Hatching a Duck Egg?
With the small crack the egg will not hatch. It is best to discard it before it begins to rot and smell really bad.
Hatching Duck Eggs in an Incubator?
If you have a male duck, the eggs should be fertile. And, yes, the eggs if incubated before they are 7-14 days old should be viable. Being cold for several hours will not hurt them, unless they were frozen. A mother duck lays one egg each day for a week or...
Dog Itching and Chews Herself?
When you see one flea it means there are many more that you dont see, but rest assured, they are there. If a dog has a flea allergy, it doesnt take many to drive them crazy with itching. Think of just one mosquito bite on you! We have used Frontline spot on...
Dog's Skin Condition?
I think in this case that the benefits of the Steroids way out weigh the risks. The risk of skin infection is very real and probably more dangerous at this point than the steroid side effects.
Beagle Puppy Has Severe Itching?
Fleas are probably back, just not to the point that you notice them. It takes just one bite on a dog with a flea allergy to cause incessant itching, just like a person with just one mosquito bite. Treat for fleas before you see them, because most likely they...