Melted Rubber Inside a Dryer?
If your dryer got hot enough to actually melt the sole of a tennis shoe, Id be concerned about that first and foremost. I would definitely pull out the dryer and clean out the flexible piping and check the vent to outside because something is not right and...
Cleaning Wood Paneling?
When I had wood paneling I used Old English Oil or Pledge to keep it nice looking.
Pre-Lit Christmas Tree Has a Short?
First and foremost, if I were you, Id check with an electrician and make absolutely positive that your tree isnt going to short out and maybe cause a fire. If it were me, Id trash the tree and find a new one. Sorry but the cost of a new tree is nothing compared...
What Breed is My Puppy?
Your dog looks like it might have a bit of pitt bull in it to me. My sister had a pit bull pup that looked very much like your dog only it was a darker color. From the photo it looks like it has the rounded head you see on boxers but boxers have short, blunt...
Ideas for Valentine's Party?
There is an online site called Oriental Trading They have party decorations, invitations, tableware and party favors and they are SUPER inexpensive. Ive ordered from them before and never had any problems. Their things are very cute and they have a wide selection...
Fixing a Bad Hair Dye Job?
If it were me, Id demand that my stylist refund my money or fix my hair the way I want it. If she cannot fix it, then she should refund your money so you can go to someone who can fix it. I know its hard to confront people and especially if youve been seeing...
Saving Money on Your Grocery Bill?
Meat always seems to be the most expensive food items in my grocery cart and when my step-kids were younger and still lived at home, I began one night a week making a meat-less meal (like homemade chili w/o the meat). By doing that I saved at least 5 bucks...
Making Sure Pet's Shots are Up to Date?
I think your best bet would be to contact your local humane society. Theyd probably know what you need to do to get your dog legal. Either that or just contact a local vets office and ask them.
Using Juice from Dill Pickles?
You can use it as a marinade for pork chops. Just put your chops in a shallow container, pour the pickle juice over them and refrigerate for at least 8 hours though Ive marinated them before for about 20 hours and it was fine. When youre ready to cook them...
Online Shopping With No Credit?
Walmart website actually has the bill me later option however I had a friend who used the bill me later option and then had to return the item because it was defective. That was 6 months ago and shes still trying to get her money back. Their customer service...
Treating a Cut on Dog's Ear?
My 15 year old dog had a puncture wound from another dogs bite and I did actually take her to the vet. He recommended I treat her with hydrogen peroxide. He told me to mix 1/3 parts hydrogen peroxide with 2/3 parts warm water and 2-3 times a day swab the site...
Shampoo For Hard Water?
We have hard well water too. I have fine hair but lots of it. It can get fly-away pretty easy if I let it get too dry. I use Aveeno Nourish + Revitalize daily and then about once a week or so I wash my hair with Neutrogena anti-residue shampoo. I buy both shampoos...