outside kitchen...We just recently moved, so now the kitchen is done in Mary Engelbreit..I do miss my garden kitchen though :0)
Decorating Pickle Jars
Yep, I just wipe them down with a little spray cleaner on the sponge and theyre good to go! Using Mod Podge is quick and does work as a sealer, but will turn milky looking if soaked in water, until it drys again. I just put some on the item, lay the...
Decoupaged Birdbath Base from Recycled Materials
I do use these outside and clean & refresh them daily:0) These buckets are from a floral company..they receive flowers in them. Each one is about 18 tall and 9 1/2 across the top. I use a saucer, that goes under a planter, to hold the water in on the top. Ive...
Decoupaged Birdbath Base from Recycled Materials
The picture is correct :0) See editors note..Any type of buckets or small wast/trash cans would work if you can find something to hold water that will fit the top.. I have done some using fabric that Ive cut designs from and decopodged them on (use white glue...
Uses for Plastic Trash Bins?
I use Krylon Fusion (paint for plastic) get them the color you want, or leave them as is, then...paint designs on them or find neat fabric to cut pieces from and decopoge them on...they can then be used for trash of course, planters, scrub them good first and...
Lady Bug Issues?
Hello! We have lady bugs all winter long here in North Dakota..they are the Asian type which prefer to overwinter indoors..basicly they are harmless and good for plants, both indoors and out...they eat aphids and other bugs that destroy plants..if they are...