Eclectus Parrot Pulling Its Feathers Out?
I saw a show on animal planet that said birds will preen other birds so if a bird is alone it might over preen itself. Their suggestion was to put a feather duster in the cage with the bird. The bird will fulfill its need to pull feathers by pulling feathers...
How Do I Display Children's Aprons at a Craft Market?
Thanks wild irish. I hadnt thought of two dimensional mannequins! Easier to transport and I can make them myself and decorate them to match my booth. Cheap too! This really helps :)
Making a Room More Colorful Without Paint?
There are many things that you can do to add color to your walls. Here are a few. Also, do a search for apartment decorating web sites. Even if you dont live in an apartment there are lots of ideas for adding color to walls without painting. *Buy wall decals...
Painting Over Contact Paper?
Contact paper is a bad idea! It is super sticky and will surely leave a glue residue on the wall and possibly even cause more serious damage to the wall. All the other posts are correct, you should try the fabric. But instead of dunking the whole thing in starch...
Covering Up Skin Blemishes Under Arms?
Have you tried fade cream? It wont do anything for the bumps but it will definitely help for the darkened skin. I used Palmers Fade Cream on my face and it really helped. I had over pigmentation (darkening of the skin) and acne scars that were very dark. It...
Fly Repellent for Dogs?
Flies absolutely hate the smell of mint. I would purchase some peppermint extract from the baking aisle of the grocery store and dab a small amount on your dogs problem areas. A little goes a long way. Hope this helps.
Getting Rid of a Cowlick?
My hair dresser told me that u can train your hair by blow drying it in the direction you want it to grow. I think you have to do it everyday for a while. I tried it on my daughter and it mostly worked but shes young and not crazy about the dryer. She was born...
Upholstery That Resists Cat Hair?
Really the only thing that I can think of is leather or vinyl. Maybe a slippery fabric like satin ? Its hard to know as cat hair sticks to everything. Maybe you can try to deter your cats by using a bowl of oranges as a center piece on your table. Cats hate...