Update on Brother Sewing Machine
I was in Kmart and noticed a line. I asked and they were demonstrating a Nechi Sewing Machine at a low price. I watched the demo and ended up buying the machine, but did spend more with all the extras. It has a needle feeder that I love as well. I had purchased...
Shopping for Small Bottles or Jars for Handcream?
I belong to a craft club and was organizing all the doll eyes we have. I went to CVS and Walgreens and asked for pill bottles. Safeway gave me the most.
Shopping for Small Bottles or Jars for Handcream?
I forgot to say they were free, except for CVS, they charged a dollar.
For Softer Feet
My feet were so dry, they cracked and would bleed. I started using vaseline on them every morning before putting my socks on. In the summer when I wear scandals, I put the socks on at nite. Now my feet have no more cracks and are soft and pink. Also since I...
Styrofoam Window Cornices?
QVC has two 40 cornices for 32.00 38.00 with shipping. Ebay has them for 13.00 plus 15.00 shipping. They are great, I did one in 15 minutes. www.windowbonnets also has them, more costly.
Styrofoam Window Cornices?
http://www.windowbonnets.com/ http://video.yahoo.com/watch/3287790/9255803 Video showing how to make the cornices by windowbonnets. www.qvc.com Video showing much easier and less expensive method. http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/view.2/app.detail/params...