Moulding on Newly Rendered Walls Turned Black?
I suppose that you have not yet applied a finish to the wood. If that is the case you will be able to remove the black stain by using chlorine bleach. Apply with a rag until the color has returned then neutralize with water. Experiment with a small area. Over...
Worn Spots on Tub Bottom?
In California there is a company named Miracle Method they refinish tub and tops. They use a porcelain paint. We often use it in stead of replacing fixtures. The finish is not as durable as the original but, it does extend the life of a fixture. Rygobus
Installing Vinyl Tile Over Old Linoleum Tile and...
Kathleen, There are multiple issues here. First is asbestos. Removal will probably be expensive. Its best to leave it there if possible. Secondly, it sounds like you have an irregular floor. This can probably be repaired by an experienced floor layer. If a...
What is the Best Material to Use for a Subfloor?
Well I have been constructing buildings for years and I have yet to find a product that could spend a year at the bottom of a lake and not deteriorate good luck with that. I would ask your contractor if the source of the water damage had been found. If not...
Building a Corner Support for New Countertops?
It sounds like you are just looking for a way to support a counter top. Just install a length of 2x4 on either wall in the corner. The cabinets will support the front edge. Rygobus
Problems Removing Bathroom Wall Tile?
The project you have chosen is a lot of work. It is unlikely that you will be able to remove the tile and not remove the Portland concrete backing. You will find that it is attached to the wall by steel lath nailed to the studs. Cut around the edge and try...
Re-texturing Heavily Textured Walls?
First if you house was built after 1972 it is unlikely you will find any asbestos. If you are concerned about asbestos take a small amount of the texture to a testing lab for about 50 dollars you can find out. While you are at it have tape tested too. Use a...
Repainting a Ceiling?
It is best to use an oil base sealer if none are available use Kilz, available at Home Depot. Happy painting. Rygobus
Repairing Dry Wall After Wallpaper Removal?
When ever you sand sheet rock be sure not to sand to much. You may end up with the surface of the sheet rock with a fuzzy or suede look. This will not go away with painting. If the wall is damaged from the removal of paper it may be best to skim coat the entire...
Enclosing a Propane Water Heater?
Check local codes. The local authority will sell you a permit. A closet may be built around a water heater but, there must be an allowance for combustion air for the burner. The local inspector may be able to tell you what is required. I think that I would...
Reinforce Around Windows When Building Your Home
When framing a home I always put a 2 x 12 or some other wide piece of wood between the king stud and where ever the next stud fell. We would jam it against the bottom of the top plate and run the bottom well below the bottom of the header. That way there is...
Repairing Cracks in Plaster Walls?
If I were to repair cracks in a plaster wall I would use sheet rock compound. If the cracks were very wide like 1 / 16 of an inch or more then I would apply sheet rock tape and taping compound. Rygobus