Cleaning a Canvas Coach Bag?
I use white toothpaste to clean white leather sneakers. Test a hidden area of your bag before using on the stain.
Removing Discoloration on Vinyl Floor?
This sounds weird, but WD40 removes black scuff marks from linoleum and vinyl floors. It might work for your rust colored spots, too.
Attaching Wheels to a Dog Kennel?
Can you attach the kennel to a mechanics slide? You know one of those things that the mechanic lays on to slide under the car.
Treating a Dog with Allergies?
I have a Wheaten Terrier who has allergies also. He weighs fifty pounds and takes one generic Clariden tablet daily and generic Benedryl up to four times a day, as needed, at the suggestion of his vet. Adjust these medications according to your pets weight...
Removing Ink from a Leather Jacket?
White toothpaste works for me but be sure to test a hidden area first.
Where Can I Buy Gimp Brand Medication for Insect Bites?
The main ingredient of AfterBite is plain old ammonia. If you fill an empty bottle with NON SUDSY ammonia youll get the same itch relief. Hint: contact lens solution comes in just the right size squeeze bottle to use once it is empty.