What Breed is my Dog?
Black lab mix. Not sure what the other breed is. Possibly what we call Hines 57.
Getting Rid of Rattlesnakes in a Hole?
I dont know about getting rid of it but do know that snakes do not like slithering over garden lime. The powder burns their belly. So we used it when we didnt want them slithering under the porch to make a home when I was a kid. When dinosaurs roamed the earth...
What Breed Can My New Puppy Be?
Possibly a Dalmatian Chocolate lab mix. Springers and hunting dogs also have spots like that.
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
Usually a person needs ten years of work for their family to qualify for that program. But if youre working and still cant afford the bills, you may qualify for other programs. Like SSI which is a supplemental social security income, or one or more of the public...
Getting Rid of Mosquitoes in a Pond?
I dont think you will because bugs draw to standing water areas. If the water does not circulate it may become stagnant drawing more in. Possibly adding something to circulate the water or a filtering system may cut back on the bug supply. The plus side is...
Growing Tomatoes in Soil Cleared of Dog Poop?
There are different answers for this issue. In one place I went to visit there were black raspberries around a post loaded with berries. People that live there stated the berries would not come on. They cleaned up after there dogs, they lifted the soil and...
Grow Plants for Gifts
I have many house plants. In fall I have so many to re_pot. In mid summer I have enough started to take to a local vegetable stand. They have been selling them for me for a small commission. I buy the pots from the dollar tree in spring to pot them in. Everybody...
What is This Plant?
The photo is to small to be sure, but it looks like common popper bush. Part of the impatient family. In some states common popper bush is considered perennial. But may be an annual that reseeds itself. It was named popper because the seed pods when ripe pop...
Make Use of Whatever Comes My Way
I was thinking that some people may freeze the squash for winter months. I had a neighbor once that froze green peppers. And when he pulled them out they looked like they were just cut fresh right from the garden. I didnt believe they were frozen. But he proved...
Critter-proof Your Flowerpots and Barrels
When planting on the ground with seed or bulbs I use this trick. I get the flats that come from green houses. The kind that have the holes in them like plastic mesh. Then I get the things that are like huge wire staples. Put the mesh like flat into place. It...
Low Cost Flower Bed
This is cute. Between our home and the driveway next door pine trees were cut down. Well the trunks are still setting there. So I am using them to put large pots on. Hopefully it will help them rot out faster so that in a few years the Trunks can be removed...
Mole Deterrent
Mice moles and voles supposedly dont like juicy fruit chewing gum. Or possibly they do and try eating it. Which ever the case it does away with them so it is said. Another thing is that mice dont like mint. The story is that if you plant mint around the borders...
Improving Clay Soil?
You need to remove the grass where you will plant and till in some peat moss and some vegetable growing soil like Miracle Grow soil, Sams Club or something comparable. Or you can save a little money and ad compost or manure if you already have that on hand...
Jacaranda (Pretoria, South Africa)
Are they royal empress trees? What ever they are they are beautiful.
Marantas (Praying Plant) Has Brown Leaves?
Some times when a plant gets the brown crispy edges, it is a result from over fertilizing. Some plants create their own nitrogen. I also have one of these plants. I have noticed that when I use a fertilizer, it seems shortly after I am trimming off a leaf that...
Marantas (Praying Plant) Has Brown Leaves?
I also have this plant. I have noticed that after I fertilize, I end up trimming off leaves that have dried up and turned brown. Some plants create there own nitrogen. My guess is our plants dont need the fertilizer. Happy Gardening!
Propagating a Weeping Willow Tree
Willow trees have a natural rooting hormone. You can take a branch that has fallen off or one you have cut off. Toward the bottom scrape the bark slightly. This will help the rooting hormone come out. Then put the bottom of the branch in a pot of soil. Make...
Homemade Grass Fertilizer
Get a cheep bottle of dish liquid, get out your hose and spray holding the dish liquid up to the hose. The watered down dish soap mixed with the water has been an old time favorite since Ivory liquid came to be. Ivory is the most favored brand for the lawn...
Keeping Cats Out of Planters?
Cats dont like it when there is something in the middle of the pot. Like tall spindly lights, or just one of the shorter wider ones from dollar tree. It makes it uncomfortable for them to get comfortable. Also if you shave some orange peels around the top, the...
Foaming Soap Dispenser
I have posted almost the same thing on assorted web sites. I reuse the bath and body works bottles and do the same thing with dish soap. The tops of the bottles are spring loaded. So when you ad water to the soap or detergent and shake well it creates a nice...
Feeding a Dog Chicken?
Chicken is OK but not the bones. The bones fray to easy and can cause harm to the insides of your dog.
Of Kids, Christmas, and Pets
As for the cloth squares. Consider making little purses out of them. Some people have taken a bunch of squares together and made large purses. Also I noticed one time when I went into a store I noticed... Some one took tin cans/plastic containers etc... And...
Propagating a Dieffenbachia Plant?
I know a woman that has one and she starts them one after another. She takes a cutting and puts it in damp soil. Or just thins the one out as it spreads. But I must say this adult plant she only waters about once a month. Very filtered light. In fact she puts...
Encouraging Houseplants to Bloom
Kalanchoe needs shade for a while to bloom again. Also blooming fertilizer helps. Some plants require poor soil to bloom. Over fertilizing causes more high shine leaves, less flowers for the more poor soil breeds of plants.
Galvanized Tub Gardening
You forgot to mention if you put drainage in the galvanized beds. Or if you put a layer of rocks for drainage. This info would be useful to new gardeners. Thanks.
Attach Flowers To Hummingbird Feeders
That is so funny: My husband and I have been at my father in laws for a month. It is harder for him to get around at 80. Anyway, he had one of the wire block things that seed cakes go in. I did the same thing. I bought a seed cake for it and put small artificial...
Making Homemade Dish Soap?
It is not baking powder. It is baking Soda. Baking soda will help remove stains and acts as a bleach. I am not sure about making baking soda dish liquid. But you can reduce your cost on the dish liquid you use by using baking soda or white vinegar in your dishes...
What is This Plant? Creeping Charlie
This plant is called creeping charley. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=creeping+charly+plant+image&view=detail&id=0427FAEBD9625F5ABCFF69B1EA12185CB64120C5&first=0
What Kind of Plant is This?
My vote is also Paulownia. It takes a few years to flower. By now it seems you would have had flowers. They only bloom about five weeks in spring. Then they are done until next year. Try some blooming fertilizer next spring. Or possibly you are using fertilizer...
What Kind of Plant is This?
OK so you said it comes up every year. So if it does not have an actual tree trunk it would not be the Paulownia tree. I didnt notice that in your first write up. Paulowina is actually a tree. Or if cut down and allowed to re grow from the root can actually...
Potato Plant Appears to Be Growing Tomatoes?
That is happening becouse tomatoes and potatoes are related. They are both part of the nightshade family. At one time people thought potatoes were poison. But they are not. The fruit from the flower is toxic itself. Dont eat them. Just eat the potatoes under...
My Frugal Life: Composting Indoors
My son in law was going to burn a wooden box that had a lid. I had him drill a few air holes and do the same thing. Well it turned out he took it one step further. He not only had some good black soil and fertilizer going on, he also had worms reproducing to...
Canisters from Coffee Containers
I think it would be a cute idea to turn large plastic coffee cans into bird houses. I have seen bird houses made from tin cans and wood fronts. Why not try the same things with the large plastic containers. Skip the wood use the plastic covers to make the entrance...
Where Can I Get Help to Pay My Electric Bill?
Contact the department of Social Service. You may qualify for a grant or loan through the government. If you get help from an organization, some organizations like to split the cost with two other organizations. Or call the electric company and ask to be put...
Three Systems For Planting Strawberries
June bearing strawberries are not always larger berries. My June bearing strawberries actually produce much smaller berries than many of the new breeds now available. Some of the ever bearing berries may now produce larger fruit. There are so many hybrids now...
Can I grow Angel Trumpet Plants from Seed?
I have tried to grow Brugmansia from seed with no luck. But I got a cutting from a plant swap. And it is just starting to take off nicely. Datura is related to Brigmansia but the brugmansia flowers hang down, while the datura flowers stand up more. The seeds...
Growing Everbearing Strawberries?
You are supose to remove the mother plant and let some of the babies take over about every three years. The mother plants will have bigger leaves, and show the runners that are comming from them. They will even continue to multiply if you choose to give them...
Can I Use Florescent Lights to Start Seeds?
Yes, floresent lights work great. Here is what I am doing this year. I have a seeds started by putting them on top of the furnice. The heat from the bottom really makes them take off. But there is no light there. So when the roots have a good start I move them...
Grass for Shade and Dogs?
Your going to need some garden lime to correct the soil where brown spots occur. Sprinkle it on and water it in good. In some places you may need to loosen soil and replant seed. But cover the seeded area with something like straw after you water it well. It...
Dog is Losing Hair?
Dermatitis mange or allergy. My nieces dog had hair loss and the vet told hers was due to allergies. He recommended the same allergy antihistamine that can be bought in the dollar stores for people once a day. If it is allergies, be sure to get the pills with...
Christmas Cactus Has Turned Purple and is Droopy?
Too much water, roots being bound or poor drainage. Take some of the root from the bottom of the plant off. Put your plant in a pail with a couple drops of dish soap and a touch of bleach. This removes dust, etc. Rinse and re-pot in new soil. The roots need...
Wisteria Bloomed But Did Not Make Seed Pods?
It takes a while before the seed pods show up after a flower dies on most plants. The pods usually develop over time. The rose of Sharon pods really show up in winter.
Banana Peels and Tea Bags for Roses
In spring your roses will love the blood from your hamburger or roast beef packages. Mix with water and pour on roots. This really makes them bloom. There are different kinds of rose bushes. When buying one be sure to check bloom times. Some only bloom for...
Dumpster Diving: Free Stuff?
Here are some thing that you can do to find free items to recycle. First join your local recycle group and join. People give away many things like clothes, shoes, household items. Even washers dryers etc... People have even gotten car parts from this group...
Yellow Leaves on a Pepper Plant?
People are so fooled by breathable pots. The clay pots kill almost every thing they touch. Even though the guy from the flowershop swears by them. Even my aloe had to go to plastic. And it thrived like majic after the transplant. Remove the dead leaves. Use...
What is This Plant?
It looks like kolanchoe. I had a problem with it flowering. But after some research I found that it needs to be shaded a while before it will bloom again. Also I bought one of the liquid fertalizer for blooming plants. It is in a small clear container and if...
Indoor Potted Plants Have an Odor?
Clay pots are not very good for plant use. They dry out most plants. What you describe sounds like the soil got old and they need repotting. If you use your clay pots again you need to soak them in bleach water for a while and give them a good cleaning first...
Soil Seems to Be Falling Out of Potted Plant?
This happens when the roots are getting bigger and at the root or top of the root is making new plants. Its time to divide up the new plants into a bigger or seperate pots. The same thing is happening where I work. Have fun seperating plants. Windgate.
Overwintering Geraniums?
The place where my daughter worked had some in a pot. Near spring they were almost dead from poor moisture in the air. However they survived a light frost when left out side. I trimmed it down and put some of the clippings in good quality potting soil. They...
What is this Plant? Bee Balm
It looks like a breed of manarda called Bee Balm. I have red and have been looking for pink all summer long. I finally paid almost seven dollars for a dwarf pink. If it is bee balm it should have a minty smell. It is a member of the mint family. I use the leaves...
Worms Killing My Zucchini?
In your situation I would try garlic powder. It is not poison to eat. So it wont poison the plant for eating. Most insects dont like garlic. If you use garlic salt, some of the salt may eat some of the leaves. Some people plant garlic in between their garden...
Transplanting Rosa Rugosa?
I bought one a while back. I thought it died over the winter. But to my suprise it came back from the root. A whole new bush came from the root. I have also cloned from cuttings assorted rose bushes over the last couple years. I take a cutting, put it in a...
Leaves on Tomatoes in Topsy Turvy Tree Turning Yellow?
Usually when tomato leaves turn yellow the plant needs a few drops of vinegar in the water before watering. Good luck with your tomatoes. Windgate
Bugs Inside Mimosa Seed Pods?
Hello: I dont know what kind of bugs you got in your seeds. But you should consider a seed trade. THRIFTY FUN has a seed trade. If you have some seeds of something I dont have I can send you some mimosa seeds for trade. I dont know what color the flowers will...
Getting Rid of Briers?
I asked that on yahoo answers. Here is the answer I was given. Buy some cheep powdered laundry detergent. The kind that has lye in it, and poor it on the area. Thy lye is suppose to kill the roots.When summer comes I guess that answer will be put to the test...
Using Lemon Juice on Moss?
I am not sure what will kill moss. But I can tell you that if you cant beat it, sell it on eBay. I have gotten seed and plant order magazines, and people actually pay money for that stuff. If you have to pull it up by hand, you may as well get paid for it. I...
Dyeing with Bleach?
Bleach and a hammock? A weakening liquid. A little may not hurt, but to much and ouch, you just fell through your weaken hammock. Ker bang!
Lavender Plant Not Growing?
It could be that the plant has just adjusted to the pot. This happens in some perennials, mainly trees. I went to an Amish place that sells plants. And LOL they still had tomatoes in the little tiny square things they are started in. Although they looked pretty...
What To Harvest From Your Flower Garden
Dont forget the bee balm. Our leaves get used for tea, and the petals are eaten right off the flower. It is a great possibility they would be good in your dried flower mix. Bee Balm (also called Manarda) is a spice and also used as a diuretic.
Gizmo (Domestic Shorthair)
Your not going to believe this, but we found a kitten down back in the weeds. He was all black. We think he was about 3-4 weeks old. However he looked well taken care of. We have a wild female cat that has kittens from time to time. We think she split up the...
When Will My Hydrangeas Bloom?
I planted my hydrangea tree last year. I bought it from a place where plants can be purchased for pennies on the dollar compared to nursery prices. The down fall on buying like this is the plants are dormant. Almost no root, and need to be rinsed well and brought...
Red Tomatoes Are Green Inside?
When I have green tomatos, I love to cook them in margarine with some onion. OH YA.... Here is a link to ripen tomatoes. It was interesting to find they ripen faster when put with bananas. http://www.wikihow.com/Ripen-Green-Tomatoes
Homemade Detangler For Dogs?
Adding some omega three to there diet will put some well needed oil in there fur. My daughters vet recommended the same omega three capsules that people take. It was recommended for her pets hair loss. Possibly the oil will act some what as a conditioner and...
College Grant Advice?
When my son was entering into collage I was determined to prove that there are cash grants that people didnt know about to help fund college for students. So here is what I did. I started pulling things out of my grocery cupboard. Why you may ask? Well I searched...
Gift Ideas for Pet Lovers
That would be the gift for a person that has every thing else already. If they have a pet they can post there info on the fridge. If they suddenly need to go on a trip, they will even have pet sitters phone numbers. Interesting!
Teeka (Chihuahua/Min Pin Mix)
I love the cat in your photo. It looks like our lucky that is sadly missed. We had him for years from a baby. But he is passed on. My inlaws have a dog like yours but beige color. Isnt it funny how cats and dogs get along. My daughter now has registered french...
Getting A Start From A Rose Bush?
Check this link for cloning roses from a cutting. I have done it a few times this summer. http://www.thriftyfun.com/tf87053140.tip.html
Garage Sale Finds?
I went to a yard sale and purchased from the bag sale. One dollar a bag for clothes. I could hardly believe that I got something for many of the kids at that sale. One of the skirts was almost an exact match for the one that one of the girls wanted at JC Penny...
10 Quick Ways To Reduce Your Household Budget
For some people, it does not make sense to buy in bulk. Consider taking others with you if buying in bulk to split the cost. Some of the things you can buy in bulk cost much less in individual packaging at a store like Aldies. Example: 4 smaller containers...
Starting a Pussy Willow Plant from a Branch
Simple instructions posted here http://www.thriftyfun.com/default.ldml
Repairing Scratched DVDs
I have many times washed them in dish liquid with warm water. Dry off well with a clean cloth. Let it air out for a few minutes to be sure there is no dampness to hurt your machine, or zap you to the floor. In many cases it makes the difference in watching...
My Plant Window
I had limited light for plants so I came up with a solution for the problem. I put a long fluorescent light over the top of my TV entertainment center right up above a painting. Then put my plants above the TV. The artificial lighting really makes the plants...
Stressed Weeping Willow?
Be sure to get some clippings to start a new one. They root well in water. Or get some good potting soil and mix it with some peat moss. Keep the soil damp but not soaking wet. You can use a good pot with good drainage. Water it well and let most of the water...
My Hibiscus Plant
Hello, I bought cold hardy hibiscus from a mail order. It is supose to survive below 0 temps. Time will tell? I planted it out back about a week ago. Unknown as to what color it will bloom as of yet.
Gardening With Your Kids
You can also tickle your childrens fancy with the small black oil seeds for birds. The birds have thrown a few to the ground enough times under the feeders. I left some last year and they grew to be about 8 to 12 inches tall under the tree. The flowers are...
Dwarf Weeping Willow?
Yes you can make a dwarf weeping willow tree. But you will need to keep it in a pot with good drainage. Full size trees can be made dwarf by keeping them in a pot, and during the deciduous period you may need to trim the roots. The deciduous time is when the...
Clever Ad for a Rummage Sale?
Use you local buy, sell, trade web site. They are usually free to use. Also do not put tape on top of shoes. When people try to remove it, it does damage to the surface of the shoe or purse. Give ideas for using things. Such as wicker baskets are good for bird...
My Frugal Life - Buying Ingredients Has Saved Me Money
I used to do the same thing when my children were young. I would make a menu for a whole month. I would buy the sales of buy one get one free. I also clipped the coupons and used them. However I went a step further. If I wanted a couple nights off from cooking...
Saving Money on Utilites?
I have noticed that we dont turn the heat up as high as usual when we run a warm water humidifier in the winter. The warm steam in the air puts the humidity back in the air that we lose from running the furnace,. This puts the moisture back into our skin, and...
Inexpensive, Attractive Waste Basket
My step mother bought some from some one at work years ago made from the colored Styrofoam egg crates. They were more of a small garbage can cover. They were put together with colored yarn.
Widow Looking For Advice On Entertaining, Travel and Meals?
Check with your county: Some have local groups of seniors that get together once a month for a lunch. Then you meat new people. Some times the Library may have a senior get together also. The library also has videos you can get out and it does not cost anything...
Looking For Bluing?
For info on bluing check out this link. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20080922183407AASM1x7
Making Dinners for Busy People
I hope your daughter is better soon I also did what your saying. I used to take meals like this to my father is law after my mother in law passed on. But when the kids were young I would make big meals and make individual TV dinners and put them in the freezer...