Lightening Hair with Hydrogen Peroxide?
Take a quart pitcher and fill it full of water then add a capful of hydrogen peroxide and use it as a rinse after shampooing to give your hair natural looking high lights this is an old trick my mother taught me.
Home Remedy for Dry Feet?
Try using crisco shortening its a great moisturizer for the skin you can heat for a few seconds in the microwave and then apply it to the skin. It contains vitamin a and palm oil which are very good for soothing skin.
Homemade Hand Cream
I cup of dollar store basic lotion 2 tablespoons of glycerine, one table spoon of almond oil. One small container of dollar store retinol face cream or night time moisturizer whip it up in a bowl with a wire whisk and put in jars you can add fragrance and soap...
Uses for Leftover Coffee
You can store the left over coffee in a glass then later heat it in the microwave when you want another cup.
Collecting Social Security Benefits?
Take it now and dont worry about the money because it might now be there later when you want it or you may be dead before you can reach the age of retirement. I say go for it at 62.
Stains in Toilet?
Buy some tablets for your dentures and put them in the toilet wait til after they fizz and then clean the toilet works great for my bathroom, or for tough stains use apple cider vinegar in the water of the toilet bowl.
Trouble With a Brinkmann Grill?
My friend took an old rim he had from a truck tire and made it into a nice barbecue pit were he cooks all his food outdoors. He got the truck rim at the city dump for free and he uses and old grill cover for the lid.And it didnt cost him nothing to make and...
My Frugal Life: The Gift Of Time
I am deeply sorry for your loss just wanted to add that god can heal all wounds if you let him. He helped me in my own life tragedies, good luck and god bless.
Cooking Oil Spray for Wasps in Kitchen
Hair spray works great to just spray and they fall to the floor.
Painting Cabinets to Make Kitchen Look Bigger?
a bright yellow would be nice and change out the hard ware on the cabinets..
Alternatives to Painting a Refrigerator?
How about finding contact paper in a pretty design and putting it on your fridge.
TV Service Options?
How about ditching the tv and watching movies on the internet for free like on aol video and fancast.
TV Service Options?
Also you could get a dvd player and rent tapes from the library for free i have an old vcr that I bought at a yard sale for $1.00. Ijust get tapes at the library or buy them for a quarter at a yard sale cheap entertainment with out paying for a monthly service...
Skin Care Advice?
For the skin care try going on the internet and buying cold processed olive oil soap this will make you skin smooth and not irritate like store bought soap next go to your local dollar store and buy some vitamin e moisturizer and apply it at night before you...
Remedies for Bad Breath?
Buy a good tooth brush and some tooth paste and brush your teeth three times a day and brush your tongue to this is where the bacteria builds up is on your tongue. After doing this if you still have a problem consult a doctor bad breath can also be a sign of...
Use Vaseline for Young Looking Skin
You can buy vitamin e face cream at the dollar store, and apply it every night before you go to bed. Its just as good as the expensive stuff.
Facial Redness?
Theres a skin care cream called euricine that has a green neutralizer in it for red patchy skin or you could go to your cosmetic counter at your local store and ask for a cover stick that has a green tint to it this is to be worn under make up to reduce redness...
Getting Rid of Acne?
To get rid of acne you have to change your diet to start drink plenty of water and stay out of the sun light also give up fast food and fried foods these can cause skin irritations. Wash the face with a mild soap and use witch hazel with a cotton ball in the...
Getting Rid of Acne?
Also cold processed soap is the best for skin care try the etsy website it is sold there and is cheaper than buying it on ebay. Regular detergent soap that is sold in the grocery store is very strong and harmful to skins delicate tissues.
Bath and Body Works Clearance Sales
The best place to get that type of stuff is at a garage sale i have gotton them for as cheap as a quarter a bottle and at the most a dollar a bottle.
Lipstick Left in Dryer?
i would try vinegar it works great taking grease and mold off items also have heard that hairspray works good for that to or try an sos pad maybe the grit from the soap pad would remove it
Inexpensive Homemade Graduation Gift Ideas?
i would give a college graduate cash or a gift card even a gift card for gas would be nice.
Packaging for Homemade Body Oils?
Make a handmade custom box that can be used for something else later. If you know how to wood burn, make old fashioned wood burned boxes for your creams that later could have other uses like for storage, a coupon box, or to hold soaps.
Business Name for a Water Slide Rental?
robert and marys splish and splash discount water slide rental
Name Ideas for Body Products Business?
How about Lotions and Notions Handmade Beauty Products, for those on a budget.
Sell Your Old Books Online
You might want to be careful before you sell those old books some books are quite valuable like Stephen Kings dark tower book set especially the ones written by grant publisher the set can bring in about a few thousand dollars and any Dean Koontz books written...
Staying on Medicaid After Marriage?
my advice, dont get married.. let medicaid pay for the cost of the can qualify for so much help as long as the two of you dont get married..maybe later when the baby gets older and your on your feet and you love each other then get
Dog is Dragging His Behind on the Ground?
Maybe after he takes a crap it doesnt all drop off so to speak. and its making him itchy. My boyfriends dog does this to but only after he takes a crap.
Wedding Locations in New York, NY?
honestly i dont think you can find anything for 60.00 dollars unless you plan on having it at a park or in someones back could try to contact a community center by you and see if you can rent their space and how much it would be...i imagine it would...
Homemade Skin Moisturizer Recipe?
Go to the dollar store and buy a basic lotion with Shea butter in it, then add a jar of vitamin e facial moisturizer and a couple of table spoons of glycerin undiluted. After that, add some sweet almond oil, and a few drops of essential oil. Blend it up and...
Homemade Skin Moisturizer Recipe?
You can buy the glycerin at Wal Mart. Its cheaper there than at the craft store.
Links: Almost Free Books
The best place to get books for free is to look in the free boxes at yard sales.
Bath and Body Basket Ideas?
I go to yard sales and buy stuff I can later give all year long as gifts. At home I have a box for the gifts and when an occasion arises, I search in my box for a gift. In my box is also decorated bags that I have bought for 10 cents at yard sales. I wrap gifts...
Selling at Garage Sales?
Remember people are paying you for junk removal so be willing to dicker over the price. It is better to have it sold then to have to throw it out and if you are willing to give a good bargain people will buy more.