Getting Rid of Birds Nesting on House?
You could try buying a fake owl and hang that near the nest, it has to move though to simulate that it is real. Hang it with some fishing line or something. A lot of times folks just string fishing line around and or some cds
Remedy for Plants with Rust Fungus?
I would use a product called Immunox by Spectracide it is a very good product and can be used for different fungi on alot of different plants such as roses, lawns,shrubs & more Good Luck!
Growing Roses Indoors?
Growing roses indoors is harder than alot of plants but it can be done. One of the first things to do is grow in a sandier media than normal roses like water but dont like to stay wet. You have to give them at least 6hrs. of sun a day for the best performance...
Getting Rid of Blackbirds Nesting on My Roof?
Your best shot at getting rid of the blackbirds is to buy a fake owl and place it around the area your speaking of , but you do need to keep moving it around from time to time or the other animals will figure it out that it is fake. Good luck!
I Dumped Cleaning Water Where I Plan to Plant Herbs?
I too agree you should just water down the area well a few times and the chemicals will be leached away.
Amending Outdoor Planting Mix for House Plants?
There is a difference the indoor potting mix is going to have more peat moss in it than and outdoor mix as well as the fact that an indoor soil was also baked in a kiln to kill any unwanted seed or plant material that may have been in the soil before being...
Using Coyote Urine to Keep Cats Out of the Yard?
Dont be silly it wont draw coyotes but it would work on keeping the cats away being a predator of such animals as a cat. The other suggestions that were written also all have proven too work as well with the suggestion of the coleus canina planting being the...
Leaves on Variegated Ivy Turning Brown After Moving It Inside?
The first? I would ask you would be are the leaves yellow but moist or turning yellow and dry? And I would guess your going to say moist and yellow. Which would mean that it was being kept to wet and that you should cut back on your watering as it probably...
Caring for a Norfolk Pine?
You most likely need to cut back on the watering. either less water the once a week or give it a little longer between watering and never let any water sit in the tray or saucer that is under it. Good luck.
Protecting Roses from Winter Temperatures and Wind?
The best thing would be to go buy a rose cone from a nursery. You can also try wrapping it with burlap and stakes. the rose cone is preferred for your climate, and also make sure to remove any dead leaves from trees and the rose plant as they will cause mold...
Strawberry Plants Not Producing?
You need to check the variety of plant you have there are plants that only give fruit once a year as well as varieties that are ever bearing such as a Quinalt
Planting Bulbs?
Dont plant your spring blooming bulbs until after the the 2nd frost in your area otherwise they might try to bloom in late fall and you could mess up their cycle.
Mushrooms on My Lawn?
The mushrooms will go away by themselves when the rotting roots from the tree finish decomposing. They really pose no threat other than they are un-sightly. if you have a dog or cat they will leave them alone generally animals know instinctively what is good...
Keeping Snakes Out of My Garden?
The easiest way to get rid of snakes is to put moth balls out and around the garden that you speak of. Moth balls are toxic to snakes and they will stay away!
Plants for Shady Garden?
There are many ground covers that probably would do well in the shade, pachysandra comes to mind right off.
What is This Plant?
Yes a picture would be most helpful. By the description it could be a type of Calathea. Good luck.
Squash Rotting on the Vine?
The most likely problem is blossom end rot. It can be caused by many different things. Extreme soil moisture fluctuation. Rapid plant growth in spring followed by extended dry weather. Excessive rain that smothers root hairs. Or even excess soil salts. The...
What Are the Bugs That Look Like a Fireflies With an Orange Head?
It is hard to say for sure what the bug is without a picture to go by. But it could be a boxelder bug. If it is boxelder bugs they are harmless on the birdfeeder of course but i would probably spray malathion or a spray that contains pyrethrins. One way you...
Cats in Flower Beds?
I would plant some coleus canina it is also called scare the cat plant. They do not like the smell of it nor do dogs the plant puts off the smell of a tom cat. But is not detected by our noses just theirs. There are also sprays that are marketed to keep animals...
What Do Moles Eat?
A moles main diet is earthworms each mole will consume about forty pounds of worms a year. They will also eat other insects also such as grubs and any other larvae that might be in your lawn or garden. A grub is an extra good treat to the moles!