Tips For Taking a Cruise With Children?
I would suggest you look into what kind of electrical adapter you might need for plugging in things like hair dryers, curlers, etc. I didnt have one and had to dry my hair under the hand dryer in the womens bathroom. :o( Outlets on many of the big cruise liners...
Oatmeal Compress for Burns
You can just rub a plain, generic brand of mustard on the burn and it will do the same thing. I have done this and it really does work.
Jelly Making Prices Seem High?
You can also do it the old fashioned way. You dont even have to use SureJell. In the days before SureJell they simply used sugar and boil it down to where it was thick enough and poured it in the jars. I am sure your Home Economist at your local County Agricultural...
Musty Smells on Wool?
I bought two antique quilts that had that musty smell. I just sprayed both sides of them with Fabreze and let them dry. No more smell. :)
Outdoor Craft Ideas for Kids?
How about collecting rocks and painting different things on them like animals, flowers, strawberries, etc. Also collecting wildflowers and doing flower pounding to make cards, pictures on t-shirts or to frame.
Rid-Ex Alternative for Your Septic Tank
I was told by my septic tank man that the best thing is to dump a quart of butter milk down the drain about every 1-1/2 months. I have been doing that for years and had no problems.
Rid-Ex Alternative for Your Septic Tank
I would recommend that you dont use Ridex at all. It created a huge cake of gunk on top of my septic tank and made it back up. I had to have it pumped out. That is when I changed to buttermilk.
Using Plastic Things from around Soda Cans?
I staple mine together in such a way as to form a giant snowflake; paint it white and while the paint is still wet, sprinkle on glitter. Add a hanger and use for Christmas decorations. I have also seen them used to make puffy valances over windows. If you are...
Using Plastic Things from around Soda Cans?
You will have to tell me how to upload the instructions on your site for the Giant Snowflake. I have no idea how. There are 1-1/2 pages.
How to Use Discarded Suitcases?
You can stack the various sizes; belt them together and use as a side table or foot stool. You can refinish to match your decor or leave them natural the way they came. As for trunks, I refinished my grandmothers old steamer trunk and use it at the end of my...
Using It All - Canning Lid Centers
I use them to make pincushions - double and single. Just cut a circle of fabric to fit the lid; place some fiberfill in the center; place fabric over the fiberfill and bring around to back and glue. Then glue the whole thing into a used jar ring that is no...
Using It All - Liquid Laundry Detergent Containers?
I think the laundry detergent caps would make cute hats for snowmen. Just turn them over with the open part down and glue on. :)
Packaging Odds and Ends
I cut the bottom off 2 litre soda bottles and trim it in petal shapes. It looks just like a flower. Paint whatever color you want. Add a 20 oz. bottle bottom in middle cut the same way.