Insulating Windows Against Summer Heat?
I think attaching roll-up shades to the eaves of the house or apartment really help. That keeps the sun from hitting the glass altogether. On really hot days, I extend the shades their full length to shade the glass and part of the wall of the building, this...
Bonding With Your New Puppy?
I agree. I dont think a dog is a good idea, or even a cat. No pet deserves to be left alone that much of the time.
Turn Your Refrigerator into an Icebox
S and S, I know just what you mean about plug not coming with the dryer! Yes, it is common practice now. I guess that is one way for them to save money... to have the customer buy the cord. However, in their defense, some houses have a 4 prong outlet and some...
Insulating Windows
I like your idea too! It gives me some ideas of how I might save some money on my electric bill. Thanks
Save Money on Dish Soap
I add a bit of baking soda to the cheaper brand of dish soaps and they work as good as the more expensive brands.
Tissue Paper Roses?
I seem to remember to cut out heart shapes and then the pointed end is attached to the stem. My son and I made BIG ones and sorta loose, they looked more like peonies. We used shades of pink and white, they turned out really nice.
Wallpapering an Old Refrigerator?
I think Contact paper would be better than wallpaper. It sticks really well and comes in lots of colors or designs. I used it in my bathroom to lighten it up...had really dark cabinets below the sink. I put an almond color on the doors and it looked fine.
Hairdressing for Bridesmaids
Ive been getting my hair cut at the local beauty college for a couple was fine til this last time... I got absolutely butchered! The supervisor tried to fix it but I still came out lop-sided! Oh well, its only hair and will grow back! But for styling...
Thrifty Curtain Rods - Electrical Conduit
I do the same thing! I get the plastic PVC pipe, its white and you can buy the end caps for a dime and for a corner I even did a 90 degree turn, with the connector for that... super easy and cheap. Im thinking of making some kind of trellis for the yard this...
Shopping Cards
Arent those cards a PAIN! Safeway started this mess with the cards, saying that if we used the cards, we wouldnt have to clip coupons. Ha! Now we have to use the cards and they have started issuing coupons again as well. Every store has a different practice...
A Tiny Gift to Enclose
What a great idea... and it could be anytime at all, even Just thinking of you card. Did it take extra postage?
Alternative Uses for Elmer's Glue
Im going to try it! Maybe I can save by not buying Nair as well as the Biore strips! Thanks for the great idea
A Critique of ThriftyFun?
Ive been getting ThriftyFun for 6 months or so now and really love it too. The tips are great and Ive used many of them but would prefer that the recipes werent mixed in with them. Maybe the recipes could be on a separate page? I look forward to getting my...