How Do You Hard Boil An Egg?
My grandmother always put some salt in the water before putting in the eggs to cook; it is said to harden the egg shells, making them easier to remove. This is what I always do, too.
Recipes for Sweet Pickles?
I dont know if you want refrigerator pickle recipes or canning recipes but here are a couple tried & true ones that I make: Refrigerator Bread and Butter Pickles 3 c. vinegar 4 c. sugar 1/4 c. canning salt 1 tsp. turmeric 1 tsp. celery salt 1 tsp. mustard seed...
Recipe for Pumpkin Fudge?
Pumpkin Pie Fudge 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar 2/3 cup evaporated milk 1/2 cup mashed pumpkin (canned) 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice 1 (12 ounce) package vanilla flavored baking chips 2 cups miniature marshmallows...
Removing Sharpie from Skin?
When my friend was all marked up for radiation treatments, she told me that baby oil would remove the permanent marker. Hope this helps.
Link: Cootie Catcher Directions?
Im with Laniegirl; I never heard of them either but thank you, thank you, thank you! for the url. I absolutely love this website!
Place Dough on Dryer to Rise
Another way is to put covered bowl of dough in oven with a bowl of hot water on oven floor or just put the dough in oven and turn on oven light it puts out enough heat to help the dough rise.
Removing Grease Stains from Clothing?
Dawn dishwashing liquid will remove grease and other stains; just be sure to not use the one with bleach. The cheapest way is to buy the hand cleaner that mechanics use to clean their hands with. Some of it is called Goop or Go-Jo and there are also cheaper...
Clip Thief in the Bud
Please, dont ever, ever leave your purse in the cart; that is just begging for trouble. You know how bad our economy is now and people are getting desperate and some are turning to desperate measures. I cannot tell you how many times I see a cart with a purse...
Scalloped Chicken
This would taste almost the same as what my Grandmother used to cook and we loved it! She stewed her chicken until done, removed it from the broth, made a thickener out of canned milk and flour and stirred it into the broth and seasoned with salt and pepper...
Using Ammonia to Clean Stains from Carpet
Rubbing alcohol will take out stains also. Pour it on the stain and blot. Repeat if necessary.
Buying Winesap Apples?
Most roadside markets have a lot of mountain produce, including cabbage and apples. I just dried part of a bushel of Winesap apples and vacuum sealed and froze the rest. I bought a bushel of deer apples for $5 at the suggestion of the lady working there instead...
Photo: 59 Years Of Comfortable
Phyllis, this is such a precious, touching picture. Love is ageless, as this photo clearly shows. Thank you and God bless you for sharing this with us. My eyes are full of tears.
Saying That Goes with Empty Box Gift of Encouragement or Comfort?
This is a very special gift That you can never see The reason its so special is Its just for you from me. Whenever you are lonely Or are ever feeling blue You only have to hold this gift And know Im hugging you. You never can unwrap it Please leave the ribbon...
Making Hand-Held Fans?
Use any card stock and use an up-side-down bowl to round off the corners. After you get one done, you can use that one for a pattern to make the rest. I made 50 fans this past spring for my church and made my own template .
Recommendations for Sweat Proof Makeup?
Here is a tip I learned when I sold makeup because I have the same problem. Whether you use powder over foundation or alone, use a damp sponge or washcloth and press it all over your powdered face; the moisture sets the powder and makes your makeup last longer...
Remedy for Itching Mosquito Bites
Wet a bar of any kind of soap and rub on the bite; it will stop the itching. This is great for babies and small children who have such sensitive skin.
What is the Title of This Movie?
Lynn, I think you are right. I have this movie and I am pretty sure it is the one shawnlibby is thinking of. In the very last scene, Roman Polanski, who thinks he is rescuing her, is attacked by her because she has been turned into a vampire. End of movie.
Gift Mixes Using Splenda
Just be sure to let recipients of your gifts be aware that there is Splenda or another substitute for sugar in it because it really bothers some peoples systems. I am always sure to make people aware of the sugar substitute in the sugar-free goodies I take...
Stoney (Cat)
This never fails to amaze me and to think that people who dont have animals, and some that do, think animals are dumb!
Average Price of Fresh Local Honey?
I buy honey from my friends son and it is $5 for a pint. A spoonful at night is wonderful at controlling allergies but you need to use fresh, local honey (bees are collecting the very stuff that is causing your allergies) and not the store bought kind that...
My Frugal Life: Easter Eggs
What a wonderful outlook on life your mother gave to you and your siblings and now you are passing on to your own. You have discovered the true meaning of happiness and so many other people are still searching for it. God bless you for sharing this with others...
Natural Remedies for Water Retention?
Some years ago I went to a well known weight clinic and they told me to never take a diuretic because they are so hard on your body. They told me what to do and I still do it to this day and have told all of my friends. When you get up in the morning mix two...
Hannah (Cockatoo)
God will bless you, one.of.a.kind for your loving heart. I wish there were more people like you in this world.
Old-Fashioned Hershey's Cocoa Fudge
Pookarini, we also used a buttered platter to pour our fudge out on. I used to be able to make it in a cast iron frying pan without a thermometer and it would start setting up before you could get it out of the pan, quick, somebody get the spoons! : ) Now I...
How Do I Keep Mosquitoes from Biting?
Try a Bounce fabric softener sheet. People who are outdoors a lot like mail carriers, golfers,etc. put one in their pocket to keep all the insects away.
Looking For Perfume Suggestions?
I only wear Clinique Aromatics Elixer ( sold at Belks and other good department stores ). I am 65 and have worn it for at least 20 years and I still love it. It isnt sweet or too heavy but use a light hand; a bottle will last me about 2 years because one small...
Canning Fresh Pinto Beans?
Have enough jars to fill your canner. In each jar add one cup of dry beans fill with water and soak over night. ( if fresh beans, omit this step and proceed to the next step of adding water and seasonings ) The next morning pour out the soaking water add fresh...
Making Homemade Craft Sealer?
This is from Homemade Decoupage Paste: Recipe 3 parts white household glue (like Elmers or All-PurposeWhite) 1 part warm water Jar with lid Directions: * Mix glue and water in the jar. * When using the decoupage, brush a thin layer of the glue on...
Sour Dough Starter Recipe?
Potato Flake sourdough starter and bread recipe. To make from scratch: 1 cup warm water 1/2 cup sugar 1 package (2-1/4 teaspoons) dry yeast 3 level Tablespoons instant potato flakes Using a good quart canning jar, mix water, sugar, yeast, and potato flakes...
"Old Fashion" Canning Recipes?
Here are two different recipes for tomato preserves: Tomato Preserves 2 1/4 ground ripe tomatoes 1/4 c. boiling water 1/8 tsp. salt 4 tbsp. lemon juice 3 1/2 c. sugar 1 pkg. pectin Wash tomatoes, pouring boiling water over and slip off skins. Cut out stems...
Cake Mix Dinner Rolls Recipe?
Cake Mix Yeast Rolls 2 packages granulated yeast 2 cups warm water 1 box white or yellow Jiffy cake mix 1 teaspoon salt 4 cups flour or more Mix yeast and water in a large bowl. Let set long enough for yeast to dissolve; stir until smooth. Add remaining ingredients...
Scenery: Abandoned House
I have always wished that old places like this could tell their stories; how I would love to hear them. My grandmother raised me and even as a child her stories fascinated me. I would beg her to tell me about the olden days and she would always take the time...
Easy Crockpot Recipes
Crock Pot Apricot Chicken This super simple four ingredient crock pot recipe is so delicious and flavorful. Serve over hot cooked rice, pasta, or couscous. 6 frozen skinless, boneless chicken breasts (not thawed) 1 pkg. dry onion soup mix 1/2 cup Russian or...
Removing Grease From Washed Clothes?
If you use Dawn dish detergent to remove the oily stain, just be sure to not use the one with bleach. A friend of mine ruined her sons Docker pants this way. Cheap shampoo (or some you bought and didnt like) will remove grease and other stains; if it cleans...
Cooking Meat Without an Oven
Carol, Another way of making buttermilk cheaply is to save 1/2 cup from a purchased carton, put it in a quart jar, fill the jar up with whatever type milk you use ( I use 1 % milk ), leave on the counter overnight and there you are; a quart of buttermilk. To...
Ask Hardware Store To Special Order Washing Soda
Thanks, Joanie, for this info. I have been trying to find this stuff with no luck.
Cleaning a Leather Purse?
A good thing for cleaning leather is Saddle Soap. It is usually found where the shoe polish is in stores.
Egg White To Draw Out Boils
Hey, Yall, this really works. As the egg dries, it pulls the boil to a head. This is a home remedy that my grandmother used when I was growing up.
Egg White To Draw Out Boils
Its me again. My grandmother would peel off a piece of the eggshell lining, put that on the sore and cover with a bandage. Hope this helps.
Harvesting Walnuts?
I have a friend who raises beagles for rabbit hunting and every year he hunts fallen walnuts that still have a green hull to put in his dogs water bowls to cure Kennel Cough and it works. Just thought I would throw in this little nugget for fun.
Pizza Sauce Without Tomatoes?
Alfredo sauce with chicken is very good or you can use crumbled bacon with it.
Candied Walnut Recipe?
These are so good and very easy to make: Chinese Fried Walnuts 6 cups water 4 cups English walnut halves 1/2 cup sugar salt 1. Heat water to boiling in a pot, add walnuts and heat to boiling again; cook 1 minute. Drain and rinse nuts under running hot tap water...
Rust Stains on White Clothing?
You can saturate the rust spots with lemon juice, place the articles outside in the sun with the rust spots facing up toward the sun and the spots will be bleached out by the combination of lemon juice and sun. This is a tried & true home remedy that works...
Can a Peppermint Air Freshener Repel Mice?
Mice will get inside for any number of reasons..especially in the fall, no matter how spotless you keep your house. I have read that using Bounce fabric softer sheets will repel them so I am putting some in my cabinets and behind my appliances to test that...
Microwave Peanut Brittle
Sandy, I love this recipe and is the only way I have ever made peanut brittle. You can vary the kind of nuts you use; I make it using pecans at Christmas and add 1/8-1/4 ground red pepper ( cayenne ) to it and it is so good.
Make a Garden Holder for Your Cell Phone
I am still laughing ( I have a weird sense of humor..grin ) but what a wonderful idea! I would paint some crazy designs on the shoe with wild, wacky bright colors. How cute! I love cute and/or unusual yard art ( I have a bottle tree in my backyard, another...