Lane Hope Chest Confusion?
This is a beautiful piece. I am curious if it is in fact from 1911 but apparently they were not begun till 1912. Is there anyway this was a prototype model before the chests came out?
Value of Emmett Kelly Doll?
the age of it as well as the made in Taiwan sticker as well as the patina of collector doll leads me to believe its not worth very much.
Identifying Glass Manufacturer?
it looks like a flower. I did a search for glass + logo + flower and did not come up with anything. the thing to do is follow leads provided here or seek a glass collector
Information About Dixie Furniture Nightstand?
We had furniture like this. It is pretty ubiquitous and if I remember, somewhat heavy and bulky. $45 is what I would ask, for utilitys purposes.
Mystery Doll From My Childhood?
I spent some time at some point looking at these German dolls on but the site mostly discusses logos, not faces - as well I never saw a doll face like the one you post...
Value of Vintage Zenith Stereo Console?
It would be great if it was put together and cleaned up some. Even then, if it has been dismantled, it may lose out value. If it works I could see someone paying $200 - $500 for it. Collectors dig the sound.
Identifying Dolls?
these dolls are not in great condition but they might still be worth something. Especially if antique. is a good site
Value of Noritake China?
You could expect to get $20 from these plates at the least. They are quite nice
Value of My Doll?
This is not worth very much. Mass produced collector dolls from the 80s onwards are worth the packaging they are in, and thats about it.
Information About Old Desk?
this looks very nice and antique - I really like the dovetailing and the varnish.
Identifying A Plush Mouse Toy?
it looks like a beanie baby to me - maybe it is the thing the beanie babies were inspired on
Is This a Pure German Shepherd?
I have never seen or heard of a blonde German Shepherd - I have of course seen the Black and Tan and the all-white and the all-black, but never this colour before
Tiny Bugs on Bedroom Wall Keep Appearing?
silverfish was my first thought too in general they look almost like sea creatures - like crabs or something am curious that cleaning the carpet didnt solve the problem, but probably insecticide is needed you may try diatomaceous earth or boric acid; both are...
Value of Doll?
I have a whole spiel about how dolls made in factories after the 80s do not have much resale value beacuse they were mass produced and on top of that the market is glutted with them. This is about the dolls resale value in some hypothetical collectibles/commodities...
Swiffer Wet Jet Mop Head Replacement?
if what Cybergrannie says is true (and it probably is because shes the best) I would honestly try posting the pic of what you need on a facebook local buy/sell group, or look on ebay. I think the idea of these things is to be semi disposable which is why its...
Is My Tongue Piercing Infected?
You probably dont want to take risks with your tongue, but if you want to first try gargling assiduously with hydrogen peroxide, or putting manuka honey on it, then you may be OK If you have any sort of fever you must go to the doctor immediately. Or radiating...
New Cat is Showing Dominance?
You may want to provide some shelving or perches for the other cats so that they can escape the aggressive/dominant one and feel safe. Feeling safe will make them give off less of a victim vibe which will trigger the aggressive one less Jackson Galaxy is someone...
Value of Tables?
I have sold tables like this, even without pedigree, for $200 or so. Theres a water mark on one table but that is actually pretty easy to fix with vinegar and baking soda (theres a thread on here about that somewhere)
Finding Pump A Present Instructions?
I dont know what that is, sorry Have you tried to put a google alert? At least if someone does post it (it happens sometimes) you will get an email announcement alternately you could find a forum for...
Cover Up for Bad Caulking Job?
Whats interesting to me about this situation is that if you accidentally managed to destroy or break the glass doors, the management would get a clue and actually do their job viz a viz fixing the bad caulking job. Barring that, you could fix it yourself on...
Value of Noritake Meat Platter?
I second all opinions regarding probably low sale price What I would do if I were you is look for persons who might have this complete china set due to their grandma or whatnot but who are for some reason missing this meat platter. This can be accomplished...
DIY Business Receipts?
it sounds like you provide a service and want to provide a receipt to your vendors/clients I believe that it is correct that anything you do (in Word, etc) will provide that As well if you use Square app, the system itself generates receipts. Even if you take...
Zebra Finch Egg Laying Issue?
Maybe she doesnt like where you have put the nest? You might just put the nest where she is trying to lay already, and maybe wear gloves when you interact with the nest I dont know if finches do this, but some animals do not like to lay where they smell other...
Faded Areas on Fabric?
me being the person I am, I would try to make it a batik or tie-dyed I also notice its sort of a light blue-grey colour - it could also work to just dye it a darker more vibrant shade of blue though...
Carved Wooden Mask?
I have some art history experience and the eye shapes and eyebrow shapes make me think of masks from the Uruk era/Mesopotamia I dont have a lot of experience with African tribal masks but I suppose it is plausible...
Waterproofing Cookie Tins?
I have used tins for baking supplies/flour/sugar/etc for many years. It has never been a problem for me to just put the bag in there If you can be sure that it will absolutely not in any way touch the flour/etc, why not use some dessicant packages? You can...
What Is This?
How big is it? It looks like at least as big as your shoe Is it metal? It looks like aluminum but not sure. In any event aluminum is not a good electricity conductor so if it is, its probably not an electric fence or other such thing Was it buried? How old...
Frozen Raw Cabbage?
I have done this before - actually frozen cabbage and used it in soup If you dislike the texture you can always blend it all after its cooked for a thicker soup
What Kind of Bug is This? (Carpet Beetle)
The picture is really quite unclear It is not out of the question that it is a bed bug, since that is the shape they look when they are fed/engorged with blood. If it has anything like wings, it absolutely is not a bed bug
Finding a Dish Detergent That Suds?
I have gotten pretty much any detergent to sud if I put the plug in the sink, then put the soap in (a generous amount), then start the water, super hot and super fast. This suds marvelously. It doesnt necesarily last a long time but at least 5 minutes. some...
Adopted Dog Pees and Poops in His Crate?
according to AKC dog experts, you should provide her a smaller crate space so she will really think twice about going in there. Also be vigilant and when shes getting ready to do her business, take her outside right away. Also be religious about taking her...
Name Ideas for a Non-Medical Home Care Service for Seniors?
Karing Hands at Every STage of Life Caring Home for Elders As We Change Care
Daycare Business Slogan Ideas?
Kind of Krazy Fun Kreating Kreative Kids Fomenting Creativity through Crafts Kreative Krafts
House Trained Dog Peeing on New Carpet?
if you take her on a lot of walks maybe she wont want to mark the territory so much. I agree about the enzyme cleaner you want to get all that odour smell out of the carpet you could also have the carpet cleaned in case theres a particualr odour in that carpet...
Cat Keeps Bringing Her Kittens into My Bed at Night?
is it warmer on your bed? Maybe if you place a grow lamp or heat lamp where you want the kittens, she wont move them
Removing a Set-in Coffee Stain from Upholstery?
Ive had good luck using hydrogen peroxide to get stains out but test out on the fabric to make sure it doesnt remove the original colour
Determining Housecleaning Job Fee?
if youre charging $25 per hour, this could cost them as much as $400, depending on how fast they work others calculate a cent-per-square foot IE 10 cents per square foot youre looking at $450 flat rate this article has more ideas
Getting Hair Back to Natural Color After Highlighting?
i would go back straightaway to the stylist and request a protein hair treatment to strengthen the hair, and then on that day, or a week later, s/he might be able to add a colour on top of that since youre going from light to brown, you could also try henna...
Remedy for Black Tarry Buildup in Dog's Ears?
it is most likely an ear infection. Dark buildup, itching, moving his head back and forth, are all symptoms of this. you could try to heal it yourself but probably best to see a vet. in any event, here is some remedies:
Name for a DIY Wooden Sign Painting Business?
They Grow On Trees! Wood Crafts Wood Creations Paint It! Wood & Paint Painterly Logistics Painterly Pursuits
Keeping a Dog from Scratching a Growth in His Ear?
here are some things that help humans with growths and whatnot, but am not certain re dogs - honey, especially manuka honey, is soothing to the skin and antibacterial - a poultice made from bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar - tea tree oil mix: 5 drops...
Homemade Coffee Creamer Recipe?
I eat a mostly plant-based diet, and so to me the best cream can be made with soaked cashews you can either make straight-up cream like for whipped desserts, or put in coffee as is, or dilute with almond milk to get more of a half and half type product I have...
Finding Attachments for a Vintage Kenmore Sewing Machine?
mymum is a quilter and she says these machines are still fairly popular because they were built to last, and actually work i would not offer less than $200 for it. shipping is difficult but if you say pickup only that should work well
Activity Ideas for an Elderly Stroke Victim?
something that helped him work with his hands would be great. play Doh, or clay, or ceramics, or anything like that also Legos or Lincoln Logs I wish I could recommend something that made the use of fire, but clearly thats too dangerous. Maybe having outside...
Slogan for a Cleaning Service?
White-glove results we pass the white glove test we do it right from the start the right look at the right price
Ideas for Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?
to me it always depends on 1. what budget you have 2. what he likes without knowing these two things, its pretty hard to come up with a good answer. special things, though are experiences, like going to the beach, the park, a hike, a picnic, a museum, a sports...
Is My Puppy a Purebred GSD?
wow, a very cute dog. to me he almost looks like he has part Rottweiler, in the colouring and shape of face, but could also be GSD. at this age it is hard to tell
Abused Rescued Dog Is Sometimes Aggressively Defensive?
thankfully, dogs are a pretty forgiving breed and will adjust well to a new, loving home. It is a good sign that she is as well behaved as she actually is re. grooming, most likely her other family situation either never groomed her, so it is a new/threatening...
Removing Red Kool-Aid Stains from Carpet?
Ive had good effect with hydrogen peroxide and also enzymatic cleaners. But I have never tried to take off something like Kool Aid, which could be tough since its actually dye IE meant to permanently stain things.
Curtain and Cushion Color Advice for a Great Room?
I think a nice mauve or burgundy would work really well. Or maybe a nice light lime green, to add a different hint to the green family.
Dog Not Eating After Other Family Dog Died?
barring poor Riley isnt sick, and just mourning, the important thing is to keep him hydrated, give him lots of attention, talk to him a lot, and feed him small things, or you could make him soup. there are some herbal products available to help pets cope with...
German Shepherd Pup Died Suddenly?
so sorry re your loss! obviously with a shot liver, and the sudden way, it is easy to think he was poisoned, either slowly due to bad food or suddenly, upon finding something was he ever exposed to chocolate that you know of? Some dogs are fond of chocolate...
Identifying a Porcelain Doll?
It is a Cynthia Moran doll and the price $75 sounds about right. This doll was created based on the fashion of the time it was created to celebrate multicultural values and a more expressive face than other doll vintage years.
Slogan for a Montessori Play Way School?
To Play is The Way Fun and Games and Learning Way Fostering Excellence the INtercultural Way
DIY Earring Stabilizers?
earring stabilizers work in the same way that hardware to hang framed paintings to walls work - they are elongated and distribute the weight over a larger area so that the droop doesnt happen. for a real DIY and low effort experience I would probably just use...
Value of a Singer Sewing Machine 15-90?
when you go to sewing aficionados websites, these machines rate pretty well. They hold up to scrutiny and still manage to work through the ages. I know quilters who still use these machines $350 sounds about right.
Bissell Powerwash Pro Not Vacuuming Up Dirty Water?
some aspect of the hose mechanism is not sucking up fluids properly, possibly due to some leak or the vacuum mechanism not working, or else the tank is oversaturated, sort of like when a vacuum bag is too full
Inner Roadblocks to Financial Wellbeing
oh yes I actually DID find this one! They have entire episodes on Youtube. Funny I found it after writing this and watched it for a bit. Thanks for the idea :D
Removing Urine Odor from Skin?
urine smell can unfortunately indicate some sort of kidney failure so i hope it is not that if the issue is that he just does not have good hygiene (boys at a certain age can be lax in personal hygiene) the only real option is to make sure he bathes a lot if...
Janitorial Services Slogan Ideas?
where spring cleaning sparkles we add a sprinkle of sparkle let Anthony do the job We aim to serve serving your janitorial needs
Alternative Funeral Gift to Flowers?
a great thing for a widower, especially if his wife was the home economics expert in the household (though probalby not during her illness) is something that would make his material life easier if you have the budget, maybe hire a housekeeper for him for a...
15th Birthday Ideas?
if I were celebrating solo I would try to go do something by myself that was interesting and fun and possibly allowed me to meet people Id go to a local open mic or to a museum or see a play i would also maybe go volunteer at a food bank or homeless shelter...
Value of a Vintage Desk and Chair?
It is a lovely piece I would start at $350 - if you take the trouble to appraise it further and find out its true value you could list for as much as $800
Removing Blackheads?
I would try some sort of activated charcoal mask or bentonite clay mask. You add vinegar or lemon juice to the clay and it hardens, you put on your skin and leave for 15 minutes or longer (depending on how much you can stand it - it can be very drying)
Donating Swimsuits to a Thriftstore?
I have both seen and purchased swimsuits in Goodwill and other thrift stores. Sometimes they have purchased new ones in lots from failed outlets or China factories but a lot of time they are simply donated
Interior Design Firm Name Ideas?
Payday Interiors with Payal PayLess With Payal Peak Performance Interiors with Payal Payal Plus Decor
Making Microwavable Heating Pads?
My aunt made me some and filled it not only with rice and beans but really fragrant herbs so that every time you nuke it it smells really good you are supposed to wet it a bit before nuking it here are other instructions
Remedy for Hair Damaged by Flat Iron?
shea butter is divine for your hair as is a coconut oil hair masque I have had great luck with an egg yolk masque - you take egg yolks, beat them, warm them up, put them on your hair and leave on for 30 minutes I looked at the Mizani product on the Ulta website...
Recognizing the Contributions of Volunteers?
Ive been in this situation, on the other end Ive worked for a non profit and we were organizing a silent auction and needed volunteers to organize the event and of course donations it fell to me to do the social media/newsletter but not to me to actually interact...
Montessori School Slogan Ideas?
Planet of the Kids A Solar System of Fun The most fun place in the solar system The most creative place in the solar system
Getting Permanent Marker Off of Skin?
I would try first acetone (IE nail polish) or rubbing alcohol it may also be an oil based marker so maybe you want to try turpentine or mineral spirits theres also a great soap called Pink Soap, it is liquid, for artists, to get rid of weird stains to be honest...
What Breed Is My Dog?
I can see the Boxer and Pit Bull type or Staffordshire mix in there, possibly instead a bit of hound/hunter dog too.
Using a Broom to Clean a Fiberglas Tub?
I dont think it would ruin it but I dont think it would really clean much of anything. The best way to clean these tupes of surfaces is to wallpaper it with bleach soaked paper towels. You put them all over the tub, leave them for 30 minutes then take them...