Hanging a Bird Feeder to Avoid Droppings on the Deck?
Check right at Lowes or online at Amazon.com I recently shopped for one that clamps onto my deck & had to look extra hard to find one that hangs inside of my deck. The style you would want, hanging towards the outside fo your deck, is much mpre available. I...
How deep do peonies have to be planted?
I just got this link in my Better Homes and Gardens newsltter. It is all about peonies, planting depth and care etc. http://www.bhg.com/bhg/plantfinder/plantDetails.jsp?sssdmh=dm17.262140&plantId=/templatedata/bhg/plant/data/Paeonia.xml&esrc=nwgn48&email=763923733...
Sherbet-Orange Colored Walls?
I would personally use beige or cream. Both would compliment each other wonderfully, albeit beige would be easier to keep clean.
Creating a Cozy and Beautiful Backyard?
First I would start with a coat of paint on that wall in a warm beige or muted golden tone. Get a patio table & chairs or if you just want to louge get a couple nice lounge chairs and a small space table to set your beverages on. As for flowers/plants you have...
Passing Out Due To Buckling Knees?
When you lock your knees straight it keeps the blood flow from moving smoothly and thus causes one to faint.
Preventing Bladder Infections?
Drinking too much soda can cause bladder infections so be cautious and limit your soda intake. You can take a bath with 1 cup of baking soda to help relieve bladder infection symptoms. Be sure to sit in the tub with your knees bent and hip width apart to allow...
Preserving Gingerbread Men Cookies?
Buy a clear laquer spray and coat both sides and they should last you a long long time!
Slimy Washcloths?
Add a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. Also make note that when washing towels and wash clothes you do not need to use as much detergent as you do for clothing because it holds onto the soap causing build up.
Making Pumpkin Rolls?
You need to use a jelly roll pan. They are sold right next to the cookie sheets. Make sure the towel you are rolling the cake with is covered with confectioners sugar and also sprinkle it on top of the cake before you start rolling it up. Be sure to do it while...
"A Wish List for Santa" Float Ideas?
You could have santa looking at a long list and an assortment of toys surrounding him.
2 Year Old With Chickenpox?
Warm baths with a mixture of 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of oatmeal twice a day.
Himalayan Cat Advice?
If the vet finds no infection it is definitely a litter box problem. Get him his own. Most cats hate to share and by nature cats are territorial and right now he doesnt even have a litter box to call his own in his new home he shares with other cats. Some cats...
Does putting water in mascara really help?
Pleas do NOT do that! It causes bacteria to grow rapidly and can cause nasty eye infections. If you already have done so throw it away.
When Can You Spay a Kitten?
You should spay/nueter around 18 weeks old. I have heard of it being done at 16 weeks but 18 weeks is much more preferred. Most vets have a set age that they will do that procedure (their personal preference) so check with a couple local vets and get prices...
Help with Sweaty Feet?
I have a cold sweat problem with mine ever since they were frost bitten. The only thing I can say is wear cotton socks, it allows the air to circulate and stay dryer longer. Also change your socks twice a day if you can.
Baby Diarrhea on White Carpet?
Use Woolite Oxy Deep Carpet and stain cleaner. This stuff is wonderful for removing stains. Tough stains may require 2 treatments.
Encouraging Children to Not Wear Shoes?
As a child my Father encouraged us to go barefoot at home because it allows a childs foot to grow properly and not conform to the shape of shoes, especially when they may not fit as properly as one would like. HOWEVER we always wore shoes in public for health...
Shoes That Will Match a Seafoam Green Evening Gown?
Go to Payless. They dye shoes and have dye charts and they are very affordable. If you can;t find a color on their charts to match your gown I would recomend a nice champagne color to compliment the gown.
Creating Shades for Skylights?
If you want to go fancy they do sell shades made for sky lights. Heres a few links for you. Obvously theyll have different price ranges but at least youll have a better clue of whats available out there. Hope they help you figure out your best option. http...
Cleaning a Turkey Pan Easily
I have also always done this and find it helpful for pots and pans every day. I have made it a habit to start soaking them before I sit down to eat. Only take a minute to do it and saves you a lot of work.