Remedies for Weak and Thin Fingernails?
A very old remedy. Soak your nails in olive oil. Works on strengthening the nail and softens the cuticles as well. Do it a couple times a week. When you see that your nails are getting stronger, then once a week. Good luck. Jenny
Treating a Child with Constipation?
I used to give my son a couple drops of olive oil in the back of his throat of course, always worked. The best way to eliminate this problem is fruit and veggies with every meal.
Uses for Hairspray
I use hairspray on spiders, while it dries, they lose their legs. Yes, I am terrified of spiders.
Garden: Verbena (Florida)
Verbena is my favorite flower to grow. The bigger the spot or pot the bigger they get. My first one I put in a very large pot and it got as big as my bushes. Thanks for the pictures (I live in Michigan now) it makes me even more excited for spring to get here...
Getting Rid Of Wild Onions?
I love these things. They fill my flower garden up with the little white flowers. They also help with the weeds. Jenny
Exploding Box Valentine Card
That is simply beautiful! I wish I could accomplish that, thanks for the valentine! Lol Jenwa
Getting Rid Gnats In Litterbox?
I have always used balsamic vinegar in a small bowl, cover tightly with plastic wrap and with a fork poke little holes in plastic wrap. The little buggers will get in and drown. I use this when fruit flies come out. Works wonders. Jenwa
Stopping Leg Cramps?
I strongly suggest vitamin B complex. It will go away. Take it every day. Let me know how it does for you. Jenwa
Stopping Leg Cramps?
I forgot to mention, you need to have your potassium levels checked. When your muscles dont get enough plus lots of water daily. Dehydration will cause cramping. Good luck. Jenwa
Scenery: Shell Chapel at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (Indiana)
Was this in Indianapolis ? If so, I use to ride my horses there all through the woods as a kid. Beautiful place. Jenny
Using Olive Oil for Dry Scalp?
Also can be used to soak fingernails in. Put it in little bowls and soak for strong healthy nails. I have been using olive oil on my scalp for a while now, it works great. Jenny
Removing Crayon from Walls and Furniture?
WD-40 removes all markers and crayons on painted surfaces. Try it, it works wonders. Jenny
Cats Spraying Outside Our House?
Tobacco dust works great. Get it at garden centers. Good luck. Jenny
Smoke Odors in My Apartment from Neighbors?
I would try those smokers candles, they eliminate smoke smells. Good luck. Jenny
Silly Putty Stain?
My suggestion would be to freeze it, then use a butter knife to scrape it off. Hope that does it. Jenny
Fast Growing Ground Cover for Shady Location?
I like the chameleon plant they have great red color in sun and stay green in shade. They spread well, and grow about 4 inches tall. I love them. JennI
Use Aquarium Water For Plants
We have a turtle in our aquarium. Will that work instead? Someone please let me know. Thank you, jenny
Homemade Duvet Covers
So, for a king size, I should use king sheets or calif. kings? Help, I am new to this. jenwa17