Pipe Cleaner Bows
This is a cute idea. This Christmas I used a Sound of Music theme, brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favorite things. So, I used the brown or off-white paper used inside shipped items that I purchased online. I collected it for...
Make Iced Tea When Traveling
This is a trick that we have used for years. We also brew tea before we leave home, put it in a HiC container and keep it cold in a cooler. We drink it all day long. This saves so much money. Great thoughts.
Cleaning Grimy Window Sills and Tracks?
Have you tried using a Q-Tip? I use them for all manner of crevice cleaning. I also purchased a small paint brush and use it for cleaning the fans and other detail cleaning. I hope that this helps.
When Are You Being Too Frugal?
I like to re-use these screw lid containers for sugar. Very handy for those that add sugar to hot beverages.
Using Toothpaste for Polishing Silver
This works! I just tried it and can attest to its effectiveness. It also has the benefit of leaving your hands minty fresh.
Avoid Getting Distracted by Interesting Websites
I like your idea and want to add an option that has worked for me. I right-click on the distraction and look at it in a separate window when I finish with the original open window. I find that I have saved too many favorites that clutter up the functioning...
Make Funnel From Envelope Corner
Both great ideas; better yet use an envelope from junk mail! I also use a plastic MacDonalds cup(could be any fast food plastic cup), cut off the bottom and cut up the side. This conforms to most any funnel task larger than the salt and peppers. I wash and...
Chafing Cream as Makeup Primer
I love your idea. I wonder if other anti-chafing products would work also?
Cleaning a Narrow Necked Glass Decanter
I will have to try this! What I do is not as cool but it usually works for me. I use a chopstick with a cottonball fastened with a twiet-tie or a small rubberband. This is usually a small enough implement to clean the container.
Uses for Clothing Rags?
Offering on your local Freecycle is a fabulous idea. I have used Freecycle for giving and recieving. It is a super group.
Protecting a Countertop From Candle Wax?
Even a metal jar lid will work. Please do not use anything paper. Also, never leave a candle unattended. I love candles but hate fires. Be safe.
Removing Labels from Plastic Containers?
How about steel wool and hot water? I get lots of labels off this way with little effort and no chemicals.
Paintbrush For Dusting
I am glad to see your posting as I have been doing this for a year now and love it!
Food Packaging Boxes as Gift Wrapping
I just want to share a funny packaging story. Last Christmas we had made a great decoupage photo ornament for my uncle and wife. I placed it in a Lipton White Tea box with tissue paper to protect the glass bulb. I then wrapped the box in homemade wrapping paper...
Renew Existing Window Shades
I do not understand what you did. Could be me and sorry if it is, but, I need a picture please?
Post Unwanted Items Online Before Recycling
These are good ideas and I hope this begins a thread with many more ideas! Freecycle is a great idea and we use it here in West Salem, Ohio. Upcycling is so cool to me and I am always looking for more ways to reuse and repurpose my packaging.
Wedding Meal on a Tight Budget?
What we did was, prepare a menu together, cook for 3 days together and we enlisted parents for the cake and we provided beer on tap, coffee and tea, also a lovely punch and kept our expenses low. Our reception was in our rented home and we fed 50. It was fabulous...
Shopping for Salt Shaker Stopper Replacements?
I have used cork. You can buy a variety pack for about a dollar. They are easy to cut back if you need to blunt them, with a utility knife.
Refurbishing A Faded Patio Umbrella
I re-covered a highchair with a shower curtain..very sturdy and easy to clean. I love this idea with refurbishing the umbrella!
Store Sheets Inside Pillowcases
I follow this tip and think it is a winner! Thanks. It sure works for me.
Alternative for Waterbed Sheets
We have a king size waterbed and found the waterbed sheets harder to find and they always tore, eventually(along the bottom). So, now I buy only California King size sheet sets. I buy really good ones (higher thread count) and they last, feel fabulous and the...
Christmas Card Tabletop
I love this idea,but the word is voila I believe, not wallah? I have seen this several times on this site, so I felt that I needed to question that. Maybe, wallah is a word that I just am unfamiliar with? I hope that someone will let me know? Thanks.
Use Fabric from Old Clothing for Keepsakes
Great, thrifty thinking! I began this same thought process about a year ago, when our income was slashed hugely. I do wish that I had realized it before then!
Alice Avalon Bay (Spitz/Border Collie)
She is beautiful! I would give a thumbs up if I could...the link is not working!
Uses for Popcorn Tins
I use mine, with a food appropriate plastic bag lining, to store my bread flour. It seals so well and keeps it fresh.
Sleeping Problems Caused By Menopause?
Hormonal fluctuations are the bane of women everywhere! It took about 6 years for me to find out that this was a peri-menopausal and post menopausal symptom. It can really wreck havoc with your life. You need your sleep for good physical and mental health. Please...
Bumps After Playing in the Sandbox?
This sounds like sand fleas. These are very prevalent in warm, moist climates.
Scruffy (Miniature Schnauzer)
I pray that you get your Scruff muffin back soon. It is awful when you lose a dear pet.
Stinging Foot Pain After Back Surgery?
I agree that physical therapy with acupuncture and something like Neurontin or Lyrica should ease the pain. I have had nearly 2 years of pain that, after much trial and error, is starting to be eased by Lyrica. It is an expensive med, but useful with nerve...
Cause of Dry Cough?
Make a call to his doctors office. A dry cough is often a side effect of many medications. He may need to make an appointment with his doctor to determine the cause of this cough. Let his doctor know how long this cough has lingered, as it may help to determine...
Recycling Coffee Containers?
I use the 33 ounce ones for compost buckets or easy to manage cleaning buckets, with a sponge. I use the smaller ones in my tool caddy to separate various tools...screwdrivers, wrenches and such. One smaller one holds my pens. They are so handy and we are blocked...
Buy Second Hand Appliances
I think that you did quite well. I also want to tell about my freecycle goodies and I absolutely love that group! My Kenmore dryer was a freecycle treasure and it is in perfect shape. I have a great stand mixer, two lovely upolstered chairs and many great additions...
Name Ideas for a Pet Food Pantry?
Chances Kibbles. What a great idea. There are so many folks and pets that this will help. In our area, Northwestern Ohio,so many people are putting pets in shelters because they can no longer care for them in this poor economy. We have adopted several strays...
White Haze on Colored Plastic Chairs?
I think that the Magic Eraser by Mr. Clean will remove dirt, and anything else (like the haze) on plastic lawn furniture. It is worth the try for about $2.00 for 2 erasers. I hope this helps.
Cleaning Vinyl Boat Cushions?
You might try Mr. Cleans Magic Eraser. I clean my outdoor furniture with them and they come out white again.
Freebie: Tomato Seeds
Thanks for this tip. I tried to do this for about 20 minutes and had to give up. I kept being informed that the codes entered were invalid. I tried with 2 different soups. Well, now I am frustrated and feel rejected for being invalid!LoL. How did you do it...
Preventing Dust Build-Up on Ceiling Fans?
I am the poster and I appreciate the input from all and the corrections are noted and also appreciated. Here is what I have done. I applied car wax and polished to a great shine and now we will see. So far it seems to be doing the trick. If this fails, I will...
Photos from Elaine's Garden
I love the tree pots! What lovely pictures too. Thanks for sharing these. I am going to try the tree pot idea in my yard.
Bathroom Stains?
OK, here comes a product plug. I have very hard water and this problem is solved by using The Works toilet bowl cleaner. I use it about every three days, scrub, let soak and the stains are gone.
Check Receipt Before Leaving Store
Wow! Look at the rapid-fire responses on this subject! This is great advise that needs to be read by any shopper. This will save you money, big time. I make myself do this regularly because mistakes do occur with great frequency in our area in West Ohio.
Use Child's Wagon to Haul Laundry Outside
I too have Fibro and have been doing the same thing as you for 2 years. If a storm is approaching and I must remove the clothes quickly, I like to hang things not-quite-dry on the handle and then load them on the top of the basket. Frequently the handle will...
Use Yarn to Wick Water to Houseplants
This is a brilliantly simple solution to a real problem! Thank you.
Plastic Folgers Container For Compost
Wow! I feel smart after reading your post, Donna. I have been doing this all year, because I was not going to pay $100 or more for a composter or kitchen pail. It works so well and easy to rinse out too. I usually fill 3-4 of these every 1-2 weeks, make the...
Cookie Cutters as Napkin Rings
I cannot picture how this works. Could you post a picture of one as an example? Thanks!
Making Your Broom Last Longer?
I gave my broom a haircut this week. I cut the frayed and dirty ends off and found that it looks and works like a new broom. I did not know that this was posted here but am glad that I am not alone in trying to be frugal.