Jiffy Spiffy Brownies
Sounds delish but how do you make them? Do you bake it? Mix as directed or eat as is? Thanks!
How Long Can You Freeze Fresh Mango?
They sell frozen Mangos at the store and surely they sit for a good long while. I would think they could be stored for a good length of time... I love partially frozen Mango!! YUMMMMMMMMMM
Using Dish Soap and Iron trick on Koolaid Stain?
When I ruined my carpet trying to remove red Koolaid the carpet repair main showed me a trick... Take a clean white hankie saturated but NOT dripping with white vinegar and place over stain. Then iron with medium heat. It will pick up the stain. He only did...
Triple Orange Jello
You stated on the Strawberry mixture that you drain the strawberries....Do you drain the Oranges for the Orange Jello as well?? Thanks!
Behind The Lines Of Time
Thank for sharing such a touching photo! It makes me miss my grandfathers even more. Treasure the moments!
What is 'Packed' Brown Sugar?
Packed brown sugar is regular brown sugar that you must push all the way down and keep adding and pushing till you get the measurement needed. HTH
Seasoning Veggies and Beans?
For Cabbage I use Chicken Bullion, onion, fresh minced garlic and black pepper. There is ALMOST fat free but I think the bullion may contain a little. Also, I like the idea of the smoked turkey leg. I think a few pieces in there for flavoring would be yummy...
Dried Beans Vs. Canned Beans?
I believe dried beans are far cheaper and the taste of homemade pintos are FAR better than those in a can. However, I too use canned beans in a pinch to throw in casseroles. As long as you rinse all the water out they are good. I cook beans in very large quantites...
What Breed Could She Be?
My grandfather had many PitBull Terriers she DEF. looks to have some Pit Bull Terriers in her.
9 Year Old Lab Losing Hair?
My dog got the same symptoms and he had sarcoptic mange. I was shocked since my dog is NEVER around other dogs. The vet told me that the mites can be airborne and YOU can get it too! I would take him to the vet to rule out that it is or is not sarcoptic mange...
Stuart (Red Tabby)
Hes Gorgeous!! I have a HUGE cat too. Hes been big since he was a kitten. My cat weighs about 18lbs too. I give him combined Iams Hairball formula and Purina Indoor Cat formula (both store bought) and my vet says those are fine. YOu have a great loooking cat...
10 Year Old With A "Fresh" Mouth?
I made my son write I will not disrespect my parents like 100 times everyday for a week.... I promise it works!!! He hated doing it but it served its purpose. Got this idea from a co-worker.
Best Ever Oatmeal Cookies
Hi! What is sweet milk and what are nutmeats? I would love a good oatmeal cookie recipe... are these soft cookies? THANKS :)
Recommendations for Floor Brush?
When I get gunk or dust bunnies stuck on the bristles I run my broom outside on our brick wall. It pulls off all the hair and dust bunnies. I dont know why I decided to do this but I have been doing it for years. Good luck.
Swimming With Strep Throat?
Yes. They are no longer contagious AFTER being on antibiotics for 24 FULL hours.
Improving the Flavor of Soup
When I make a pot of beans I add finely chopped onion, fresh minced garlic and cut up raw bacon. I bring beans to a hard boil then quickly lower to a SUPER LOW setting. Boil SLOWLY in a covered pot for about 5 hours (check tenderness for doneness). This gives...
Balls Dropping from an Oak Tree?
We live in Rowlett and my neighbor has a red oak dropping bally things. They are a tad bit smaller than a golf ball a nd are light brown w/ a thin crunchy outer layer. He says its normal because I asked what they were.
Hiding a Bright Paint Color?
My son would love a burnt orange room! Tell her your a Texas Longhorn fan!!! You gotta love the Longhorns!!! With all that aside, I agree with the colored light bulb. If she is a real friend she DOESNT expect you to paint a room!
Cleaning High Chair Trays?
Bleach kitchen spray. I buy the kitchen spray at Wal-mart for .99 cents and use it all the time on my daughters tray. Just let it sit a bit. Repeat if they are really old. Works like a charm.
Being Frugal Is Fun
I read your post all the time Bobby from Rockwall :) I too live in Rockwall.....SMALL WORLD!
Crayon on a Baseball Cap and Back Seat of Car?
I know the product GOO GONE (orange smelling liquid NOT GOOF OFF ) works wonders on crayons on my daughters high chair. I also used it to take crayon off my pants. Give it a try. HOWEVER, when using this, you will have to wash with soap and water after. Also...
Know How To Manually Open The Garage Door
Funny you should post that! It has happened to me and it was NOT fun! I was stuck here at home with a fussy baby with no central air. I NOW know how to open the door manually. Good advice!
14 Day Induction Diet?
Hi! I have not tried Atkins but read the South Beach Diet book and how it contradicts Atkins use of fatty all you can eat bacon, pork etc.... If this doesnt work buy the South Beach book. It really is a great book and seems TONS less restrictive then the Atkins...
Good Mechanics in Dallas, TX?
In Rockwall just outside of Dallas off 30 there is a place called Jacksons Automotive (near Wal-Mart Super center). The owner goes to church with me. He owns a good honest business. His prices are comprable to other Dallas shops (NOT CHEAP BUT NOT OUTRAGEOUS...
Finding Ripe Mangos?
I agree with all the postings only to add that they also smell ripe! Just as a melon or a pineapple smells ripe a mango smells too. I always pick up and smell my fruit at the store. Seems silly but I rarely get bad fruit. Good luck!
Gift Idea for Less Than $30?
How about a nice tea pither with glasses for those nice spring days and hot summer days? Bed Bath and Beyond and Linnen and Things has some very cute SPRING stuff PLUS they always have their 20 percent off coupons out for the Thrifty shopper. Good luck!
Stuffed Shells
sounds great!!! If you have any more great low fat health recipes like this will you please email me? I am on a quest to lose LOTS of weight and would love good recipes. Thanks. proud_texas_gal AT yahoo.com
Do calluses return after they are removed?
Not sure but over the weekend I head that Coconut oil removes calluses. Not tried it but I will try it on my hubby soon.
Grease Build-up on Copper?
Goo Gone works great on things like this. It is an orange liquid that can be bought at any Wal-mart, Target, Home Depot etc... I too had some old copper pieces given to me and wanted to display them in my kitchen. I used the Goo Gone and it all came off. You...
Recycled Fruit Nets For Scouring Pads
Thanks for sharing that great tip. I would have never thought of that. I threw away so many of the great California Cuite bags.... Now I know. Thanks.
Converting a Crib Into a Bed?
Thanks for the feedback. I guess I should have mentioned that yes, I do plan on buy a full size mattress for this bed. I would like to have the post made into a head board and foot board but I just didnt know if it would be possible. Thanks.
Dishwasher Reviews?
I am not certian of number order but Maytag/Jenn-air used to be considered top notch. Sadly, things are not made like they used to be and my MAYTAG REPAIR MAN suggested I buy a Kennmore when my MAYTAG finally dies!!! Hope this helps some.
How long does it take to defrost a turkey?
I would leave it in the refridgerator for like 5 days. I know a 12 pound turkey took 3 days and was still a little frozen when removing giblets. I would say 5 should do it. Besides, if it defrosts in only 4 days one extra day in the fridge will not harm the...
Selling Crafts in Front of Your House?
I would just go through the same procedures your city allows for garage sales. Post signs that say Sale instead of garage sale. I have seen many signs that just say sale. Good Luck!