Jello Pudding Fudge
Well I guess making a comment now ( as the comment goes...better late than never, it is now 2018). I am so happy to find this recipe I made this once when my daughter was one and I am now a grandma and a great grandma, I loved this recipe but then lost it so...
Painting a Kitchen with Orange Cupboards?
If you go to Amazon they have special paper for counter tops, one is made by contact paper, I am sure you know that brand, and there is another brand, specifically made for counter tops. They have one that resembles granite, one that looks like butcher block...
Looking For Women's Sketcher's Sport Style Shoes?
Just type in Sketchers .com and go from here to there to buy them I have the new ones/actually old ones that I found at they are still in good shape but with foot problems from arthritis I wear the ones that are supposed to change your posture and...
Baking Soda for Canker Sores
Another thing you might want to try is a peroxide wash. The directions should be on the side of the bottle. This is one thing all Doctors know about. Good Luck Dar.
Three Cheese Sauce
Thanks a lot. I have been waiting for a recipe like this. You can also use this for over cheesy potatoes. I know a lot of people like to do this with mashed potatoes, but it works really great pouring the sauce over potatoes that have just been drained. Mixing...
Using Frozen Zucchini?
Mary Yes it is the same all you have to do is squeeze out the water and your good to go! Aziriel
Think Outside the Bird: Ideas for Cranberry...
Sooz I love cranberries, I am the only one who likes them here but that is all right with me!You can buy the sauce and then just mix it up or the sauce with the berries they both work just as well.I love to take orange zest and add it to the sauce it helps...
How Do I Remove Stains from Silk Upholstery?
Thank You for your help. Yes, it is silk! Thank you once again for your help! Dar
"Tin" Kitchen Backsplash
This is great and with the economy so bad it is a very helpful tip. I agree with Robbyn. Please tell us more info such as, where did you find the wallpaper? Next how exactly did you apply it, did you use sizing and wallpaper paste or something else? Did you...
Hair Relaxing Product Caused Hair Loss?
I do not have any ideas as to do with your hair at the moment but,as your hair grows in have your Doctor give you a prescription or buy over the counter ( unsure of price) Folic Acid.I use this because of certain presciptions I am on causes me to lose my hair...
Paint Colors Advice for Bathroom With Green and White Tiles?
Jenna If you can not afford to paint the tiles you can buy rub on stickers of a third color to go with your bathroom.I did this to some green tiles a long time ago and it sure made a difference.And since you do not have to do every tile either it is a inexpensive...
Straightening Permed Hair?
You can buy products over the counter to straighten your hair if you do not get any satisfaction from the place who did your hair,which more then likely may happen.If you really get desperate before they came out with products to straighten hair I was so upset...
Use Super Glue to Stop Nail Splitting
You are missing some vitamins if you have that problem.Talk to your Doctor, I have been on Folic Acid and I also use Vaseline hand cream for hands and nails.I rub the cream into my nails at night and try to keep the cream on my hands as much as possible. Also...
Steam Iron Not Working?
Check your cord by plugging it into different outlets it may work in some and not in others depending on how the cord was bent when you used it.Try plugging it in someplace else with the cord hanging a different way. When you hold it a certain way or if you...
Beverages for the Christmas Cactus
You just made me stop and think of my Grandmother.She used to do the same thing.I miss her she was alot of fun!!Thanks for the reminder darlene
Slipcover for a Wing Chair?
Neither Link works, the first one says. Sorry we cannot find this page and the other basically says the same thing. I have 2chairs to cover and I guess they will be redone by someone else, just not me!