Transplanting Rosa Rugosa?
Thank you. They do seem to be hardy. I just love the smell of them and dont want to lose them! Thanks again
Growing a Poinsettia?
Pointsettias are really tropical plants I believe - so they rarely last long - dont even know how long they last in their own environment.
Chihuahua Yelping and Stiffening Its Neck?
She needs to be seen by a regular vet - why the emergency room didnt advise you to follow up on this..... I would take her even when she is not having the (incident) have them exam her and maybe they can advise you to bring her in right away while its happening...
Puppy Has Itchy Bug Bites?
I wouldnt use your medication on your puppy. The puppy should be seen by a vet and get his own medication. Also, a 3 wk old puppy could very much be missing his mother as 3 weeks is way too soon for a puppy to be taken from his mother - dont know the circumstances...
Making a Mattress More Comfortable?
Another problem is those featherbed toppers and eggcrates are not helping either. Does anyone know any ratings about those number beds - I can just imagine the price!
Something Is Eating The Leaves On Weeping Cherry
I know Gypsy moths ate mine one year and it hasnt been the same since.
Sewer Smell Coming from a Faucet?
Do you have a septic system? And, have you gotten the water checked?
Beneful Dry Dog Food?
I have heard its nickname is Bene - awful! Its probably like fast-food for dogs.
Is Dog's Shedding Caused By Lack Of Vitamins?
If you believe the amount of shedding is unusual perhaps you should take her/him to the vet. Dogs can shed a lot depending on the season of the year and anxiety/excitement can also make them shed. Are you brushing the lab often - that might help - but I would...
Purchasing An Invisible Fence?
If you could - I would suggest a real fence. These electric fences do not work for every dog so there is no guarantee anyway. They dont sound like the ideal choice - good luck in finding a solution.
Adding Crystal Light To Water?
I would agree if it has asparteme in it - it would only be good in moderation, My teenage daughter actually doesnt drink the most heathy stuff - gatorade - yes it has elctrolytes but also sugar - I bought her Recharge which is like gatorade without the chemicals...
Extra Service Charges on My Verizon Bill?
Do you have an option to change the service in your area? Usually, when you use the word cancel/cancelling Im amazed what they are all of a sudden allowed to do! Also, I would tell them I want the proof in writing - that you signed up for it Also, I wouldnt...
Puppy Peeing in Crate?
The puppy cant help peeing in his crate. but to train him (there are some good books out there) you keeping moving (say if your using newspapers) to a smaller and smaller area of the crate - he will not be able to help peeing til his is an older dog and can...
Drugstore Products For Damaged Hair?
Although I believe the hairstylist (30 Years in business) about cutting the damage off - I have always been told at my hair salon - when you are having your hair chemically treated for any style/look you should always use a product that is good for what you...
Dry Hair Conditioning Treatment
How do you get the honey out when your done- sounds like it would be difficult?
Buying Empty Tic Tac Style Boxes?
I would contact the company - they are usually more than willing to help a consumer.They may not charge you either. You could be a walking advertisement for them of how nice they are.
Review Of Dog Arthritis Treatments?
How did you notice the cell health makeover working? Im curious - I have a dog with pretty bad arthritis and have tried the expensive stuff. She doesnt like them and I find it hard to find a difference. What symptoms of improvement do you see - and how long...
Harassing Neighbor?
Thank you and yes, to Linda - the police did suggest that and we did. We do have one shot that we know of but the license plate isnt legible - there are other features of the car that might help though (I am not savvy enough to set up the camera to take image...
Harassing Neighbor?
Also, Glenns Mom - I dont think the victim is the one that needs or should have to move - although that is the unfortunate case sometimes (also, we do want to move but not because of that). This we needed to respond to - it was harassment over a voting issue...
What Breed Is My Dog? (Pit Bull Mix)
I would call the local veternarians in your area and also animal control to see if someone lost their pet. You could post flyers around town too (like at local supermarkets) I would also take to vet - you dont know if she had proper vacs., check-ups, etc. If...
Milia Around the Eyes?
Actually your dermatologist can get rid of them - and although you scar easily - it didnt leave a scar on me at all. There is also Meloderma - which I heard can be quite effective for healing scars. My experience was a little red mark that went away very soon...
Natural Baking Soda As Underarm Deodorant
I am going to try this. I have also read on a site to use hydrogen peroxide first. I also had a friend who kept pretty cool with cornstarch.
Towels That Recommend "Avoid Contact With Skin Treatment Products"?
This has happened to our towels, etc. What can be done with these tyed-dyed towels? I also think hair products might have something to do with the bleaced out splotches?
Burned Food On Emerilware Skillet?
I dont know if this will work but I use this method for getting hard to remove stuff off my pans -(I havent tried on non-stick) I either put water or seltzer water in the pan (enough to boil) and it boils/sizzles most or all of it off. Also, I would use an...
Benefits of Thin Towels
I also like the thin towels - didnt know if too many other people did - I find them a lot easier to handle.
Complaints About NY and CA Moving Companies?
I read a couple of years ago - that what has happened to your daughter and others is an ongoing problem. I guess you really have to check out the moving service before hand - alot of the companies - I dont remember specific names - were also not releasing the...
Dog Scratching But I Don't See Any Fleas?
He really needs to be seen by a vet - maybe they can give you a payment plan. That hes scared and shaky would scare me - he doesnt have to have fleas to be itchy - he could have allergies. I wouldnt put anything on him without a professionals advice. It really...
Frugal Tips For Buying Pet Food and Feeding Pets
Our vet told us a good pet foods 1rst ingredient should be real meat/fish.
Frugal Tips For Buying Pet Food and Feeding Pets
There is another chain (I find Petco and Petsmart) very high in prices) We have a Pet Supples Plus in our area that is way way cheaper than those large chains.
Weeping Cherry Tree Not Flowering?
If the cherry tree was once overcome by those caterpillars that eat the leaves - can it be saved? I have one also and used to bloom very nicely but hasnt since.
Weeping Cherry Tree Not Flowering?
Mine was not transplanted - it is about 30 years old. It came with the house! The leaves come but not the blooms - should it just be cut down or can it be saved?
Supermarket Mistakes
I think it used to be - not sure if it still is - that if the product rang up at a lower price or there is a sign (they forgot to take down - say an item was on sale) they are supposed to give it to you for that price. I cant stand when I dont catch something...
Complaint About New The Swiffer Wetjet Pads?
I havent had any success with the Swifter floor products- the pad gets dirty so fast it immediately needs to be changed - that one might be an older versin. I have bought other products of theirs without success either. So the only thing I do purchase of their...
Do flea collars really work?
Ive heard they are really not good for your animal. The products that have been recommended to me are the liquids that come in vials, and you apply to their back of their neck area once a month.
Avoid Additional Warranties at Checkout
There are few things I accept warranties for at the time of purchase. My thought is - if it needs repair (depending on what it is) in a short period of time - I will either return it or I willl suggest that it is not supposed to break during that time period...
Alternative Medicine For Pets
I have heard that acupuncture is very good for pets - such as a dog with arthritis. There are professional vets that offer this service.
Saving Money on Piddle Pads?
I dont know if this is any cheaper - but you might try baby ( I would think generic would be cheapest) diapers (cloth). I have found some items in dog aisle that because they are esp, made for pets are a lot more expensive then the same thing in another aisle...
Natural Food Colors for Icings
Does anywone know how you would get a red color? - I think beets but they have very strong flavor.
Oft Forgotten Germ Catcher
To Oft Forgotten Gern Catcher - I think the bleach is overkill. Bleach is toxic (and most dishwasher products already have it in them anyway.
Removing Cat Pee Smell From Sweatshirt?
I would also address the problem of the cat(s) continuing to this. I know a person who was ready to rehome her cat if this last solution she tried didnt work. She heard of a suggestion of using baby diapers/pampers in the litterbox instead of regular litter...
Big Barker: Tone Down By Barking Dog?
I wouldnt use the ones that shock dogs in anyway. There are citronella collars which actually scared my dog also, plus I had read that citronella is not good for them. I would like something also that is humane.
Stray Cat Problem?
Are there any natural detterents for cats - mine is digging up rug in places (near doors) and the store bought kind does not work. Thanks