Ava (Chihuahua/Pit Bull Mix)
Yes the mom was the pit. LoL.. Thank you for the nice comment... It was an odd couple match for sure
Remedy for a Dog's Bad Breath?
It actually may be due to her diet. I have the same problem and when I bought more expensive food for her it helped
Sir Eeagads (Giant Green Iguana)
I would like to add a bit more about this beautiful healthy boy. Eeagads isnt so big and healthy by chance, his igmom takes very good care of him by feeding him the right foods, providing enough UVB light, keeping him warm enough and she takes him to his vet...
Homemade Oil Diffuser/Warmer
Sorry guys, I meant to add this, if you plan to use the sponge peices, what you want to do it drop a couple of drops of fragrance oil or essential oil on the sponge peices, then you would want to put the peices directly in between the rope light after you roll...
Homemade Oil Diffuser/Warmer
Thanks guys for all the kind comments, I meant to add you can use this for aromatherapy as I have included a picture of Rex using ours with her favorite scent as she needed aromatherapy treatment because she wasnt feeling well... lol...
Homemade Oil Diffuser/Warmer
The picture of Rex using the diffuser/warmer/lamp for aromatherapy purposes. I am joking about Rex using the diffuser for aromatherapy. I have NO idea as to whether oils are safe for iguanas. She just really liked the warmth of the diffuser, under my supervision...
How To Use A Featherbed?
I bought a featherbed a couple of years ago, i just put the featherbed on the bare mattress, then put the mattress cover on the featherbed mattress, then went ahead and made up the bed as desired. Featherbeds are tricky, they can cause sooo much back pain if...
Cleaning a Kenwood Hand Blender?
Hello everyone, thank you guys for the help. I just recently got this blender and didnt know how to use it or clean it, but I did figure out how to use it. Thanks to all of you guys, I now know how to clean it. Thanks again you guys... Donna/TN
Use A Cool Mist Humidifier To Boost AC
I didnt mean to use water in the set up, you would only use the part of the humidifier that houses the fan part that i am providing a picture for. this fan gets set on top of the vent and plugged in and then turned on and uses no water whatsoever. it really...
What are my dog's chances?
hello, i am very sorry for the pain both you and your puppy are going through. unfortunately i had pretty much the same thing happen to my pup and he didnt make it and was in terrible pain, it was a complete relief when he did pass on which was soon. it was...
Rex (Green Iguana)
Hello everyone that read Rexs story and felt compelled to respond, thank you and God bless you all, it was so kind of all of you to share your kind words, Rex is an amazing creature, however, i wanted to make it clear that these pets(companions-iguanas) are...
Adding a Scent to Laundry Detergent?
this is the recipe that i use. it is the best one i have tried so far.. i did not originally make up this recipe, another member did and i just copied it. good luck with it Liquid Laundry Detergent 3 Pints Water 1/3 Bar Fels Naptha or Ivory Soap, Grated 1/2...
Buying Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
the cheapest place to buy Compact Fluorescent Bulbs is Freds dollar store in Tennessee, they cost $1.67 and $1.69 each.