Upcycled Water Bottle Indoor Planter
Recycled, festive, and great for plant propagation - what more could you ask for from a repurposed plastic water bottle. Thank you for another fun idea!
Homemade Printed Tissue Paper
I love how your paper turned out. What a pretty addition to wrapping paper. Thanks for showing us how to make our own!
Simple Flannel Receiving Blanket
Handmade gifts are so appreciated. This is simple and cute and looks so comfy.
Number Cake Craft
Katrine, this turned out beautifully. Yum! I love the colors you chose to decorate with.
Mermaid Tail Cake Topper (Gumpaste)
These are incredibly cute. The photos and description will make it easy for anyone to recreate these decorations themselves. Thank you for sharing.
Rough Green Snake
What a beautiful little thing. I am not familiar with this type of snake. Thank you for sharing!
Quick Thrifty Crafts
What clever ideas for transforming items that you already have just waiting to become gifts or part of your homes decor. I especially like the photo bottle and the flower soda bottle decoupage projects.
New Plantings and Garden Flowers
I am glad you enjoyed the trip. Much more to do, but I love working in the garden.
Decorative Junk Wood Window Frame
Great idea! I love how it turned out. It is inspiring to see how recycled materials can be the start of a creative project. Thank you for sharing.
Cause of Multiple Sunflowers at the Top of a Single Stalk?
Check out this photo of a rudbeckia that grew in my garden Photos of Flowers Exhibiting Fasciation. I think that might be what you are seeing on your sunflower plant. I notice that the centers dont appear to be quite round but perhaps more oblong. Hope this...
Reverse Button on a Kenmore Sewing Machine?
It is likely the chrome button to the left of the light switch. You may have to hold it down while you stitch in reverse.
Identifying Wild Flowers?
Thank you for your help. I love the crimson clover and was thinking of digging up a plant or two for my yard. I am not a fan of the raggedy lawn I have and dont like fertilizers, so I am adding clover and hopefully the small English daisies that come in some...
Identifying a Perennial Flower (Mountain Bluet)?
I agree, it is a perennial bachelor button, also known as a mountain bluet or Centaurea montana. I love these, there are a several colors available.
Natural Mandalas
I love this bit of nature art. What a great way to display the gazillion dandelions and fir cones in my back yard :)
Buttermilk Falls
Beautiful spot. The falls look like stairsteps. Glad you were able to find a peaceful moment to take your mind off the current medical emergency affecting us all.
Natural Mandalas
I love it! The making of this mandala would be not only fun to do with your child but would also provide that focused meditative mindset. Beautiful!
Cleaning Plastic Containers Used For Powdered Drinks
Great cleaning tip and even more exciting to read your latest tome.
Lights On! (Banana Flower)
When I was a child down in Louisiana we had banana plants outside the bedroom window. This photo brings back memories of those days including the tiny green tree frogs that lived in the banana leaves and sometimes visited the screen on the window. Thank you...
Ginger Coconut Glass Noodle Soup
Another delicious recipe from your kitchen. I am ready to move in :)
Identifying Southern California Wild Flowers?
The blue one is blue eyed grass and the white flowers remind me of phlox. I am more certain of the blue flowers than the white ones. Hope that helps.
Making a Fabric Octopus
He is a cutie and quite unique in its shape. Thank you for all of your amazing and creative recycled crafts and tips.
Easter Bunny Puppet from a Dishwashing Glove
This is so cute. Your repurposed and recycled projects are always fun to see!
Sweet Potato Toast
These sound delicious. I love sweet potatoes and this recipe gives me a new way to try them. Thanks for sharing.
Mommy's Little Helper
Fuzzy is such a cutie pie. My favorite photo of her is in the hanging spider plant.
Carved Rock Identification?
I dont know whether you were able to determine what your friend found, but to me it looks like a layer of clay on top of a flat stone. The top, incised layer is not the same color and there appears to be identifiable edges around the incised portion of the...
My June Garden
I dont always see that I have received comments. Thanks to you all. The latter part of the summer was spent weeding and trying to set up two new planting areas in the backyard. The house is older and one fun thing that occurs is finding old vintage bottles...
Cutout "MOM" Card for Mother's Day
Wow! I love it. The paper layout reminds me of a patchwork quilt. Beautiful.
Paper Carnation Wreath
Your flower projects are always so pretty. Thank you for sharing this one and others.
Making a Yo-Yo Christmas Tree?
The measurement in mm is of the diameter. Yes the largest one 220mm is approximately 8.6 inches across. I made cardboard templates for a range of yo yo sizes from 10mm to 240, but did not use all of them for this project. I hope this helps. If you have any...
Weeping Cherry Tree Has Two Different Size Leaves?
The lower branch is growing from the root stock, hence the different, larger leaves. Weeping cherry trees are the result of grafting the weeping variety onto a straight trunk of a different variety of cherry. You can prune off the lower branches that grow from...
Identifying a Bird (Towhee)?
It appears to be a towhee. I am not sure which variety, that would depend on your geographic area. They are great fun to watch as they back kick through the dirt and scattered leaves searching for food. They are also often ground nesters that enjoy the seclusion...
Slaw Beet Salad
Wow, this contains two of my favorite veggies. I will definitely give it a try. It will be all for me as my family seems to have a deep grained aversion to both beets and brussels sprouts. Silly them.
Plant Your Tomato in a Recycled Washing Machine Tub
Thanks for the tip. I have seen this suggestion elsewhere too. I will definitely give it a try. Thank you.
What Is The Name Of This Fern?
It looks like a western sword fern. They are native to the western United States. They are found growing along the Pacific Coast from southeastern Alaska south to Baja, California.
Identifying Antique China?
I dont know the value of your set, however, a bit of searching for Japanese china with image of geisha in cups might help. There were several sites that came up when I googled the topic, with different images and designs. Good luck. They are beautiful.
What Is This Garden Plant? (Lychnia or Silene coronaria) - Rose campion
It is a (Lychnia or Silene coronaria) - Rose campion. This flower is a member of the carnation family and is a good addition to a self sowing garden. Thanks for asking; I see them frequently and also could not remember what they were called. A bit of internet...
Thriftstore Glass Garden Tower
This is my first time using E6000, it is recommended for glass. We will see how well it lasts once I clean up my garden and put it outside.
Identifying a Houseplant?
It looks like a Philodendron Selloum. According to one site it can get quite large inside 4x4, under good conditions. It is a tropical plant and can grow outside in zone 8 or higher.
What Is This Houseplant?
I believe that it is a coleus. That being said, yes, coleus is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. According to the ASPCA website the essential oils in the plant can cause, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, anorexia, and occasionally bloody diarrhea.
Product Review: Breezecatcher Rotary Clothesline
I am loving it. Now to see if I can get my laundry dry in our, soon to be, drizzly Pacific Northwest.
Birthday Candy Poster
As the nana in question, I love it and am carefully opening the candy so that the wrappers remain in place. Got to save such a thoughtful gift.
What Is This Bush Tree?
It appears to be a photinia. Check this link for information and photos: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photinia and this one: https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?pid=145 There are many more on the net, with and without photos.
What Is This Houseplant? (Calathea crocata)
Check this link: http://www.ourhouseplants.com/plants/calathea. The plant is one of the few Calatheas that flower. There is a photo of it on this site. It is a calathea crocata. Beautiful plant.
What Is This Plant?
It looks like a mandevilla. Check out this link on our site: http://www.thriftyfun.com/Growing-Mandeville.html. It is grown outside, typically as an annual. Hope this helps.