What is This Plant?
This is a Kalanchoe, distant kin to the jade plant. It hasnt bloomed due to being pot bound. Go to a larger pot and see this take off with blossoms and new growth.
German Shepherd Puppy is Becoming Aggressive?
Please purchase a dog obedience book and follow the training to the letter. If your dog doesnt learn now what it cant do. It will just continue to worsen until the worse happens. There are numerous web sites to help you too. Just please correct it while you...
Dishwasher Leaves Food Particles on Top Rack?
Your screen in the bottom of the dishwasher is clogged with food particles. Clean it, and rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher should solve your problem.
Writing a Will Without a Lawyer?
Go to LegalZoom.com It is an online site for wills, power of Attorneys etc. Excellent service, very cheap and they will walk you through the process with laws according to your state.
Making a Screen for Reclaiming Landscape Stone?
I needed to reclaim gravel/soil from my driveway. I cut four boards 24 and screwed them together overlapping opposite corners. Then stapled cage wire from top, across to other top. Folded corners of wire and stapled it down. I then nailed a smaller board over...
Preventing Jeans from Stretching?
EVM.I worked for a clothing manufacturer for a while. When the pants stretch after wearing a while, it is a defect from laying the pattern on the fabric with too much bias. Bias stretches. Take them back to the store and get another pair as nothing will ever...
Garden: Terracotta Chimney Flue Tiles
Absolutely a wonderful idea. Just starting a small courtyard area and have been looking for ideas. Thank You so much! L
Recipes with Tender Meat?
Lynda, I work with elderly almost daily. Just put any meat in a blender or processor, add chicken broth, beef broth, milk, or any vegetable juice. Chop it fine, but not all the way to puree unless he hasnt any teeth. This works well with vegetables too. Hope...
Using Magic Jack With Satellite?
Do a search on Magic jack before buying. Sounds to good to be true, and it is. L
Tips for Freezing Leftovers?
I, too, live alone and freeze portions for future use. I freeze the item in freezer cartons, once frozen hard, pop it out and into ziplock freezer bags, squeezing out all excess air. Should be good for several months. I also store them in larger plastic cartons...
Inexpensive Finger Food Recipes?
My favorite spread for small finger sandwiches or crackers or as a dip: 1 pkg of cream cheese softened 1/2 cup mayo Small can chopped black olives drained 1/4 cup chopped green olives with pimento 1/4 cup finely minced onion 1/4 cup finely mince celery 1/4...
Roots in Sewer Lines?
There is a granular substance that can be found at any hardware (Ace, Lowes, Home Depot) that works to kill any roots in your sewage lines. I have used it for years about twice a year and it works very well. I did the expensive camera and do have copies of...