How Do I Ask My Mum How to Shave?
To me it seems like you might have a good relationship with your mother. You seem to consider talking to her about youre very private personal body hygene. That is great and already very mature. When i was your age, i did not talk to my mother about that and...
Is My Dog an American Pit Bull Terrier?
Yes, about those i am a bit confused.. I live in europe and the tests i found available here say that they cannot define american pit bull terrier, only american staffordshire terrier. You have any reccomendation?
New Puppy Won't Eat?
I would also call the vet. It is possible, that there is a medical reason for her not to eat. But there could also be other reasons. Maybe you could also find out what kind of food your puppy ate before? My dog rarely eats when she is in a new environment. Because...
Is My Dog an American Pit Bull Terrier?
Thanks. Im thinking about getting her tested. On the other hand i ask myself whether it really matters..