Help Getting Batter to Stick?
Hi Larry. Ive had the same problem as you, but recently I learned to dab the meat with a paper towel, coat it in flour, dip it in an egg/milk mixture, and then back in flour. I use extra virgin olive oil, and this works for me.
Using Empty Oatmeal Canisters?
When my husband was going through chemotherapy, he received oodles of cards in the mail. I cut the bottom off of an oatmeal canister, covered the canister with cheerful wrapping paper, and then every time he got a card, I ran a piece of bright yarn through...
Lemon Meringue Chicken?
Hi. Thanks for all the help! I will have to try some of these and see which is closest. I cant go back to that restaurant and ask for a recipe because it is long gone, replaced by a big Chinese buffet. Besides, I think that there is a possibility that the restaurant...