Tooth Brush Holders for Crochet Hooks
I loom knit and I keep my crochet hook, knitting tool, tape measure, and needle in an empty Crystal Light Container. It is small, compact and has a lid. You can use either the ones that contain the 2 qt. size or ones that contain the 1 qt. size. I also use...
Itchy Scalp After Coloring?
I had this exact same problem when I had to find a new hairdresser. When she mixed the color for my hair she put in an accellerant to speed up the waiting time for the color to take. I had itching so terrible (within a few hours) that I had sores on my head...
Cross Stitch Pattern "Cleaning and Scrubbing Can Wait Til Tomorrow"?
Ive had this poem for many many years and have passed it along to many new moms: Sweeping and scrubbing can wait for tomorrow. Babies grow up, we learned to our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep. Im rocking my baby and babies dont keep.
Cleaning Holes on Mini Salt Shaker?
This is a solution for before the shaker gets clogged. I always put rice in all of my salt shakers so it absorbs the humidity which causes the shakers to clog. My mother was the one who taught this to me.
Organizing Canned Goods
I have a pull out shelves in my kitchen where I store the canned goods. When I come home from the store I take a sharpie marker and write what the item is on the top of the can. It sure saves time when Im looking for something and also my grandchildren like...