Use Two Dish Cloths
Im not sure I agree. Three of the four items you mentioned are likely to be greasy, which in my mind argues for using the detergent-laden dish cloth first! Follow it up with a wipe from the plain cloth or even a quick rinse under the tap if its a small item...
Zucchini Not Setting Fruit?
Have they only been blooming a week or two? Squash have both male and female flowers. You can easily see the difference. Not only are the centers of the flowers different, but the female flower has a baby squash at the base. But the male flowers always start...
What is This Flower? (Asiatic Dayflower)
Thats a dayflower, probably Commelina communis, but there are many species.
Getting Rid of a Blister?
Get rid of the tight shoes! Try rubbing it with coconut oil before dressing and before bed. Coconut oil has many anti- properties and helps wounds to heal.
Best Way to Get Rid of Fruit Flies?
Put your vinegar/soap solution in a narrow mouth bottle, like a soda bottle. You might want to drop an apple core or some banana peel in there, too. Then place a funnel in the top of the jar. The flies will enter through the funnel and eventually drown in the...
Lilacs Don't Bloom?
Ann, its quite possible that your lilacs simply arent old enough/large enough to bloom yet. Heres a ThriftyFun article with some other possibilities: Mom-from missouri, a plants pollination needs do not affect whether...
What Internet Home Page Do You Use?
Deeli, I have been keeping Instant turned off too, more because I am irritated at only being able to see 10 results at a time if I use it. It has been a pain having to reset Instant every time Google updates. However, the ability to turn Instant off still exists...
Starting a Crape Myrtle from a Cutting?
These links will walk you through the steps:
Strawberries Not Blooming?
Strawberries only need one year to establish a good root system. Removing blossoms is advised for the year you plant, so the plant puts all its energy into roots and leaves. Youre good to go for this year. (And with 500 plants, Id be thankful they didnt try...
Advice for Growing Rhubarb?
Sounds like you may have the old variety called Victoria which is green, not red. It is prone to trying to bloom and set seed. Just cut off the seed stalk. By the way, rhubarb is a perennial plant that will die back to the ground each winter, unlike a bush...
When Do I Cut Back Fall Blooming Mums?
Its not a problem to leave it until the weather begins warming up in spring, either. In fact, the dead foliage will help trap snow, which helps mulch and insulate the plant for the winter and keep it from heaving, getting pushed up from the freeze/thaw cycles...
What is Taxable and Nontaxable Income?
Its not anything over $600 must be claimed on your personal taxes. You must report ANY EARNINGS if you are following the law! $600 is when a single source of income must also report what they paid you to the government -- and you get a 1099 that lets you know...
Bradford Pear Tree Berries Causing a Mess?
Once the tree begins bearing, you can expect to see the mini-pears on a yearly basis, like any other fruit. Like orchard fruit, the crop may occasionally be reduced by frosts at a crucial time, or other stress on the tree.
What is This Plant?
Id guess it was some form of Episcia, which are related to African Violets. Heres a link showing some:
Can I Use Florescent Lights to Start Seeds?
Yes, it will work well. Just keep the lights only a few inches from the tops of the plants. I have not found the full spectrum bulbs to make that much difference. Set a timer for 16 hours on, 8 hours dark. One other thing that help produce stockier plants is...
Setting Up a Household Budget?
I agree with KansasCindy: instead of thinking of yourself as being without a job, why not make an effort to treat your at home activities as a valuable job? I have seen calculations that the second worker in a family with children needs to make over $20000...
Wrap Gifts in Old Shirts
I could see doing this if a) they were under a dollar each and b) you took the time to make reusable drawstring bags out of them. Stamping them with a glittery fabric paint might help, too. Even so, to me calico prints would be more attractive for reusable...
Recycled Container As Toilet Brush Holder
When I do this I leave the whole spout but cut a slit through it. The handles of most brushes and the bathroom plunger pop right into it and it helps keep them upright.
Use Hot Water Bottle to Heat Bed
Sandy, Maybe not totally unheated, but cool is definitely better for me. Read this article for details.
Check For Free Services at Banks
I think this may be being phased out. I need something notarized once a year, and this last time they informed me that the service is no longer free. This is despite having the 50+ account for older folks, which does have a few perks left.
How Do I Make a Bleach and Water Cleaning Solution?
Cant remember where I read it, but I remember reading something that stated a 1:10 dilution of bleach was more effective than using bleach straight! Several other things to consider: 1) In chemistry lab, one is taught that you should always add the concentrated...
Scenery: Walking In The Rain
Anita, look again, I think the original you shared is a different shot in the series. (Its like looking at those whats different between the pictures puzzles). Arm placement is different, splash is missing, etc. Antiqued one is 2 steps further than color pic...
Athlete's Foot Remedies
Seems odd that she would have you mixing a acid with bleach. Ive soaked in bleach/water (no vinegar) before for athletes foot, and the toenail fungus disappeared too. But I wasnt so careful about measuring the bleach and probably used a stronger solution.
List of Family House Rules for Cleaning?
Is this what you remember?
Killing Grass Under a Tree?
If you wet the cardboard in a big plastic tub it is easier to place. It will conform to the ground and not blow away before you get mulch on it. I peel all the tape off boxes before I use them, as it does not decompose well. My tomatoes pulled through a drought...
Growing Cantaloupes?
Not every flower will produce fruit. There are both male and female flowers, and the female ones will develop fruit after the bees pollinate them.
Why are My Chrysanthemums Turning Brown?
Yes, they need water and sunlight. Pinching back is done in the spring and early summer, to shape the plant and get it to form more branches and thus more flowers. The pinching should be stopped by mid-July. Mums will not survive in a container outdoor through...
What Do I Do When Arugula Blooms?
Either pull and discard, or leave it alone and collect the seeds for a future crop. It gets too strong-tasting to be enjoyable once it blooms.
Preparing Beds for Spring Sunflower Planting?
1) Since sunflowers are annuals and will not come back, there is no reason to leave the stalks in the ground over the winter unless you like the appearance or want something for the birds to perch on. 2) Remove all weeds asap so no weed seeds are added to the...
Getting Rid of Crawdads?
Heres an article I found about the problem:
Getting Rid of Web Worms on Pecan Trees?
That looks like fall webworm. It can reduce crops in pecans. Heres some info from your state university:
Pruning a Baptisia Plant?
Im not sure what you want to prune; the roots? Baptisia is a perennial and dies completely to ground level practically with the first frost. You can remove the dead tops off then. If you do plan to reduce (or move) the roots, be prepared for a big job. Baptisia...
What is This Plant?
Id guess it is some kind of lichen. Being from N America, Im not familiar with the type you have in your country. Check this search
Do I Need to Use HE Detergent in a Front Load Washer?
I believe the main difference is that HE is a different concentration and low-suds. (But then, many detergents today are low-suds.) I discussed this question with an appliance repairman and he said normal detergent is okay in an HE machine, but use 1/4 to 1...
Water Azaleas with Pickle Juice
Id be careful with this because the salt in most pickles can eventually kill plants.
Animal Eating My Tomato Plants?
Have you checked the plants for tomato hornworms? These large caterpillars (get to the size of your finger!) are very hard to see because they look like a curled tomato leaf. They can strip a plant of leaves in a short time. Theyll also eat the fruit. If you...
What is This Plant?
Not mint, mint doesnt have divided leaves like that. But its tough to identify from just one shot. A photo with flowers or seed head would help, or even one showing how the leaves attach to the stem.
Cherry Tree Leaves Turning Brown?
I had this happen to a cherry that had been in the ground for a whole year last spring. I think it was a bacterial wilt that got into a crack in the bark at ground level. My tree died from the bottom up. Most prevalent in cold wet springs. Young trees are more...
Hen and Chicks Plants are Dying?
Is the web part of the plant? Some Hen & Chicks are naturally webby. If so, leave it alone and enjoy! Do be careful not to overwater, too.
Spruce Tree is Dropping Needles and Branches Dying?
It does not harm a tree to remove dead branches, only live ones.
Use Cobweb Catcher to Clean Behind Toilet
A cobweb catcher looks like a spherical brush on a telescoping pole. One brand name is Webster.
Remedy for Hysterectomy Induced Sweats and Weight Gain?
Try magnesium supplementation, too.
Garden: Perennial With Yellow Flowers
Yes, Lysimachia. There is also a variegated form called Alexander. The purple-leaf loosestrife I have makes runners all over the place; I much prefer this type which forms clumps.
Growing Cucumbers in Containers?
In general the more soil you are able to give a veggie plant, the healthier it will be. It is easier to keep large pots from drying out and there are more nutrients available. Remember, if the volume of 2 containers is the same, the one with more surface area...
Fertilizing Transplanted Plants?
Start them with something like bone meal, which is high in the nutrient that promotes root growth. Root growth is the most important after transplanting. In fact, you might want to consider cutting back the top growth, because moving them has reduced the roots...
Getting Rid of Poison Oak or Ivy Growing in Shrubs?
Birds -- theyre so helpful in bringing in seeds! I believe you can get herbicides that you can apply with a brush (included?). I would carefully cut the P.I. near the base and apply the herbicide to the stub. When the upper part of the plant has dried in the...
Caring for Rolly Pollies?
Well, I think they eat rotting plant matter and like to live in dark moist spots. I often find them near the drainage holes in plant pots that have been outside for the summer.
Use Grass Clippings as Mulch?
Also avoid using grass that has been treated with chemical weed killers. It might stunt your flowers.
Determining Plant Hardiness Zone?
Or call your USDA county extension agent (should be in the government pages in the phone book).
Overwintering Mint Grown in Containers?
Possibly. Maybe nestle the pot in a bin of straw or rags for extra insulation? Do you have room for a 4-inch pot on the windowsill this winter? Mint is very easy to root. Id suggest you hold a cutting over inside the first winter as backup till you know if...
What is This Plant?
Lewisia is the species AND the common name, I believe. (Youll get more accurate information on a plant when you search the web by the Latin name anyway.)
When Does a Harlequin Maple Seed?
Harlequin maple is a form of Norway maple. But the source I checked said plant does not set seed, flowers are sterile, or plants will not come true from seed. Sorry! It doesnt sound like you can propagate this from seed.
Buy Secondhand Shoes for Gardening
Garage sales are great! Re disinfecting the shoes-- the UV in sunlight is a great cheap way to disinfect. Just unlace the shoes and place them outside on a bright sunny day. Put them on blacktop and theyll get hot enough to cook some germs too! I never worried...
Getting Rid of Poison Ivy?
If you have to hand-pull the stuff, there are products available at the pharmacy that you can apply to your skin before working around poison ivy that will supposedly block the oils from bonding with your skin. Id use that, then dress to cover as much skin...
How Do I Make Seed Tape?
Mix 1 tablespoon cornstarch in 1 cup of water and boil till thick and translucent. This is your glue. Then cool it. I use a cheap brand of toilet paper, but I know others use newspaper or paper towels. You want a paper that will rot away quickly in the soil...
How Do I Make Seed Tape?
P.S. This is a good winter project. Also good for kids. And definitely easier on the back!
Why are My Onions Small and Going to Seed?
Onions flower in their second year naturally. If you started with sets, this is their second year and they will want to do this. Weather and daylight length can contribute to the problem. Using seed or buying bundles of plants reduces the problem.
Why is My Dishwasher Leaving a Dirty Gritty Residue?
We had to take ours apart, removing the bottom arm, filters, etc. when this happened a month ago. The area where the water enters the pump to go to the top spinner arm was plugged with chunks of food. We cleaned a lot of slime off all parts that could be removed...
What is This Plant?
I disagree. The flowers are too widely spaced to be butterfly bush, which has tight clusters of tiny flowers with basically no space between them. Also they seem to be shaped like pea flowers, so I think this may be a white baptisia (false indigo). When I enlarge...
Why Do My White Flowering Lilacs Smell Bad?
Sounds like you got lilacs that were not labeled correctly. There is probably not much you can do to change them; it is just the kind they are. Some types dont have as good or as much scent as the old-fashioned lilacs.
Ear Aches After Having Mono?
When you see the doctor, you might want to ask him to check your vitamin D levels. Many people are too low in this, especially in the colder months. It will really boost your immunity to get the level up near the high end of the normal range. Research it online...
Cleaning a Fiberglass Tub?
Barkeepers Friend cleanser will get out a lot of stains. It is not bleach, but a different chemical that does the work. The can says it is safe for fiberglass. You shouldnt have to scrub hard; just spread it around and let it sit a few minutes, then rinse.
Growing Heirloom Tomatoes?
a) no harder than other tomatoes, generally b) yes, by mail order; maybe, at local greenhouses (tomatoes are easy from seed, too) c) if the pot is large enough;the larger, the more fruit. Try 5 gallon buckets. Be sure to drill drainage holes.
Herbs That Grow Well Together?
You dont say how many you have of each. Some can come in dwarf or creeping varieties as well as the standard. I am assuming you have one each of standard sized plants. If you got dwarf or creeping types where available, thats great for hanging baskets! Put...
Butterfly Bush Not Leaving Out?
Butterfly Bushes often die back to the ground in colder climates. You dont have that happen every year there in Florissant (I used to live in Ferguson) but you may have been colder than average or had more fluctuations last winter. Many people just treat them...
What is This Plant?
On potato plant branches? Potatoes do flower and produce fruit, and it is like a small tomato in size. Quite toxic, though. Search potato fruit for pictures.
Composting Grass and Horse Manure?
Turn it several time a week and keep it moist but not dripping. It takes oxygen as well as water to get the compost bacteria multiplying quickly. Youll know it is finished when it no longer is as hot when you turn it. If your grass clippings were green and...
Keep Seedlings From "Damping Off"
The fan has the added benefit of producing stronger, stockier seedlings. I plug mine into the same timer that controls the lights over the plants.
Stained Tupperware?
Tea and coffee stains on hard surfaces like mugs and teapots come off using baking soda like a cleanser. Its worth trying on your Tupperware. It wont leave a taste like bleach would, and it doesnt scratch like commercial cleansers. Dip a damp sponge or cloth...
Summer Activities for Teens?
If you have access to a piece of land someone will let you dig up, how about trying your hand at gardening? Its more fun to do with friends! You can either supply the veggies to your families, sell them, or grow them to donate to a food bank. Seeds arent that...
Keeping Moths from Fruit on Trees
Add a squirt of dish soap too if you want to drown bugs. It changes the surface tension and they die faster.
Gnats in Potting Soil?
Those are fungus gnats, and they are difficult to get rid of completely. Thankfully they seldom really harm the plants, though they are a real nuisance. In addition to the tips below, hanging a sticky fly strip near your plants will trap a lot of them. Another...
Uses for Old Shampoo and Conditioner?
Ive heard shampoo can be used for getting out ring around the collar in laundry, and maybe other oil-based stains stains.
Protecting Yourself from the Sun?
And be the most careful on the first days, of course. Maybe toward the end you will have a little more ability to enjoy more time outdoors. Spend a few minutes each day outside without the sunscreen and soak up some free Vitamin D, though! We did a vacation...
Getting a Mockingbird to Go Away?
Mockingbirds are very territorial, and quite fearless as you have found out! Do you have a suet feeder? They often go for that... put it as far away from the seed feeders as possible to make the mockingbird have to work harder. For that matter, spread all your...
Mold Problem With Front Loading Washing Machine?
Try wiping it out with vinegar, which also kills mold/mildew. Also use vinegar as fabric softener in your wash. Its cheaper, it works, it sanitizes, and you wont smell it when the clothes are dry. If you have to have perfume, then use the dryer sheets as sachets...
Bake Christmas Cookies in Stages
Professional bakers do this, because they know the cookies turn out better (for most varieties) if you chill the dough rather than baking them immediately.
Litterbox Problems With an Older Cat?
Until you solve the why Id suggest putting the litter box on a large sheet of plastic like the tablecloth cover sold by the yard at Wal-Mart or a plain shower curtain. Put newspaper on top of that by the litter box, and it should absorb the urine and be easy...
Printing a Degrees Symbol?
I wonder if your printer is not recognizing the font that you are using and substituting a different one. It would substitute letters with no difficulty but have problems with symbols and use something else, as they can vary in code from font to font. If you...
Life Miracle Magnetic Laundry System Information?
Id like it if my clothes smelled like nothing. My guys dont want to all be perfumed!
What Kind of Tree is This?
You got my curiousity up, so I did a little searching on the Web. I think you might have an tree that is an Australian native, which would be why it wasnt in your American field guides. It looks like it might be Brachychiton discolor, or at least a tree in...
Growing a Cardinal Climber Vine?
Nice information about lobelia cardinal flower, kffrmw88, but I think makelti wants information about Cardinal Climber (Ipomoea multifida). Here is a link to a site with information on growing the Cardinal Climber:
Disposing of Kitchen Scraps Other Than Composting?
Do you have any yard at all? If you do, there is a composter Ive seen ads for that would tuck out of the way behind a bush, etc. It claims it can handle average kitchen waste for a family of 4, including meat, bones, and animal excrement (critters cant get...
Keeping a Car from Being Towed?
You say a 2010 tag - in PA we have to have both a current inspection sticker, and a also a current tag on the license plate(which matches the registration papers). They can be on different months. I think some states tie the two together, but would it be possible...
Chicken Lays Green Eggs?
Pure bred Araucana lay blue eggs, and are believed to originally be a chicken/pheasant cross. They are classed as chickens and crossbreed with them. They are rumpless, have ear tufts, and lay blue eggs. They are relatively rare, as they carry a lethal gene...
Stains in Toilet?
(format_html)Barkeepers Friend Try using BarKeepers Friend cleanser on a sponge (the kind with a rough scrubbing side). The stain sounds like a mineral stain to me, and BarKeepers will remove that kind of stain whereas the bleach cleansers wont. The stain will...
Hardy Kiwi 'Michigan State'
Just so you know: Hardy Kiwi are not the fuzzy kiwi you find at the store, but related species. The fruit is about the size of a large grape -- maybe a little larger in the variety -- amooth skinned, higher in C and sweeter than the fuzzy type. They are normally...
Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing and Dip
This recipe is quite different in proportions from the one I have used for years - much higher in onion, (mine is twice as much garlic as onion) and I think the dill is not standard for ranch dressing. Most ranch dressing recipes also include a small quantity...
Buying Cereal in Bulk at Closeout Prices?
Try Maybe they can sell you just cereal.