Girl's 12th Birthday Party Ideas?
Something that requires no money would be for everyone of the invitees to write a special memory they have of her and make homemade birthday cards!
My Frugal Life: Being Mentally Thrifty
If its any consolation, I have a friend whose husband is an engineer. When they had their last baby, he insisted on buying only disposable diapers. He had figured up the cost of both disposable and cloth, factoring in the cost of soap, water, and electricity...
Lasagna Roll-Ups
Great Idea! With this method I can make my favorite lasagna recipe and freeze them individually, for a quick lunch or dinner.
Getting Rid of Mice?
I got rid of the mice from my mothers trailer in Oklahoma by taking away the food sources. She had a large pantry that had open box, bags, etc. I went to walmart and bought several big plastic boxes with lids and put all bagged and boxed food in the plastic...
Remedy for Pimples and Milia?
Wish you had posted your message if you have a solution for Milia. I went to a dermatologist about mine and he said there wasnt much you could do about them. I get them all the time but they never last too long, usually until the matter gets hard enough to...
Remedies for Weak and Thin Fingernails?
I had great nails when I was very young. Over the years, they got much worse to where they were peeling off in layers. I read in one of Heloises columns in the newspaper about white (also called clear or colorless) iodine, painted on your fingernails every...
Removing a Piece of Glass From Under the Skin?
My mother always put bread soaked in milk on our feet or hands when we got embedded glass, splinters, etc. She then wrapped strips of material around it to keep it on until the splinter or glass worked itself out.
What to Do About a Tooth Sensitive to Hot and Cold?
About twenty years ago, I had a lower jaw tooth or teeth that became very sensitive to cold weather, cold food, candy, etc. The dentist told me to use toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Only had to use it for a week or two and my teeth were no longer sensitive...
Why Would My Hair Turn Orange When Bleached?
Mine did the same thing when two black friends and I tried to put a white streak in our hair. Both of my friends were successful, but mine wasnt. I have ash brown hair and my streak turned out to be bright orange. I put brown shoe polish in it until it grew...
Kleenex on Clothing?
I buy Puffs instead of Kleenex as they come out of my Maytag washer and dryer in one piece when I miss one in a pocket. I have never been able to find Puffs in a small pack so still have to buy Kleenex in pocket packs.
Freezing Onions?
We buy bags of onions and cut up and freeze them in zip lock bags ready to use for cooking The only time we use freshly chopped onions is in potato salad.
How Much Do Filet Mignon Steaks Cost?
The price of anything would depend on which part of the United States or World you live in as well as how many grocery stores are in your area as both would affect the prices of everything. Live in a small town with only one grocery store and you are captive...
Growing Sprouts in Jars?
Soak alfalfa seeds in water for several hours or overnight. (I usually use about 2 tablespoons which makes approximately 2 cups of sprouts for me). Then using a tea strainer with holes smaller than the alfalfa seeds, drain and add fresh water each day for several...
Mock Potato Salad?
I used to make cauliflower salad for my diabetic mother all the time. It never raised her blood sugar like potato salad did. My younger brother, who was visiting our Mom, thought it was the best potato salad he had ever tasted. Both my husband and I like it...
Black Stain on Fiberglass Shower?
I used Tilex on my husbands shower. He normally cleans his own bathroom but never cleans the shower door or walls. The Tilex worked great on the shower walls but not the frosted glass door.
Helping a Child Eat More Healthy Food?
When our two sons were young and hated all vegetables but loved spaghetti & meatballs, I started chopping up vegetables into very small pieces and adding them to the sauce not only to get more veggies in them but also to stretch the spaghetti sauce to last...
Recipes Using Dried Pinto Beans?
I make a huge pot of Pinto Beans at least once a week and then make chili w/beans the second day. I never soak Pintos. I start them in a pot with about three times the amount of water, two or three cloves of garlic depending on size and boil them hard and fast...
Remedies for Poison Ivy and Poison Oak?
I got poison ivy all over my hands and fingers one year. I found by putting them under running water (as hot as I could tolerate) would keep them from itching for almost an hour. After cutting an overgrown yard one day, our oldest son had poison ivy all over...
Whitehead Remedy?
I went to a dermotologist about all the bumpy whiteheads on my face and chest and even had one under an eyebrow recently. He told me they were called milia and there is not much you can do about them. Mine always eventually get hard and roll out by themselves...
Vinegar and Water for an Ear Infection?
My doctor recommended half vinegar and half rubbing alcohol in a small glass bottle with a dropper. Put a few drops in ear and then turn your head to that it can run out. Before I learned about vinegar and alcohol, I had constant ear problems. I keep the bottle...
Washer Spins Slowly and Will Not Drain?
When my 25 year old Maytag washer leaked water all over the floor one day during the first spin cycle, my husband took the front panel off and found that a hose had come loose. Once he put that on, which has been a year and a half ago, I have not had any further...
Washing Suede
I had a beautiful suede full length coat that I absolutely loved. When I took it to the drycleaners and paid a fortune to have it cleaned, they ruined the color. When I complained about the different color they told me that the process they used always took...
What is a Roomba?
We love our Roomba. He is scheduled to vacuum every day at 10:00 am. Romo turns himself on and vacuums our living room, family room, and kitchen and then returns to the docking station to recharge. Most seem to give their Roombas a name. We call ours Romo because...
Deb's Famous Cinnamon Buns
Ive never heard of a square of margarine. Would it be the same as what I call a cube? Or 4 ounces?
Place Phone in Purse When Charging
What a great idea. I forget my cell phone all the time and think this might help.
Hydrangeas Not Flowering?
I was given a potted hydrangea from a florist shop for Mothers Day about five years ago. I planted it in our yard after the blooms died. It grew leaves only for at least three or four years before it finally started blooming again. Last year it was the prettiest...
Cleaning Tomato Stains Off Plastic?
The sun does wonders with stains from tomato sauce on Tupperware and other plastic dishes. The sun also worked to take out some flower pollen stains on a favorite pair of light beige slacks.
Using a Steam Cleaner on Microfiber?
I use baby wipes to clean my microfiber chairs! Also use baby wipes to spot clean carpets, spot clean laminate floor in kitchen, etc. Once got what looked like oil stains out of a white carpet in a house my son rented with Huggie baby wipes. I now buy Kirkland...
Tips for Organizing Recipes?
I collect recipes. After I have tried them, I place them in one of three piles. First Pile is our favorites that will be made again and will be udated to the computer and printed out for a small three ring binder that holds our favorites. Second Pile is for...
Toddler Won't Play Alone?
I had my son help with housework. He loved feeling helpful when he was young. Loved helping me do dishes, dusting, etc. If it wasnt done quite right, I just went over it later when he was busy elewhere as you dont want to be too critical when they are small...
Losing Weight Without Exercise?
I lost 30 pounds in four months last year with no exercise by just cutting my portions. Tried many many crash diets over the years and with every one, I lost the weight quickly but always gained it back with usually a few more pounds just as fast as I took...
Stock and Rotate Emergency Supplies
Very good Idea. We had hurricane Isabel in our area and a lot of people were without power and water had to be boiled for at long as three weeks. We only lost power for one day because we live in an old house on an old street and are on the same power grid...
Is OxiClean Powder Any Good?
It didnt work for me the one time I did try to use it for grease stains on two sweatshirts in 2002. Have never used it again, although I still have the bucket of it out in the garage!
Organizing DVDs?
I have the single DVDs stored alphabetically in a bookcase and the boxed sets with multiple DVDs on a separate shelf along with two printed copies of the 200 plus DVDs that we have. I keep one printed copy taped on the inside door of the bookcase and the other...
How Well Do Garment Steamers Work?
Sounds as if Im the only one that likes a steamer. My husband bought ours at Costco for his suits when on travel. I stored a bunch of polyester blouses in a plastic container that I never had to iron. When I took them out of the attic after two years of storage...
Mix Cheap Wine With Kool-Aid
Thanks for the Great Info on mixing wine with Kool Aid. My spouse will be much happier if I join him in having a glass of wine every evening.
Dyeing Carpet?
Try Huggie Baby wipes to clean the spots! My son rented a house that had a white carpet with some black spots that looked like black car oil! I was able to get all the black spots out with Huggies baby wipes. I had just heard about huggiesi being good for spot...
Garden: Pumpkins
We have three beautiful perfect pumpkins that volunteered from one that we left in a flower bed for the squirrels and chipmunks to eat last year. Never noticed any chipmunks but the squirrels loved them! I didnt recognize the leaves when they first came up...
Recharging Shake Flashlight
Mine were dead and it took what seemed at least ten minutes to shake them back to life! My arms got a good workout :) Im eager to try this instead. Although I have about 50 flashlights already so dont reallly need these two and am now thinking about keeping...
Chrysanthemum Cuttings?
I live in USAs Zone 7 and all we do is when we start pinching the growth in summer to keep them from blooming too early. We take the pieces weve pinched, strip off the bottom leaves, leaving four of five leaves on the top and then plant the piece in a starting...
Cooking With Cast Iron Pans
Thanks for the tips! I wouldnt recommend cleaning in a self-cleaning oven like I did. I had a twenty-five year old cast iron skillet that was a favorite. We bought it the week after we got married. The inside was perfect after all those years, but after the...
Teenage Girl Cries A Lot?
I cried a lot between the age of 16 and 21. I married at 18 and have a very easy going husband and was and still am very happy with my marriage. He truly is my best friend. But it about drove him crazy when he would see me crying as he always thought he had...
Make Your Own Iced Coffee?
I do not like sugar in my hot or iced coffee. For iced coffee, I use Tasters Choice instant -- one heaping teaspoon of instant in an 8 ounce cup of hot water. I then pour that over a 20 ounce glass full of ice and add skim or 1% milk to taste and water to fill...
Home Remedies For Ear Ache?
I used to have a lot of trouble with ear aches which was due to what they call swimmers ear and which didnt start until I was in my 30s. I seldom swim, but have lived in a humid climate since my 30s. A family doctor recommended homemade ear drops of half alcohol...
Sleeping Better Without Medications?
I too, am a senior citizen that was only sleeping three or four hours a night. I happened to read an article about being low on Iodine as the cause. Also that low Iodine causes fibrocystic breasts and breast cancer. My younger sister had fibrocystic breasts...
Removing Pollen Stain from Clothing?
Thanks for the hint about putting in sun to remove the orange pollen stain from my tan slacks. A mid morningi summer sun removed the stain in less than an hour.
Pooling Money for a Birthday Gift?
I would ask friends and relatives to send or bring cards with a letter or note recalling a special memory or an event they might have shared. I think at their ages, that would be much more meaningful than gifts. Thats what we did for my Mothers 85th. She loved...
Do Mixed Breed Dachshunds Have Stronger Backs?
I think it all depends on genetics. We have had two dachshunds and currently one dachshund/terrier mix, Belle. She has the body of and looks like a dachshund but has white muzzle, feet, and belly. Neither of our full dachshunds had back problems. We thought...
Ants Inside a Coffee Maker?
I had that problem many years ago and found it was the calcium deposts in the coffee maker that the ants were after! I stared using vinegar in the coffee pot overnight every few weeks to clean the calcium deposits out and that solved the ant problem in my coffee...
Egg Salad Recipe?
If it was a Seventh Day Adventist recipe, I doubt that it had eggs in it -- uless they have changed and become more liberal in their diet over the years. We had several Seventh Day Adventists living in our neighborhood near Loma Linda, California and none of...
Treating Fleas with WD-40?
I just went to (a place that you can check to see if what youve read or heard is true, false, or not yet known). Snopes reports that some people spray their skin with WD-40 to relieve arthritis. But it is NOT on WD-40s list for use on humans.
Baby is Not Crawling?
Our oldest son did not crawl until after he walked. He was a very placid baby -- never cried! Started sleeping thought the night at 1 week! We of course thought we had if all figured out on how to raise babies! And then our second son came along! He started...
Store Craft Supplies in Tackle Boxes
I bought two tackle boxes several years ago at Walmart. I use one for knitting and crocheting needles, bobbins, etc., and the other is in constant use in my kitchen as a step stool for the shelves I cant reach from the floor and to store my handywomans tools...
Getting The Most From Your Warehouse Store Membership
We do more than 75 percent of our grocery shopping at Costco for just my husband and me, as they have wonderful buyers and everything they sell is top quality. We did our weekly shopping there yesterday and bought an 18 ounce container of blackberries for $3...
Grease Relief Cleaner?
When I was taking care of my Mother, she had a bunch of clothes that I was getting ready to throw away because of the grease stains. My sister told me that the lye soap that my mother had made years ago and still had several bars left would take it out. It...
Product Review: Save-A-Blade
My husband has a Mach III that he got for Christmas last year but he much prefers the Gillette Pivot Plus throwaways. He uses the the Gillette Pivot Plus for a week on his face and then gives it to me for my legs. I used one for ten months just to see how long...
Recipes for a Mini Crockpot?
I use my mini to make our morning oatmeal. It makes two one-cup servings which is just right for my husband and me -- 1 1/4 cup for him and 3/4 cup for me.
What to do About Armpit Odor?
I too had the probem of not being able use deodorant. Mainly because it appeared that I was allergic to most of it as it always started horrible itching problems. I now alternate between baking soda and unscented baby powder which seems to work just as well...
Patterns to Use with Mattel Knitting Machine?
My mother made a beautiful afghan out of the Matell Knitting machine circles. Unfortunately I dont have it anymore as after she died in 2004, I gave it to her namesake grand daughter. Best I remember, she just sewed the circles together. My mother was very...
Ideas for Using Stand from a Bird Bath?
Same thing happened to one of my bird baths. I went to a garden store and bought a huge saucer meant for catching excess water from large potted plants. Unfortunaty it is plastic and doesnt look as nice -- but birds dont seem to mind!
TiVo is Stuck on One Channel?
I upgraded my very old TIVO from a 40 MG hard drive to a much larger capacity about two years ago. I emailed TIVO through their support site at They told me which brands were compatible and the very simple directions on replacement Think I bought...
Laser Hair Removal Advice?
Did not work for me at all. I spent 1500. Had several laser treatments in Texas and more here in Virginia and my facial hair is worse than ever. I currently tweeze every night and shave every morning. Plan on trying electrolysis now!
Electrolysis Advice?
I have had laser done twice. Once in Texas and a few years later again in Virginia. Both times it was OK for a few months but then my facial hair came in heavier and worse than ever. I tweezed and shaved for several years before I decided to finally try electrolysis...
Keeping a Pie Crust from Shrinking?
I use three stainless steel spoons, forks, or knives (kepending on what size pan Im using) to keep my pie crust bottoms flat. Worked a lot better than dried beans for me as the beans werent heavy enough to keep it completely flat.