I Can't Afford School Clothes?
The girl might be a little old for it, but see if you can get her started making/fixing clothes. A good quality used machine with just straight stitch is better than those things at WalMart.
Keeping Deer Out Of The Garden
Change stategies often. Deer can learn that something is no big deal and start ignoring it. Another method: Gill nets. I live in an area with a lot of commercial fishing and some of the neighbors mound old gill nets over their garden fences. They swear it works...
Natural Chipmunk Repellent?
Mothballs are supposed to work. Relocating the chipmunk is illegal and cruel, often causing them to die of change shock (usual cause of death among housecats abandoned alongside the road or that run away at the vets). More humane to just kill them with a large...