Helping a Friend Who Is Breaking Off a Relationship?
Tell him she does not want the relationship or his friendship. If he continues his behavior she can have a restraining order placed on him. She needs to protect herself. I was in a similar relationship for 5 years and it nearly killed me.
My Cat Pees Everywhere?
Your cat may have a kidney infection. Get her to the vet! Also, check into having her spayed. There are many agencies that offer low cost spay & neuturing programs to combat the sad situation of unwanted animals.
Removing Dog Urine from Carpet and Hardwood?
I am going through the same problem. Cant find anything that removes the smell. I was told my old girl of 15 yrs may need to see the vet & they can give her some meds so she wont pee as much.
My Frugal Life: Making It Through a Little Longer
Prayers are sent. My grandparents were raised in the depression, so I was taught not to waste anything. Times were hard & still are but the memories are worth more than gold.
My Frugal Life: Making It Through a Little Longer
Also, sad to say but we depend on the government for too much. When the government crashes what will people do? I think you & your husband are very resourceful & you will come out ahead when you count on yourself & not someone else.