Finding Parini Egg Cooker Instructions?
Thank you. I saw that one earlier too. Idk why i cant font it when I google it, even YouTube didnt have a review or demo on this exact brand. Im hoping someone on here has one and can give me the minutes and water measurements. I played around earlier and just...
My Frugal Life: Street Theatre
A few weeks ago we were leaving walmart and a older man was standing in the parking lot with a sign asking for help that he was hungry. Well Im a single mom on a tight budget like the rest of the world, but we stopped and tried to give him a roll of ritz crackers...
Getting Rid of Rat Odor in Kitchen Cabinets and Drawers?
Also try sitting a cup of vinger in there to set for a few days.
"Down Home Country" Christmas Parade Float Ideas?
If you have a few dogs that are willing to play reindeer for Santas sleigh, that would be too cute!
Helping My Sister Deal With an Abusive Relationship?
I so agree with Luana! I was married to the devils son for 17 years and it doesnt change or get better. Oh now, its OK for a little while after a bad one, but it always repeats itself! As my momma told me for years when I would defend him a leopard doesnt change...
16th Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?
How about a gift card from where ever he hangs out after school or practice? Our boys go to Mickey Ds or Sonic. Good Luck!
House Training a Six Week Old Puppy?
Im the proud momma of two 6yr old pits myself and I had double the poop. lol. Well I would catch them by the scruff and put their nose right in front of it and say no, no and after a few times they would get a pop on the rear with a newspaper, but then Id take...
Boric Acid for Killing Roaches?
I use the barrier spray from lowes and boric acid. My kids are teens now but we do have pets in the home so Im extra careful when I use the boric acid. I use it in the attic (no pets go there), behind the ice box, and between the cabinet and stove and in the...
Using Bleach in a Small Wading Pool?
My hubby has a pool cleaning business and he said if its one of the little blue pools like from Walmart no more than 2 cups of the regular store bleach added to it. Basically 1 cup per 100 gallons.
Choosing a Baby Name?
Of course being from the south we use family names. My sons daddy is James and mine is Tammie. Even before we knew if hed be a boy or girl we decided the baby would be called TJ, so when we found out he was a boy James was a given and we picked a list of boy...
Removing Set In Oil and Grease Stains?
Depends on type of material, but dawn really is a miracle worker! Just dap a little on, massage it in and let it set for a little while and wash as usual.
Advice for Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Spouse?
Girl tell him to kiss your rear and leave his bi polar butt! I have been divorced from my sons dad for 2 yrs last week after 18yr marriage and OMG my life has been so peaceful! Yes money has been hard and times really tight but we are making it. Our son is...