Do I Need to Insure My Credit Cards?
Credit card insurance is a ripoff. Take the money you would have paid them and pay off your credit cards.
Evaluating (and Protecting) Your Credit Score
Do you know that if you won $100 million in the lottery or inherited $100 million your FICO score wouldnt change one bit? FICO is not the be all end all.
Affordable 75th Birthday Venue?
My church group has used a meeting room at a local library at no charge. I think the only stipulation was that the event be open to the public. Other options are a church, VFW, Moose or Elk Lodge, etc. Or maybe a community center or YMCA.
Dave Ramsey's Car Insurance Philosophy?
I have been a facilitator for Dave Ramseys FPU class for years. He says that unless you have the cash to replace the car then get full coverage on it. And even though he has the cash to replace a car, he personally carries full coverage on his cars because...
Brewing Coffee For 11 People With Small Pot?
You can probably get a larger coffee pot for free from freecycle, cragislist, etc. Or see if you can borrow a larger coffee pot from a neighbor, friend or relative. If you are serving coffee to 11 people you may have to make several pots with 10-12 cup coffee...
Old House Needs New Paint in Kitchen?
Margaret, sounds like youve got a blank pallet with lots of neutrals. I would punch it up with some bold colors like red or something else in that family.
Painting Living Room to Compliment Sage Kitchen?
This is a matter of personal preference, but I like stark contrasts. I have a sage type green in my den, and the adjacent kitchen is a bold apricot orange. The orange really turned out darker than I intended (as it always does!) but weve grown to love it. People...
A New Use For Pants/Trousers...
I havent used chip clips for years. I bought a pack of clothes pins about 10 ten years ago, and am using the same pins now! I also like to use them for cereal and chip bags that come in boxes.
How Much Should an Addition to a House Cost?
Here in Virginia it was about $100/sf just to renovate my master bath, plus the cost of the tub, vanity, faucets, etc. But it was totally gutted to the studs, some leaks fixed, plumbing upgraded, etc.
Problems with Rolling Backpack?
Most wheels on luggage are actually rollerblade wheels. With rollerblades you can remove and replace the wheels, as they are designed to do so. Also, they come in different hardnesses as well, and different bearing specifications. If you can take the old wheels...
Book on How to use Power Tools?
I have this book, and it has a good section tools and their use.
Vacation Spots From Virginia to Key West?
My first thought was Savannah, Ga. That seems like it woul be about halfway. Sounds like youll have to make several trips to visit all these great places though! Be sure to stop at Jaspers Porch in Ridgeland, SC for a meal. Youll be glad you did! After you...
What To Do With Large Brick Fireplace?
Sometimes a large amount of brick can overwhelm a space. I have seen people enclose the part above a mantel with plywood, and paint the plywood. That is much preferable to me rather than painting brick. The wood can be taken down in the future if someone wants...
Hand Pushed Lawn Mower?
Are you talking about one like this?
Advice For Preventing Towels Getting Wrapped Up In Dryer?
Sandy, Im not aware of any cousins in Wisconsin but you never know. How do I contact you?
I Can't Pay Off My Credit Cards?
I have been in this situation, and it is very stressful! First and foremost you must remember that when a credit card collector threatens you, 95% of the time it is bluff. I have been round and round with these folks and there only goal when they call is to...