14th Birthday Party Ideas?
How about a cupcake party? Guests get to frost and design there own cupcakes. Then you could have a Chopped like session to see who goes to next round. You could add in certain items that need to be used in the decorating for each round like blueberries or...
Social Security Disability Benefits?
No she would not receive anything. She would no longer be his child legally or his responsibility.
Sharing Living Expenses With an Abusive Partner?
Okay first know you are not the only one. Second kick him out and get a child support order. This is a completely unhealthy situation for you and your son. Is this how you want him to think women should be treated? And he will then repeat the cycle not to mention...
Family Issues Planning a 2nd Birthday Party?
I would honestly speak with your boyfriend and family members and tell them frankly that the day is about the child and not them and for the childs sake for them to please put aside their differences for the event. After all theyre supposed to be adults. No...
13th Birthday Party Ideas for a Girl?
A sleepover makeover spa party is a great thing for that age and time of year. My oldest 2 are November birthdays. You can take a photo and give to all the girls as thank you card. Make your own pizza, cookies, and cupcakes are another fun cheap thing. Dollar...
Talking to Granddaughter About Dirty Unsafe Apartment?
You need to sit down and have a heart to heart with her. Explain your concerns and offer to help. If social services saw that, shes going to be in a bad situation.
Birthday Gift Ideas for Your Mother?
As a poor mom myself (my income not my parenting) I would suggest something simple. Make her her favorite dinner or dessert. Get a movie from the library that she loves or has wanted to see and watch it with her. Clean up the dishes,bathroom,laundry etc as...
Social Security Survivor's Benefit Eligibility?
Doing a legal name change is a simple process and does not affect benefits. My children had it done. And went through same scenario.
Finding Free or Inexpensive Twin Beds?
There should be social service organizations in your area that can help. Call 211 and they will be a great source of information. Also if you belong to a church they usually have a fund for circumstances like this. Good luck. Im in the same situation so I totally...