Can Flushing a Cigarette Butt Down the Toilet Damage a Septic System?
Check out this website, I think it will be helpful for you.
Crafts Using Round Salt Boxes?
There are several ideas that come to my mind. Cover with scrapbook paper and embellishments for making a Pen Holder.. Cover with sticks using a hot glue gun. Add a handle with yarn or wire. Cut a hole in the front towards the bottom and add Bird Seed for an...
Recycled Garden Totem
This is absolutely adorable! I especially love it because you used tea pots, which is one of my favorite drinks! This is a lovely idea.
Juicy Juice Container Bird Feeder or Bird House
Just love recycled crafts! It allows you to stretch your hard earned money just a little farther and enjoy something pretty at the same time! Wonderful idea!
Decorating With Nature
Cat tails are great for adding to flower arrangements, especially in the fall. Use hair spray to cover them, to keep them from falling apart. Dead twigs can be sprayed painted with glitter spray paint to add a sparkle to an arrangement. Pine cones have many...