Struggling with my Small Budget
I really admire what you are doing and I hope you dont have to live so frugally you cant have a little fun. Focus on the freedom from stress to keep yourself going. Best of luck.
A Bouquet of Edibles
What a lovely comment to get up and read on a frosty morning! Thanks so much for taking the time to write it. Have a wonderful day/evening wherever in the world you are. Will write a list later dont want to spoil the fun just now.
I really hope you can find the time to give them a try as they truly are worthwhile- not difficult, just a few steps with a bit of waiting time. They are delicious and although they are very thrifty indeed they taste expensive!
Hi, thanks for your lovely greeting and a Merry Christmas to you and yours too. So pleased you are going to use the recipe I know you wont be disappointed. I just made another batch as the ones I made for Christmas have already disappeared! We have a teeny...
Frugal Colonial Lifestyle of the Past
As an English woman just wondering where you might mean by the English Colonies?
The End of the Incandescent Bulb
I agree with most of the posters below. In Europe we have been using them for years. They last forever and save a fortune! I have had some of them for 5 years and they are still going strong. They last about 10 times longer than traditional bulbs and use around...
Cheap Recipes?
You have to rethink the way you cook and eat. As lots of the posters have suggested take advantage of offers at supermarkets and if you can buy ahead if there is a really good offer on something you use regularly. However now is the time to think about what...
Cleaning Sheer White Nylon Curtains?
Try soaking them over night in weak baby bottle sterilizing solution such as Milton. It has enough bleach to whiten but not so much as to turn the curtains yellow.
Making a Votive Candle Holder?
Leave a tail of thing gauge wire about 18 inches long then try threading a selection of glass beads onto the wire at randon intervals using crimp beads to keep them in place. Then when you have a long enough piece wrap the tail of wire wire around the neck...
Tiny Changes To Save Electricity
I know that microwaving will use power but I think it is better than leaving the coffee maker on all the time or throwing unused coffee away and brewing fresh. These flasks are in most houseware shops over here (in Europe) or houseware sections of large Supermarkets...
Setting Up a Simple Budget?
This is only a variation on the tried and tested envelope idea but what about using canning jars for a month instead of envelopes so you can actually SEE the money you have set aside for things. It will either go down if you havent been realistic about the...
Setting Up a Simple Budget?
Sorry me again, the other posters are right you do not need a new car by the Summer. That is another way to set yourself free. We are the proud owners of an 8 year old deisel Toyota with 200,000 on the clock. The day we said we actually dont need to buy a new...
Cleaning a Moldy Refrigerator?
Use bicarbonate of soda mixed to a paste with water and a scouring pad for non-stick pans so you dont scratch the surfaces. Then wipe it out with white vinegar. If you fill a small open container with bicarb powder and leave it the closed fridge it will also...
Madame, Spot, and Pugsley (Cats)
Thanks for the lovely feedback folks. To answer K9cats we dont know what happened to their Mum. We went away for a few days when Puglsey was a kitten and living on our balcony with his Mum. Friends were feeding the others for us. When we got back there was...
Track Grocery Stores Sales Cycles
A great common sense post thanks. It is one of the best ways to save real money on your essentials. We try to do this whenever we can. For instance I bought 12 kilo bags of Buckwheat last week because I know I will use it and it is always at least $2 more per...
Getting Bleach out of Colored Clothes?
This may sound silly but try a felt marker pen and colour the patch back in. The bleach has lifted the dye so the only way to get the colour back is put some more colour on!
Uses for Coffee Grounds?
Yes, compost them or use them around blueberries and Azaeleas to make the soil more acidic
Three Keys To Success With Blueberries
What a fantastic post, thanks so much for sharing all this knowledge. Have just read the entire thing aloud to my old man. Answered lots of our questions as to why we werent having much sucess with our blueberries, and given us the solutions too! We are away...
My Frugal Life: Furnish Your Home With Used Items
This is a great post, and really good advice to people setting up, but when I first got married 25 years ago the only way I was going to get any furniture was to be given or buy second hand pieces. Times have changed and it is not all progress!
Our Little Trailer On the Prairie
The perfect Thriftyfun essay, a great tale and recipes included too! Thanks for sharing and hope you keep enjoying your life as much as you have so far. Soon be time to start planting again.
Floating Wine Cork Keyring
Yes that is why it is floating key ring. Most sailors have the boat keys on them but they are usually large balls of cork. I just though it was a fun idea especially if the recipient enjoys a glass of wine as you could give them their own corks back as a gift...
Personalized Pillowcases
This is a fantastic idea! especially for me as so many of the kids in my family have unusual names so we struggle to buy anything personalized for them. I will be off to the new year sales for pillowcases and materials! Thanks for sharing such a great idea...
Spool Dolls
What a super project! Really clear instructions and photos. I will be using this in my craft club with my students. Thanks very much.
My Frugal Holiday: Gift Ideas For Children
Thanks for the positive feedback folks! I must admit when I pressed send for this post I was a bit worried it might come across as patronizing or preachy. I do really think it is time to change our ideas about the difference between what kids want and what...
Maryland Christmas Charities?
Please read my frugal life essay across the homepage. I wrote it because I know there are lots of folk in your situation. I promise you she will be happy with little bits and pieces wrapped up. Do the playhouse thing if you can. The main thing is that she is...
Texas Christmas Charities?
Perhaps try local churches? I know it is tough but Just remember however tough it gets it is better to keep you family together. Take books, music and DVDS they will enjoy out of the lending library for entertainment, play free internet games (send me your...
Beaded Bracelets
For anyone looking for detailed instructions for how to make jewelry, try: Great tutorials. It is free and does not generate any spam!
Advice for a Puppy With Parvo?
Hi, I honestly think, from your description that you are doing all you can. I also understand that it is persistent vomiting that usually causes the biggest danger. It causes dehydration and can put a strain on the dogs heart. But it seems you have these issues...
Recovery Time for Dog With Parvo?
I think it will take a week to 10 days for your dog to get its strength back. Introduce food slowly as the stomach may have shrunk a bit and will be quite tender. Also be careful about the amount of running around you allow for a few days as although the dog...
Wine Cork Craft Ideas?
What can you do with wine corks! I make jewelry with them,the instructions are on Thriftyfun just use the search. I also make floating key rings and at the moment I am collecting them to sell, yes SELL on eBay to raise money for charity. If you do a search...
My Frugal Life: It's Crazy What They Throw Out
You are so brave, sometimes I see discarded items outside shops but I am always afraid to take them in case I get arrested! In Slovenia where I live they have been trying really hard to get rid of the plastic bag culture so this year we have been given several...
My Frugal Life: Living With Very Little Money
Life is sweet and looks like yours is sweeter than most due to your positive and constructive outlook! Thanks for sharing your wedding ideas and by the way, this is my 100th feedback on Thriftyfun so thanks for writing something that moved me to feedback!
Homemade Sidewalk Chalk
This a great tip, great science to be learned too, thanks for sharing, put it on Teachers pay teacher they pay too!
Bookstore Shopping Trip as Gift
What a wonderful idea just like all the best ones simple and effective. The time really is so much more valuable than the money and the kids that get to do this will never forget the experience
Towels Leaving Lint On Your Body?
I agree with one of the archived posts, you need to use the dryer to pull off the loose lint. They are not poor quality they are good quality if they are making so much fluff. There is also an issue with their being black as you are probably noticing the lint...
Easy Hair Spray Removal?
On wood I would use some soapy wood cleaner, you can buy it in most supermarkets. The kind of thing that is used for cleaning wooden floors and furniture. If you only need a little, ask around amongst your friends someone may give you just a little bit (that...
Tiny Red Biting Bugs?
Go to the doctors, or the pharmacy for some advice. I dont know what it is but it doesnt sound very nice and may give you a nasty illness. Use Tea Tree oil on the bites that helps everything! Take care
Ideas for a Parade of Lights Float?
Where I come from in Yorkshire, England the children all make lanterns with split bamboo cane frames covered with white tissue paper. They just have a small tealight inside. They make some fantastic shapes like stars and suns and moons. They parade through...
Puppy Will Not Poop Or Pee in Outdoor Run?
Surely he is just trying to do what we all do , keep the space he lives in nice and clean! We wouldnt do poops in our living room sounds like a very clever puppy with high personal standards. Perhaps he would go in a dirt box? You could probably train him with...
My Frugal Life: Rebuilding Our House
Thanks for sharing we have been struggling away with our project for about 5 years this really gives me the belief that one day my kichen, which at the moment is a sink with a cold tap and some metal industrial shelves, will be a real one. Keep going it will...
Balancing Thrifty And Fun
Hi Jess, What a great essay, you can almost hear the collective sigh of relief from around the world from people who are like you, trying to be good but remaining human! The world needs more of this pragmatic realism! You have a beautiful family and Im sure...
Gift Ideas to Bride and Groom from Bride's Parents?
As you have already been very generous I think that a small, token keepsake gift like the ones mentioned in other posts would be lovely. If you can afford to give even more than you have I think the best thing to do would be to put it in a savings account as...
Bookmarks From Recycled Cards
A paper cutter will also give you a really straight edge and speed up the process if you are making a lot for a fundraiser for instance. The ones in your pic are lovely.
My Frugal Life: Of Grandpas and Gardens
Thank you so much for all your wonderful, positive feedback. I feel so proud. It underlines for me the power of praise as a way to get the best out of the children I teach. I just want to write something else now! Ayesha
Recycled Plastic Flowers
It is beautiful, what kind of paint will stick to the pop bottles for the flowers?
Home Remedy for Constipation?
The recipes above are great for when you really need to sort out the imediate problem. If you are very constipated all the time you need to look at the amount of fibre and fluid you are drinking. In this very hot weather it is easy to forget to replace the...
Can I Substitute Tomato Juice for Tomato Sauce in Recipes?
I think V8 would be really nutritious as a substitute. If you want a thicker consistency just let it cook a little longer and more of the water will evaporate and give a thicker sauce.
Maintaining a Friendship With an Overly Dependent Friend?
Hi Betty, thats a difficult one! It sounds to me like the husband is the one in need of help, perhaps he has become depressed since his retirement, a lot of people do, especially men. The thing is somehow you need to explain to your friend that asking you to...
Removing Body Odor from Clothing?
Hi I would wash the jeans on a hotter cycle once in a while and dry them outside in the sunshine, inside out. The sun should kill the bugs that leave the sweaty smell.
Killing Stinging Nettles?
Hi, thanks for the lovely ideas but I am afraid I dont just have a few nettles, out of about 4 acres 1 acre is a dense jungle mostly of huge nettles. As we are trying to become as self sufficient as possible I really cant spare that much land, but I promise...
My Frugal Wife!
What a wonderful testament to your wifes philosophy. Im sure it does bring a wry smile to her face now her way of life is all the rage again! She should write a book titled: Frugality, I thought of it first!
Canker Sore Remedies?
Hi this is a tip from my Mother which always works on any mouth,throat ulcers and infections. Take a handful of fresh or dried sage leaves, dont think it matters what color. Using boiling water make a tea infusion (steep for 5-10 mins). Once it has cooled a...
Name Ideas for Handmade Invitation Business?
Hi Try Bespoke Connections Handcrafted & Exclusive Invitations Invitations with care
Ugg Boot Reviews?
I really love mine and my sister wore hers until they fell apart! However dont pay full price for them as they are very expensive. You can get them on Amazon and Ebay for a start as long as you dont mind last seasons colours etc. They are very cheap in Australia...
Protecting Young Puppies from Parvo?
I nursed a Cairn Terrier puppy through this years ago, she survived and went on to live to be 14 so it can be done. However the best way to avoid it is to be really strict about not taking your puppy out, especially not anywhere that other dogs go, and keep...
Milk Thistle for Liver Health?
I have used Milk Thistle for years and it does help with my Gall Bladder and Liver problems, I have never had any side effects that I have noticed.
Asking For A Raise
Thanks for the feedback, I was a little hesitant about sending in this post as many people are feeling so insecure at the moment. But I do think that especially in larger companies the boss often doesnt know everything about everyone and if your line manager...
Use Liquid Soap to Remove Ticks
That is a great tip, we have a terrible problem in Slovenia with ticks so unfortunately I will probably get the chance to try it out soon. Thanks very much.
My Frugal Life: ThriftyFun Family
My own venerable Mother has just one thing to say in these situations You have to love your relatives but you dont have to like them It is really horrible to feel you dont get your fair share of love from your Mum, but I really hope all the love in the feedbacks...
Removing Greasy Spot on New Windows?
This works for me every time, first wash the windows with warm water with a few drops of dish washing detergent in it. Then while the window is still a bit damp but not dripping with water use kitchen paper and white vineger to polish to a sparkling finish...
Super Glue on Eyeglasses?
If they are plastic and you cant used acetone all I think of is to leave them in water overnight to see if it will soften the glue enough to get it off without scratching.
Taming and Finding Homes for Feral Kittens?
We have 4 formerly feral kittens who are now happy spoiled house cats albeit with a love of the great outdoors! Central to taming them was patience and providing food. When you do the great thing of neutering the mothers the kittens will be more likely to accept...
Italian Vegetable Stew
Wondering if you would ever put white beans in this great looking recipe, for some protein?
Removing Dried Berries from Car?
If you cant afford the product mentioned above, put your trust in good old fashioned water, the universal solvent. It may take a little time and patience but has one great advantage it is free!
Planning Cheap and Healthy Meals?
At the moment I am using quinoa as a substitute for pasta, rice and potatoes. It is the ultimate superfoood,containing far more protein and less carbs than all the above, it also has some really important amino acids and other trace elements that apparently...
Wildlife: Raccoons
What a fantastic sight to see every day. Your photo had me asking so many questions I had to Google Raccoon! So thats my new learning for today sorted out! Thanks for sharing.
Uses for 10 Year Old Champagne?
I am pretty sure it will be drinkable! We are all dying to find out as much as you are. Cheers and good luck
Scenery: Osternicas (Slovenia)
Hi didnt get time to say well done for the photo and we will miss you Kyle. Send lots of pics from India.
Basic Spaghetti Sauce
This is a great recipe, the kind of basic that moms should make sure all their kids know how to cook. If you can make this you can survive on little money! It is also much more healthy if you have conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes as you can control...
My Frugal Life: My Garden Costs Almost Nothing
If everyone who reads your essay shares just one thing with another gardener, you will have started something wonderful! Thanks.
Summer Play Tent
This is fantastic, I remember spending hours with my grandads beanpoles and moms sheets trying to do this! Sure lots of parents will be grateful for this tip.
Crocheted Blue Jeans Rug
Lovely effect with all the different shades of blue would look great in a bathroom that was using a seaside theme.
My Frugal Life: Possessions Can Be Replaced
Well done for being so strong and picking yourself up. Your story is an inspiration, not only to people who are having a moan about a life that may not be as tough as they think but those who really are at rock bottom and need help looking up instead of down...
Strawberry Baskets and Containers?
They are fantastic for seed trays and also to prick out lettuces and other salads for a little windowsill garden. I have saved a fortune on buying containers over the years!
ThriftyFun Tips
Great ideas its amazing how the obvious often needs to be pointed out to me! So thanks I can use at least 10 of these great tips straight away.
Planning an 18th Birthday Party?
Go for it no-one will mind because everyone will understand hoewtight things are at the moment. They will just be happy to celebrate with you! I f they are not happy with it why are they on the guest list. You could even start a new trend Ayesha!
Wedding Reception Decoration Ideas?
If you get some paper napkins with a pear design then use this to make some stencils of different sizes you can carry on your theme onto the tablecloths (put heavy paper ones over the linen) stencils these. Paint tea light holders which are very cheap from...
Garden: Shade Canopy With Plants
What a simple but so effective way to display your plants. I am sure lots of people throw their canopies away when they change their colour scheme, I am always seeing them next to the dumpster. I am sure they are not all broken so I will grab one next time...
Leaves on Dwarf Pear Curling and Turning Black?
It sounds like peach tree leaf curl. It is caused by an insect pest. There is nothing to be done this year but in the Autumn, after the pests have gone back down into the soil you need to put a grease band around the trunk of the tree about 1218 inches from...
Recipes for Feeding a Family Inexpensively?
I that think one of the most important things to save money is to make sure that all (or at least most!) of your family enjoy the recipes you are using. This will cut down so much on waste food which is after all wasted money. So, sit your gang down and find...
My Frugal Life: Craft Fair Birthday Party
What a fab idea and article. As your princess grows up you can move on to things like jewellry making as the theme for the parties.
What Breed is My Dog?
Looks like some border collie might be in there! Is she very clever? Collies are an extremely intelligent breed.
Remedy for Hysterectomy Induced Sweats and Weight Gain?
I have not had a hysterectomy but when I was going through early menopause I found Black Cohosh (squaw root) was really effective and had no side effects at all. I think it is from America originally and was used down the centuries by native Americans, hopefully...
Improving Herb Garden?
I think the most effective thing you can do is to check on the ph that different species need (this can be very different from plant to plant) and get your soil ph around that plant to their liking, by using things like coffee grounds for acid lovers. Also...
Shelf Life of Cosmetics?
Hi I think the clock starts ticking after the packaging is open. In Europe there is a picture of a container with a number in it. This refers to the use by once the package has been opened. I think dry products go bad more slowly than wet ones so you will probably...
Complimentary Colors for Hot Pink and Cream Kitchen?
Might sound a little scary but I think a few a few! touches of acid green would look good. Just get some cheap bits and pieces or even borrow some vases utensils etc to see what you think first. Good luck you bold soul!
Painting Kitchen with Light Blue Countertops?
Hi, if your walls are good please dont paper them you will always regret it! I think pale yellow looks good with pale blue in the kitchen, look at Laura Ashley online catalogues and IKEA uses that colour scheme too think its called Gustavian style.
Congratulations Paul and Harlean (50th Wedding...
Many congratulations and well done (kids today think they invented love and romance!) What an extraordinary, ordinary story Good luck for the rest of your journey together. Happy Anniversary Ayesha