Displaying Pressed Pennies and Tie Tacks?
You could mount any of these multiple small items in a shadow box style picture frame. Just make a base of maybe felt and put in the box frame and hang.
Ulcers on Gums After Teeth Extractions?
I read somewhere that you can put dentures in the freezer. Then that will soothe the irritation on your gums when you put them in.
Partially Working Lights on Pre-lit Tree?
When weve had that problem in the past, it has been a burned out bulb or a bulb that was not pushed in all the way somewhere in the unlit part.
Teaching a 20 Month Old Child Manners?
If you are not going to use punishment, then use rewards. Give him an m&m for each good manner copied.
Wedding Shower Hosted By a Stepmother?
I would have 2 separate showers. Ask close members of each side to join you in hosting and planning each one.