Changing the Color of a Hydrangea to Blue?
I tried it one year, clay dirt on one side of plant, ashes on the other side. I cant remember which does which, but that year I had pink & blue on one bush I took pictures to prove it. But thats been so long ago I lost pics & the bush is gone now.
Keeping Cat from Digging in House Plants?
I buy pebbles from the Dollar Tree & put in my houseplants, they look pretty & the cat doesnt try to dig in them. Also it doesnt effect watering your plants.
Training a Cat Not to Bite?
My cat loves to bite, but shes not trying to hurt me & it doesnt as long as I dont draw back. But I started saying NO everytime she starts to bite & she will stop. I think she thinks they are love bites.
Natural Hairball Treatment?
I give my cat NOW brand almond oil every morning & night. I put it in the palm of my hand & she licks it out. I dont think mineral oil or petroleum jelly is good for man or beast. I keep the oil in my bathroom cause its my skin oil also. When my cat started...
Bottle Your Own Beverages
I also like to save on filtered water, I have a brita filter & I pour water into glass bottles with screw tops I have saved from bottles that salad dressings come in, they are shaped about like a soda bottle but a wider mouth. So I wash them after each use...
Garden: Wisteria
I did the same, next to a utility pole. the utility co. cut it down & now I keep it cut.
Wallpaper for Bathrooms?
I did my bathroom years ago with Contac paper & it is still in good condition, very easy to wipe down & the humidity in a bathroom must help it stay glued to the walls.
Ramen Stir Fry
I have a simpler way. 2 cups water,cabbage, celery,carrots, onion boil with seasoning packet & add noodles last 3 minutes. Cheap vegetable soup.
Static Window Film Instead of Curtains
I was told you cant put that stuff on the double-paned windows. Is that true?
Ants and Wasps in Bird Feeders?
The fishing line & the petroleum jelly did not work for me. Nor the brown bag for the wasp. I think ill try the water moot next.
Keep Ants Out of Your Honey
I did the water in a bowl thing too, until I found out cinnamon in the bowl keeps them away & dont have to remember to keep water in the bowl.
Lightning Fast Chicken Salad
What brand name chicken was used? I bought some from sams club & it was too tough & stringy. I like the recipe.
Instead of Expensive Cleaners
I thought I read a recipe for bleach cleaner that had bleach, dish detergent & water but dont remember the amount of each.