Jeanie & Johanna's Vegetable Garden
Got any advice on how to get rid of squash bugs (stink bugs) without using pesticides?
Alternative to Paper Towels
One other thing you might use is something I learned on Thrifty Fun. Its to use the cheap paper coffee filters for many things you would normally use paper towels for.
10 Unique New Year's Resolutions
Loved all these ideas! I think anyone would certainly have a great year if they followed this advice!
Banana Spider (Marysville, TN)
We call them writing spiders. If you see your name written in the web, your days are numbered!
No Luck with Moth Balls
Moth balls are very poisonous to other critters besides squirrels so keep that in mind before you scatter them about.
What is This Flower? (Sweet Pea)
This flower is a perennial sweetpea. It will take over a yard if you let it (or if you dont let it!)
Waiting for the Spring Birds to Arrive
I love cats and have two myself. But when I found out that domestic cats kill millions of songbirds each year I made a decision to keep my cats inside. I cant save the whales or the polar bears, but I sure can make a difference in my little corner of the world...
Yellow Wildflower (South Carolina)
Your Dad did something right when he raised you. You appreciate the little things in life that are really so special! I wish your Dad and you the best. Anne in NC
Color Coded Storage
Also you could take a picture of the item in the box and put it on the outside. Anne in NC.
Greeting Card Bookmarks Lift Spirits
We get so caught up in the stress of our own lives that we (I) often fail to remember that many others are dealing with things we can only imagine. You have spoken of your feelings with such an open and forgiving attitude that it inspires the rest of us to...
My Cat Loves Plastic Bags?
Be very careful about plastic bags with cats, as we had a cat who apparently ate a plastic bag (unknown to us until the veterinarian did an x-ray and found it in her stomach). We had it taken out, but the damage to her stomach apparently was done and she died...
Make a Right Hand Glove Out of a Left
I gave you a thumbs up for the glove idea, but also for picking up trash. Now if we can just get more people to pick it up than throw it out! Anne from NC
Getting Rid of Yellow Jackets and Ants on Hummingbird Feeders
I think this is not a good idea at all. If the Vaseline jelly gets on their wings it can cause them to not be able to fly. Drinking it probably would not be good for them either. Also the formula for hummingbird food is one part sugar and four parts water! Please...
Storms Never Last (Fredericton, New...
Absolutely beautiful! What a gift to see something so gorgeous and so fleeting! Anne in NC
End Of Season Plant Bargains
You are so right! I have gotten some great deals at the big box garden cener this time of year on lots of plants. Even if they are annuals, you still have a few months to enjoy them and they really can perk up your garden just when it is looking a bit tired...
Differences in Green Bell Peppers
Very interesting! Going to have to pay more attention to the bottoms! Thanks.
Planting Zantddeschia Bulbs?
Usually, if you are not sure of which end is up on a bulb, lay it sideways and it will know which way to go!
Scenery: Snowy Scene in North Carolina
Hope this feedback is not too late for you angeltea9! This was in 2010. I think I measured 12 inches. We usually dont get that much snow thats for sure! This year though, we havent got any. Im not too sad. Personally Im ready for spring. The daffodils and quince...
Low Fat Ice Cream Recipe?
Raspberry Butter-milk sherbert 2 cups fruit fresh or frozen 1 cup sugar 2 cups buttermilk 1 tsp vanilla extact Mix together in blender or food processor The original recipe came from Southern Living Mag about a million years ago. I use powdered buttermilk because...
Unique Planter Ideas?
Dont know what your zone is, but this window box in Charleston South Carolina blew my socks off! It looks to me like the white in the center is allysum, the pink are petunias, the blue could be scaviola,and there could be other stuff in there as well. Just...
How to Organize Helpful Tips
Since you are already a computer user, why not just highlight ( with your cursor) the recipe or idea you want to save, copy it, Paste it to a new document, the , under file on the top menu bar,hit save as and save to a file you have named recipes or Household...
Soda Bottle for Bee Trap
Ive had trouble with bees at hummingbirds feeders also. But since we are so short of pollinators (not just honeybees are pollinators!) I was happy to find a feeder at Wild Birds Unlimited that if you can only fill 2/3rds full, the bees cannot reach the sugar...
Gift Idea Envelope
I would also put the dates of importance on the outside of the envelope. Maybe Im the only one whos husband doesnt know when their anniversary is(he forgot our 40th!) Anne in NC
Pretreating Carpet Stains?
Im not sure about the pee stains, but Hydrogen peroxide will take the blood out. Might want to pretest to make sure it doesnt hurt the carpet, but Ive used it on quilts when Ive pricked my finger on the needle and it has never changed the color of the fabric...
Juicing Grapes for Making Jelly?
I dont know if mustang and muscadine are the same type of grape but this recipe may work for your grapes. Grape Hull Pie This is a recipe handed down by word of mouth for many generations. Ive never seen it in a cookbook. All measurements are approximate, this...
Removing Glue Residue
I was going to suggest the spray furniture polish instead of poisonous insecticide, but I see someone already has posted this.The polish does work great! Anne
Keeping Bugs Off My Silking Corn?
Put a little Dipel dust in the top of the ear and you will have no worms. Anne from North Carolina
Giving Your Cat Medication
I have found a wonderful thing called Greenies. They are pill pockets that you put the pill inside and squish around it. My cat loves them! Got them at Pets smart. Anne in NC
Reusing Plastic Drink Bottles
I think this would also be a great way to bring cut flowers from the garden to the house. The container wouldnt tip over and the flowers would stay hydrated till you are ready to arrange. Anne
Helping a Pack Rat Get Organized
If there is something that is special to you but you dont use or need, take a photo of it and then pass the item along to a charity so you will feel good about being generous and still you wont forget about it.
Cleaning Business Name Ideas?
How about I Love To Clean! cleaning service? That would catch their attention and let them know you are a positive person and probably do a great job since you are enjoying what you do. Anne from NC
Keeping Mice Out of Garden
Horrible idea unless you want to kill every living thing out there. What is wrong with mice in the garden anyway? They have got to live somewhere!
Household Uses for Vodka
Ive also heard you can use vodka plus essential oil to make your own perfume or cologne, depending on the amount of oil used. How much vodka did you use for the spray?
Freezing Mushrooms?
Its much better to dehydrate mushrooms for storage. I think it improves the flavor of them for many dishes. You can rehydrate them by saoking in warm water for about 15 minutes, or just adding to your dish with a bit extra liquid. Anne
Making Ice Cream Without Heavy Whipping Cream?
I have a sherbert recipe that we love that I got from Southern Living magazine many years ago. It calls for raspberries but I use whatever fruit I have in the freezer or fresh. It is as follows: 2 cups fruit, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups buttermilk (I keep powdered...
Think Before Throwing Out
Love this idea! Do you have a picture of your larger one with the dragonflies? Also what kind of varnish do you use? Anne
Tape Manual to Back of Appliance
If you misplace a manual, many can be found online these days. You can print them out and try again to keep them in a place that works for you.
Create a Computer Troubleshooting Binder
Also something that is helpful is to ask the expert you have called for help to send you an e-mail containing the steps or process they recommend to fix your problem. Then you can simply print it our or save it in your docuements (label the folder(> computer...
Use Net Produce Bags to Protect Plants From Cats
You can also put pine cones on top of the soil of large houseplants and those spiny balls from gum balls trees around medium size plants. That will keep out kittys as well. Anne
Sterilizing Canning Jars
That is a great tip. I never have enough room on the stove top when Im canning cause Ive ony got two burners. Thanks!
Tips For Making Weeding Easier
I consider weeding as therapy! Its a lot cheaper then a shrink and you have something pretty to look at when you are done!
Use Tin Foil to Deter Cats from House Plants
Try pinecones or sweetgum balls. They look better and look more natural. Anne from NC
Don't Kill Caterpillars, They Are Pollinators
Thank you Jeanne, for educating yourself and then us, so that all those creatures will have a few more protectors out there. Anne in NC
Put Your Address on Your Cane
Maybe it would be better to just put your phone number on it. anne in NC
Keeping Hydrangea Blooms for Months of Enjoyment
I love hydrangeas too! I dry them by waiting till they are fairly dry on the bush and then either tying several stems together and hanging in a dry, dark place (my attic is perfect) or by gently placing them in the trunk of my car on a hot summer day. In the...
Attractive Container For Your Compost Scraps
Also you can get one of those small plastic drawers that you buy at walmart and put it in your refrigerator. That way you dont have to empty as often cause there is no odor or deterioration. Anne in North Carolina
Tree Stump Garden
The stump is a perfect place to put a bird bath (just the top). Just put a small amount of water in there and you will have lots of grateful critters! Anne from NC
Easy Curried Tilapia
Sounds great! Just remember that if its important to you, check the bag of frozen Talapia (and other fish) for the country of origin. At Walmart and other grocery stores it is China. I hope we will all support American fisherman when possible. Anne
An Introduction to the Art of Bonsai
I like bonsai but until I visited the North Carolina Botanical Gardens in Asheville North Carolina I had no idea how breathtaking it can be. They have a fabulous display! You can see some of it at
Growing Crocus
A variety of crocus that is supposed to be disliked by voles (all mine were eaten by these brats) is called Tomasina. Its worth a try!
Growing Asparagus
I grow asparagus in North Carolina and had a terrible problem with asparagus beetle. One year I accidentally left a bunch of Queen Annes Lace growing nearby. I had no beetles that year or thereafter as long as there were some Queen Annes Lace somewhere around...