Going Organic With Pet Food
I make my dogs food every day! Not too hard just a little time and love. I feel so much better this way knowing what he is eating.
Buffet Foods For Backyard Wedding?
OK heres an idea.. You can get cheap jarred alfredo sauce, and tomato sauce, any sauce jars, (like 3 choice sauces) then lay them out heated with out the pasta and buy some parmesean cheese and different pastas (u can get them for 99 cents a box) and let your...
Help Planning Elegant Wedding For $2,000?
You can also make your own veil and bouquets, so easy. Just google DIY bouquet and veils, ring pillows as well. If you work on a project a day, you should save on your special day! Congratulations! ps- always negotiate! You can negotiate on almost everything...
My Best Garage Sale Tips
this is the first time doing a garage sale for me. Thankyou for the helpful tips!! do you think you can make more on garage sales, or ebay??
Saving Money on Gas
check this website out. you can put in your zipcode and the gas prices will come up cheapest to expensive. And they reload it every night. http://autos.msn.com/everyday/GasStations.aspx?m=1&l=1&zip=08816 hope this helps you yall (b)Editors Note:(/b) Replace...
Meal Ideas for a Flight Attendant?
Hey! Great idea!THANKS! UNFORTUNATELY, I have no microwave, and most of the time the hotels dont have fridges or a microwaves there as well. On the aircraft we only have conventional ovens. Thats why I need ideas that I can bring on a plane that wont rot easily...
Meal Ideas for a Flight Attendant?
ELLIE- the thing is when you have been flying for 10 years, you get sick of chicken or beef. Im glad you find it funny but eating that at least 4 times a week, is gross.. Not to mention you have no idea what is in the airplane foods..perservatives...it is so...
How can I get my dog to stop peeing by the bed?
well you do need to train him of course.. trust me.. when you have someone else watch him for you, you will be glad you did. for now you can try vinegar..dogs can smell where they marked and hate the smell of vinegar so they will stay away.. but the down fall...
Look For Craftsman Tools At Garage Sales
sears wont ask you for a recipt? i can just walk in with the craftsman tool and they will just replace it for free no questions?? that would be awsome..