Toro Riding Lawn Mower Won't Start?
If it smoked when you turned the key on and now nothing at all youll probably find a blown 12 system fuse hid somewhere where you cant see it. if it is a blown fuse you have a direct short on the 12 volt line somewhere. When you find your short your mower will...
Power Pro Riding Lawn Mower Won't Start?
Hi what I would do is disconnect the starter 12 volt line completely. Now hook you 12 volt battery charger up, negative to ground on mower and touch the positive wire to positive terminal on the starter if it spins freely you have a wiring issue if not a bad...
Riding Lawnmower Won't Stay Running?
Hi you might want to pull the float bowl of the bottom of the carb and spray with a choke and carb cleaner. Remove the jet in carb also clean then blow them out with your air hose. Replace with fresh gas and go mowing. Something else I ran into awhile back...
Poulan Pro Push Mower Won't Start?
To narrow down the problem, spray a shot of starting fluid in the carb and try to start then. If it starts and dies or engine tries to fire, you have a fuel problem. If it does not fire, you have a electrical problem. Try this and go from there. This at least...
Bypassing Safety Switches On Riding Lawnmower?
Hi Im not gonna tell you that the switches are there so we dont let our children get mangled by a mower, we made unsafe. Im just trying to keep you safe. If you tell me how many wires for each switch what switch they are as in seat, electric clutch and so on...
Riding Lawnmower Won't Shift Out of Neutral?
A buddy had a john deere rider that was doing the same thing. I found the drive belt from engine to tranny was broken was all and the belt on this thing was hidden, so it wasnt a obvious fix. Hope this is useful.
Can I Return A Lemon Poulan Lawnmower?
What can cause this is a primer bulb or the line going to it has a air leak. Ive seen a bunch of these bad. Cost about five dollars at Lowes for repair kit. Thats if the store wont take it back.