Removing a Stain on Polyester Cheerleading Outfit?
Take a cotton swab and dip it in bleach, then swab the stain. Have the garment laying flat and stand there and watch the stain. If the stain doesnt completely disappear do it again. This should work, then rinse just the top part of the shirt, not the whole...
Tips for Downsizing to an Apartment?
Nobody but you can really do it. You have to go through things and decide what you have to keep, what you havent used for a year or more (these things can be gotten rid of). When it comes to furniture determine keep bedroom furniture for however many bedrooms...
Donating Ball Point Pens?
Contact your local Senior Citizens Center, or whatever it is called where you live. Sometimes there is a day care associated with them where senior citizens can go to give their caregiver a break for a few hours or all day. Also you might contact some of the...
Using Old Cake Mix?
I have never had any problems with outdated cake mixes. You could call your county home extension agent or whatever they are called where you live. This person will have a home economics degree and should know more about that than I do. I have never had a cake...
Dental Work Without Insurance?
Call around and see if you can find a dentist that will let you make payments. Also, if there is a dental school in your area, they might pull the tooth, but where I live, the dental students only clean and examine the teeth. Some communities have community...
Decorating a VFW Hall for Wedding?
When I got married back in the 60s my reception was in the American Legion Hall and there were no decorations, other than the table with the cake on it. The table for the bridal party had a white tablecloth and a couple tapers on it for decoration. Dont worry...
Making a Cake with Half a Box of Mix?
Why use a half of box of cake mix to make a whole cake? If you mean you just want a small cake, you can buy a cake mix called Jiffy that makes something like a 8 cake layer. To make a cake with half of a cake mix you would have to measure out to see how many...
Financial Advice for Low Income Senior?
No matter where you live, there is no way you can manage with $1,000 monthly income and $800.00 monthly mortgage, plus utilities. There is homeowners insurance, car insurance, car upkeep, food, a minimum of clothing. In the winter people can get energy assistance...
Removing Dirty Water Stains from White Jeans?
I dont have a solution, I think the reason the spots wont come completely out is because there is a possibility that there was automotive oil that had leaked out of cars, mixed in with the water. I used to have that problem too, whenever I wore any light colored...
Stuffed Animal Tricks Like Elf on the Shelf Tricks?
Most people have to figure out what would work best for them. Myself I wouldnt want to do this all year, I would think the novelty of it would wear off for the kids.
Housing Help for Disabled Veteran?
Did you have insurance, if so that should cover your expenses. If not apply for a HUD apartment. You might have to stay with a friend or in a homeless shelter until you can get into a HUD apartment. But there are HUD apartments and they are low income. If you...
Medical Help for Persons Over 65?
Most Lions clubs help people with eyeglasses or can refer you to one of their clubs that does. However, there are lots of people in the country who are so hard up they dont have regular eye exams and wear the same glasses for years. The same goes for dental...
Long Distance Relationships?
There is different kinds of love. You sound either awfully young or immature to be in any kind of relationship. I dont feel sorry for anybody that gets into these situations. I have a 20 year old grandaughter who walked out on an unhealthy relationship, and...
Salt for Killing Weeds?
If you are renting dont worry about your landlords weeds. They are his responsibility and if he doesnt care what his property looks like, that is his problem. If they get too bad, they city will get after him.
Tips for Growing Nails Long?
I cant tell you how to do it, because Im not even sure what the reason is that I have to cut my nails weekly to have them a decent length that doesnt interfere with doing certain things. I am 72 and for several years my doctor has had me on several over the...
Freezing Green Beans?
No matter whose frozen green beans I have tried, I have never had mushy ones, but they have always, been tough or basically like they only partially cooked.
Living Advice for $1000 a Month Budget?
You are right there is assistance for heating, but it wont cover all of the expenses, anyway in SD, it doesnt. There is also other utility expenses, such as electricity, phone, etc. If they run an air conditioner in the summer the electricity bill will be quite...
Planning a Wedding on $3000?
I assume you live in the Rancho Cucumonga area being you are planning on getting married there, so use the phone book and start making phone calls to get prices. For rings go to pawn shops to look for fairly inexpensive rings. Have a friend or relative take...
Removing Pen Ink from Paper?
Unless, I am misunderstanding something in your question, cant you just get rid of the page that has the signature on it?
Freezing Advice?
I have always frozen onion and green peppers together. I have never added anything else, other than occasionally some red peppers.
Craft Ideas for Teens?
Look at sites for Hobby Lobby, JoAnn Fabrics, and Michaels, they all have free projects listed. There is also a site called Do some google searches and you will find all kinds of things.
Candles or Flashlights for Power Outages?
The only kind of candles I ever use are the battery operated ones. If there is a chance of a power outage (when there is a possibility of heavy storms) I put one in my bathroom and turn it on when I go to bed. That puts out enough light, so that in case of...
Inexpensive Dental Work?
If you are pregnant and that hard up, you should be receiving some form of assistance. Where I live that type of assistance provides dental work.
Inexpensive Dental Work?
There are some foods you should be able to eat without pain, things like soups, mashed potatos, etc.
Inexpensive Dental Work?
You have to check where you live. We dont know what is available there. Some cities/counties have pro-rated clinics for doctors and dentists. Call your county welfare office or the department of social services and see if they know of anything. If there is...
Glue for Magnetic Tape?
Were you gluing the detachable paper backing or did you remove that and apply glue to the back of the magnet itself/? I would think if you applied the glue to the back of the magnet it would stick. When I use that tape I have had any problem using that self...
Baking Two Cake Mix Flavors in the Same Pan?
You could always make a divider out of foil and put it in the middle of the pan. but the way I would do it would be to use either a white or yellow cake and a chocolate cake and swirl them together to make a marble cake. If you do that you would just add some...
Swimsuit Bled Dye Onto Itself?
Shout Color Catcher isnt for removing color that has already bled onto another color, it is to prevent it in the first place. If the color is even dont worry about it, let it look like two shades of pink. Other wise carefully use bleach on the parts that are...
Making a Netting Petticoat for Wedding Dress?
I just looked at the Davids Bridal web site and they have ready made petticoats with a strapless bra type top attached for $59.00. They might not be as full as your sister wants, but it wouldnt hurt to look at them. They were described as being for a full ball...
Making a Netting Petticoat for Wedding Dress?
All I can say is it is going to take many layers of netting to get the fullness your sister apparently wants. Netting is usually 72 inches wide, so you could use the width to go around instead of up and down. Take it from somebody who was a teenager in the...
Blanching Corn?
If I remember right there are different directions for different types of food. As far as freezing tomatoes goes, all most of the people that I know, do is wash them, remove the stems and toss them in a plastic bag and then into the freezer. Then when they...
Baby Shower Theme Ideas?
Just use paper streamers and balloons for decorations. Not every thing needs to have a theme. Otherwise if you can find gingerbread shaped decorations go for it. You could even draw gingerbread shapes on poster board. You would have to use craft paints to paint...
Tips for Successful Moving Sales?
How successful a moving/garage sale will be depends on how you price things according to what it is and where you live. Where I live things have to be marked almost dirt cheap in order to sell. If you want to sell in order to get rid of things and not make...
Using Onion Soup Mix When Cooking a Roast in Crockpot?
I dont follow recipes for doing roasts in the crock pot. I just brown the roast before putting it in the crock pot, then pour a can of cream of celery soup over it and when done you have nice gravy. You could use any type of cream soup that you have on hand...
Finding Local Flea Markets?
Keep watching in your local papers and in any free shopper type papers that your area has. Sometimes they advertise on TV and radio. Where I live in SD they arent listed in the phone book or anything. A person has to just plain keep an eye out for things like...
Birthday Party Favor Ideas?
For my former mother-in-laws 90th birthday her kids found small jars that looked kind of like the old time mason jars that had the wire that went over the glass lid to hold the lid on. They filled the jars with small candies and typed up labels with her name...
Craft Ideas for Fabric With Dollar Sign Print?
I have seen mens boxers made out of that type of print. Actually PJs could be made out of it. Or use it for the back of an old fashioned patch work quilt.
Making a Cover for a Baby Wipes Container?
Google it and see if you come up with anything. However, why would you want a fabric cover on the container? It might look nice, but fabric gathers dust just like everything else and it would have to be laundered. To my way of thinking it would just be unnecessary...
Ideas Daughter's 12th Birthday?
Just do cake and ice cream and a few gifts with your immediate family. I have never in my 72 years done anything special for any family members birthdays. It was always an occasion for immediate family, mainly parent and siblings. Sometimes, depending on the...
Keeping Bugs and Flies Away from a Picnic?
That has always been the bad part of picnic, if people want to eat outside there is bound to be some kind of bugs around. My biggest complaint would be mosquitoes.
Planning a Frugal 4th of July Party
My thought is that when I entertain, I dont want a whole bunch of laundry to do after the fact, so therefore I use really cheap plastic tablecloths and paper napkins. At $3.00 a load to do laundry in the apartment complex that I live in it is just plain unaffordable...
Collecting Back Child Support if Parent is Deceased?
As far as collecting back child support goes, ask you child support collection office.
Cleaning Jewelry Setting?
You can buy jewelry cleaner at WalMart and other stores. Try that and an old toothbrush. I have also heard of people using liquid dish washing soap (the kind for hand washing dishes). and an old toothbrush.
Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping?
Actually contact your apartment manager and he should have maintenance check it out for you. Unless you own the apartment, instead of renting it is his responsibility.
Children of Varying Ages Sharing a Bedroom?
My toddler and newborn shared a bedroom from the time the newborn arrived until she was five years old, when she decided the older girl was too messy. By then we had a three bedroom house. A person has to do what they have to do. They also dont have more kids...
Finding a Source for Furniture Vouchers?
Go to the office of your local or nearby Salvation Army and ask for a voucher for whatever furniture you need. You can get the furniture free, if they have what you need. Also you can buy what you need at thrift stores and yard sales quite reasonably. Did you...
Deciding to Have Another Child?
My thought is give the baby up. However, I am wondering with all the posts you have made, having trouble with the kids you already have why in heavens name even get involved with a guy and then decide to have unprotected sex? As far as cheap baby stuff goes...
Finding Free or Inexpensive Appliances?
Check with thrift stores in your area, places like the Salvation Army and Good Will. I know with the Salvation Army you can go to their office and apply for a voucher for free household items and if they have them, you can get the items. However most of those...
Free Sewing Pattern for a Cloak?
According to the dictionary there isnt that much difference between a cape and a cloak. Sometimes the cloak has sleeves, but it said not always.
Painting a Refrigerator?
I think you can buy special paint for appliances. Check with your local home improvment store. They should even be able to give you ideas on how to do it. You can also buy stuff to apply to appliances to give them the look of stainless steel.
Donating Used Computers?
When you donate your computer you want to make sure you take the hard drive out and smash it. No matter what you do to protect your information if the right person gets their hands on it they can more than likely find out something about you.
Homemade Pickle Recipe?
There are all kinds of different pickle recipes. What kind did you have in mind?
Children and Sports?
What is footy? One way to look at it is life is dangerous. Your boys could be injured or killed crossing the street. Im not a big fan of sports, so my opinion is no, but then on the other hand you cant make the boys look like sissys either.
Social Security and Child Support?
The Social Security back pay, could have made up for the arrears in child support. The best thing for you to do is consult your child support collection office. As far as paying child support goes, no matter who is getting a social security check for a child...
Child Doesn't Like New School?
I hated school when I was a kid, from grade 1 to probably grade 5. I was extremely good at pretending to be sick. I dont know what the problem was but eventually it got worked out. There was only one school in the town, so I had no choice. The town was so small...
Freezing Green Beans?
My opinion of frozen green beans isnt real great. Taste wise they are OK, but no matter how they are frozen, whether home frozen or purchased, they are tough. When I had a garden I always canned the green beans for that reason. The canned ones dont look as...
Reuse of Plastic Meat Trays?
If the plastic meat trays are what I am thinking of, they are top rack safe in the dishwasher. Also plastic bags have a tendency to get wrinkles in them and it might be hard to to get all of the germs out of the creases. My former mother-in-law used to save...
Shopping for Inexpensive Fabric?
Watch for clearance fabric at fabric stores or stores that handle fabric. Every so often my WalMart will have clearance fabric in that price range. However, most of the time it isnt real good quality at all. I have found that at most of the stores that have...
Setting Bedtime for Children?
It is completely up to you to decide. I know parents that let their kids stay up as late as they want from the time they are toddlers until they are adults. However, I had my kids in bed by 8PM every night, unless we had company that had kids or were visiting...
Eating Crystallized Honey?
You can set it in a pan of hot water and it will melt. You will also have to keep changing the water. Depending on the container, you could even but it in a pan of water and bring the water to a boil.
Getting Rid of Flies Outside?
A long time ago when I was a little kid, my parents had the same problem. The porch faced south and they always figured that the flies congregated under the ceiling of the porch because of the shade that it offered. Nothing helped until they screened the porch...
Inexpensive All in One Fax Copier Printer?
The all in one printers, copiers and faxes arent very expensive at all. You can usually find one for no more than $100.00 and sometimes less. Of course I am talking the discount stores, not office supply stores.
Change Shampoos To Prevent Dandruff
Any of the hairdressers that I have ever went to in more than 40 years have said there is absolutely no difference between the higher priced ones and the lower priced ones. Most of them have recommended Suave. However some have recommended Tresemme, and one...
Replacing Mini Blinds?
I would think the object of having any covering on windows of any type is for privacy. Sheers dont offer much in the line of privacy.
Young Teens and Makeup?
Being treated like a teen is about fitting in. Basically it is the same thing. When my oldest daughter was 12-13 we werent allowing her to wear make-up and now that she is approaching 50, if her Dad had his way she wouldnt be wearing make-up yet. Then one day...
Finding a Good Inexpensive Internet Service?
A lot will depend on where you live. Do a google search and see what you come up with. I dont think any of the cheap ones are that great, I used to use them and what usually happens is after you have them awhile they increase the prices. Several years ago I...
Crafts Using Men's Ties?
Many years ago one of my aunts made a gorgeous quilt out of a bunch of husbands ties. she used the basic shape of the tie and after she sewed them together she hand feather stitched around them, then she used red satin for the backing and used an old blanket...
Rainbow Cake
My late mother used to make what she called ribbon cakes for our birthdays. She made them three layers; one layer pink, one layer green, and one layer yellow. They were always pastel colors, not deep colors.
Tape for Repairing a Vinyl Recliner?
Also I have a catalog that has a washable fleece recliner cover. It is four pieces: Two arrmrest covers, a footrest cover, and a cover for the body of the chair, for $19.99. The body cover has elastic straps to hold it in place and my guess is that the footrest...
Tape for Repairing a Vinyl Recliner?
They make duck/duct tape in all kinds of colors now. Stores like WalMart handle it.
Food for a Wedding Reception for 70?
A lot of cookbooks have that information in them. Also you could google the topic and most likely find out the information.
Social Security and Child Support?
The way I understand it is, a person has to be left enough to live on. Anyway that is the way it works with regular child support. Consult you local child support enforcement office.
Leaving an Abusive Boyfriend?
There has to be some branch of law enforcement that can help you. Basically nobody else can help you get off the island. Just what country has domain over the island? There has to be some law enforcement that you can contact. Do some snooping, he cant have...
Effects of Ex-husband Remarrying on Child Support?
If you were counting on income from his new wife, if she is working, as far as I know child support is only figured on the absent parents income. They dont hold a new spouses income as being eligible to support the husband/wifes kids from a previous relationship...
Buying the Right Size Boys Jeans?
Take them shopping and have them try different sizes on. I have a 25 year old grandson that has a similar problem. He is 68, needs a 38-40 inseam and a 34 waist. They arent easy to find and you dont find them at discount stores either.
Ex-husband Wants Custody of the Children?
Consult an attorney. There are times a person has to pay for help. You also might be able to find a place for free help, if you qualify, income wise.
Refurbishing a Formica Vanity Top?
The larger home improvement stores should be able to tell you what to do. I have seen programs on TV that shows how to paint old counter tops so that they look like granite. There is a special paint for counter tops, and I do remember that painting them to...
Using a Refrigerator With the Freezer Turned Off?
The only way this could be done that I know of, would be if each section had separate controls.
Dresser Drawer Pull Ideas?
A lot would depend on the look you want. I dont know what materials you have on hand. If you have to buy materials it might be cheaper to buy ready made ones. That is what I would do anyway. You can find fairly inexpensive ones. I know what I wish I could I...
Pantry Basics?
I always keep a good supply of canned veggies, fruit, etc. on hand. Usually about four cans of each of the ones that we like, and I rotate them. Canned goods can always be used in case of an extended power outage. I also keep 3-4 pkgs. of chopped ham in my...
Removing Red Hair Dye?
I have had people tell me that you can shampoo your hair with liquid hand dish washing soap, that will either remove the coloring or tone it down.
Shopping for Food for Graduation Party?
Where I live, our graduation parties are open house type. Also the people that I know dont send out that many invitations. A lot of what is served at the parties here are sloppy joes/bar-b-ques, potato salad, pasta salad. Cake, iced tea, and punch. These are...
Growing Peonies?
As a whole peonies dont last very long, probably just a few weeks. They usually bloom around Memorial Day. The whole plant doesnt die, just the blooms. When the blooms are done, you can cut the dried up part off and still have nice looking foliage. They used...
Activities for Middle Aged Man in Nursing Facility?
He could play solitaire. My former mother-in-law is in a nursing home, in a wheel chair because she is missing one leg, and is approaching 100 and she helps bake cakes, etc. They also have a hand bell choir or whatever they are called that she participates...
My Frugal Life: Living Life to the Fullest
I am always telling people that happiness is what you choose to make out of what you have. A person can choose to be either happy or sad and it is much easier to be happy.
Freezing Beets?
Im sure you can find the directions on google. From what I can remember from many years ago, you cook the beets without peeling them and you also leave the tail and a few inches of the stems, whatever they are called. You have to do this or else they will lose...
Encouraging Children to Get Rid of Extra Belongings?
If they are real young you have the right to go in and go through stuff. When they get a little older put it something like this - if they think they are old enough to do something that they want to do, they are old enough to know that they have to get rid...
Foods That Sell at Flea Markets?
It will mostly depend on your area, not just the south, but each state will be different, plus certain areas of each state could be different. As far as selling food at flea markets, I have never seen that done, other than maybe home made lollipops. Before...
Teen Summer Fun Ideas?
Picnics in a local park, swimming, going for walks/hikes, just get together at somebodys house and sit around visiting, listening to music, dancing, playing board games. You dont need to drive in order to have fun. You can do all kinds of things within walking...
Squirrels Eating My Apricots?
I tried raising tomato plants on my patio, and quit when I discovered the stupid squirrels were picking the green tomatos off the plants taking one bite of them and dropping them in the surrounding grass. They also like to dig the dirt out of my flower pots...
Choosing Flowers for Wedding Reception?
The cream calla lillies will work as well as cream colored candles. Actually any color of flowers and candles will work with metal colors. As to type of flower, that could be any kind that she wants.